Phalaenopsis tetraspis - Care and characteristics

Endemic botanical species in Sumatra, Andaman and Nicobar islands, in humid and warm forests from sea level to 100 m altitude, Phalaenopsis tetraspis was described by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach, and has the following currently known synonyms: Phalaenopsis barrti King ex Hook. b. 1895; Phalaenopsis imperati; Phalaenopsis speciosa var tetraspis [Rchb.f] Sweet 1968; Phalaenopsis sumatrana var alba Wilson 1915; Polychilos speciosa (Rchb. f.) Shim 1982.
Medium-sized species, loving heat and humidity, stands out for its long leaves of up to 30 cm, obovate, short acute to obtuse, which gradually narrows towards the base, where it is inserted on the short stem. It blooms frequently in the spring, on 2-5 lateral, arched floral stems, approximately 30 cm long, racemose or paniculate, with a fractiflex rachis (the zig-zag appearance of the floral stem) longer than the leaves and bearing glossy flowers, with waxy appearance and intense fragrance.
The growth of this species requires the provision of an average light level, approximately 18000 - 22000 lux, and its protection from direct solar radiation. The ideal photoperiod is 12 hours per day. The temperature can be constant throughout the year, with 22 - 28 ℃ during the day and 18 - 22 ℃ at night. It is necessary to ensure a difference of 3-4 ℃ between night and day temperatures, to ensure the success of flowering.
Cultivation can be done in the classic system, in plastic or ceramic pots , perforated, with medium-sized pine bark (2-4 cm), in which case an atmospheric humidity of 55-60% will be ensured. If you opt for the cultivation system on plates, with bare roots, it will be necessary to increase the humidity to 70% and place a small amount of sphagnum moss under the roots to maintain humidity.
Irrigation will be administered only after the drying of the substrate is observed, at intervals of about a week or more, paying special attention to the water that can stagnate between the leaves and induce fungal and bacterial diseases. Fertilizers can be administered every third irrigation, at dilutions of 50% of the concentrations indicated by the manufacturer.
The species does not require a period of rest to initiate flowering, but this is stimulated by sudden temperature differences between day and night.
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