Maxillaria Variabilis - Care Guide and Features

Maxillaria variabilis (Bateman ex Lindl. 1837) - small botanical species, from Mexico (Chiapas, Colima, Durango, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, México), Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador, where they populate terrestrial, lithophilic or epiphytic habitats, on deciduous species, especially oak, or at their base, on isolated trees in pastures and meadows, in open or dense forests, with high humidity, at altitudes from 500 up to 2500 m.
Described by Bateman after Lindley, in 1837, the taxon has the following valid synonyms: Maxillaria angustifolia Hooker 1841; Maxillaria chiriquensis Schlechter 1922; Maxillaria lyoni Lindley 1845; Maxillaria panamensis Schltr. 1922; Maxillaria revoluta Kl. 1852; Maxillaria variabilis subvar. lute AHKent 1893; Maxillaria variabilis var. unipunctata Lindl. 1838; Maxillariella panamensis (Schltr.) Szlach. & Sitko 2012; Maxillariella variabilis (Bateman ex Lindl.) MA Blanco & Carnevali 2007; Maxillariella variabilis var. unipunctata (Lindl.) Solano 2011. Maxillaria curtipes is another frequently indicated synonym, but it is advisable to treat it with circumspection, pending solid validations and revisions. The species is distinguished from the similar species M. Caespitifica by the different flowers - in the latter being smaller and green - and from the Costaricensis species by the green-cream colored flowers, spotted with red, and by the preference for much wetter areas of the second species .
The small species (4 - 21 cm high) has solitary leaves, somewhat similar to blades of grass, linear or linear-oblong, acute to obtuse, 3 - 15 cm long, inserted apically on aggregated, ellipsoid, pseudobulbs 1.3 - 6.4 cm long, covered with several sheaths, emerging from linear or branched rhizomes. Flowering takes place throughout the year, at the base of the flowers are found fibrous sheaths that surround the delicate floral petioles, 5 cm long, with single flowers, surrounded by several thin, translucent, lanceolate acuminate bracts. The color of the flowers, persistent for long periods, is varied, from almost black, indigo, purple, white, yellow, with or without red, greenish yellow central spots, and their diameter is generally 2 cm. The appearance is glossy, almost waxy, and the labellum can be colored red in the case of light-colored varieties, while in dark-colored specimens, its color is similar to that of the corolla.
The level of light radiation recommended for this species will fall within the range of 18,000 - 30,000 lux, with light of moderate intensity, well dispersed, as the direct action of the sun's rays can produce burns that will destroy the plant. It is recommended to ensure effective ventilation.
The recommended growing temperature will be in the range of 25 - 28 ℃. It is preferable for the plant to be placed in an environment that allows a natural drop in temperature during the night (a balcony/terrace, etc.) - temperature differences help the plant and stimulate flowering.
During the summer and at the beginning of autumn, it is recommended to ensure an air humidity of 60 - 75%, which can be obtained by periodic spraying or with the help of a humidifier, following that from the end of autumn, until the spring, it should be reduced to 55 - 60%
For the culture of the species, containers with efficient drainage are preferred - for example, plastic baskets or pots provided with sufficient perforations, which will allow the rapid drainage of water and adequate aeration of the substrate. The culture medium will be represented by conifer bark of medium or even large grain, pieces of coconut fiber with a large diameter
Irrigation is carried out moderately to abundantly (in the context of a substrate with good drainage), starting with the second half of spring and until early autumn, being rapidly and significantly reduced in the next 5 - 6 months, to correspond to periods of heavy rains followed by drought , from the natural environment. The watering schedule will resume once the first half of next spring has passed.
Fertilization will be carried out at a concentration of 25 - 50% of the dose recommended on the bottle, during the period of active growth, using a balanced fertilizer throughout the year; however, a version supplemented with nitrogen can be used from spring to mid-summer, which will later be replaced by a formula rich in phosphorus, from mid-summer to late autumn. Fertilization will be stopped during the cold season.
The resting period in winter will be ensured by reducing water administration and stopping fertilizing, but care will be taken not to allow the substrate to dry completely. At the same time, we recommend occasional spraying in the morning and rare and superficial watering, only in case of necessity. The sprays should provide all the necessary water during the rest period.
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