Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana - care and characteristics

Botanical species, dedicated to the French breeder Lueddemann, and described by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach in 1862, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana is a native taxon in Manilla, Philippines, and impresses with its special chromaticity, consisting of complicated patterns, almost reminiscent of filigrees, of parallel lines and dots violet color to dark red, on a light, white-cream background, due to the small size, the predisposition to produce keiki and to re-bloom from the persistent stems, and last but not least, due to the delicate, sweet fragrance.
The accepted and known synonyms for this species are Phalaenopsis lueddemannii, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana f. delicate, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana f. ochracea, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana subvar. delicate, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana subvar. ochracea, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana var. delicate, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana var. ochrata, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana var. ochracea, Phalaenopsis ochracea, Polychilos lueddemanniana.
In its region of origin (Manilla, Philippines), the species grows abundantly at altitudes between 27 - 61 m, in areas with a warm climate and high humidity throughout the year, where the light reaches low intensity values, providing partial shading. Species of small to medium size, populate epiphytic stands, developing ascending stems covered by nested sheaths of leaves, oblong-elliptical, fleshy, acute or obtuse, with a green-yellow color. They have a length of approximately 15-30 cm, being narrow and presenting a port either horizontal or pendent.
The flowers, 3-5 per stem, 5-6 cm in diameter, with a waxy, fleshy texture, and a starry appearance, are persistent for almost 2 months, and delight with their strong perfume. The species shows high variability, with the petals of the perianth varying from purple pink to white, often ornamented with lines and spots. The labellum is always purple or orange. Flowering takes place from spring to summer, on suberect, arched or pendulous stems, approximately 30 cm long, thick, juicy, racemose or paniculate. The inflorescences are abundant and arranged on stems much longer than the leaves, being covered by small, distichous, oval-triangular bracts. Due to the frequent appearance of keiki and the reblooming of this species, we recommend keeping the stems after the flowers wither.
The needs of the Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana species regarding the intensity of light radiation are reduced, being in the range of 10,000 - 12,000 lux, provided partial shading is provided.
From the point of view of temperature, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana is a thermophilic species, the ideal temperatures being in the range of 28-34 °C during the day and 21-24 °C at night. This species exhibits a high temperature tolerance, as long as an adequate level of humidity and adequate ventilation is ensured.
The optimal humidity for the growth of the Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana species is 80% and should be reduced to 70-80% during the winter. Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana can be successfully grown in pots with culture medium consisting of 12-16 mm pine bark, possibly mixed with sphagnum, ensuring transplants only immediately after the flowering period, when the appearance of new root growth is noticeable. Irrigations are recommended at intervals of approximately 7 days, keeping the substrate quite moist, in comparison with other species and varieties of Phalaenopsis, but do not wet. Fertilization will take place at weekly intervals or once every two weeks, after irrigation, to prevent chemical burns caused by the crystallization of nutrients on the roots. The recommended dose is 25-50% of the concentration on the fertilizer package. During the 2 months of winter when the light intensity and implicitly the photoperiod decrease, it is recommended to reduce the atmospheric humidity to 60-70%. Watering can also be done at intervals of 3-4 weeks from mid-October to the end of February, but being supplemented by spraying the leaves, and carefully watching the plant. However, complete drying of the substrate will not be allowed. During this period, when growth will stop, it is not recommended to administer fertilizers.
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