Orchid Barkeria spectabilis - Characteristics and Care Instructions

A species frequently found in the horticultural trade with the erroneous name of Epidendrum Barkeria, probably due to the inclusion of the taxon at a given time within the genus Epidendrum, but also to the port similar to that of a common species among collectors of Epidendrum Radicans.
A species of relatively small size, which prefers a cool, but dry climate, Barkeria Spectabilis stands out for its cylindrical, erect, fusiform pseudobulbs, covered with sheaths, which bear ovate to linear-lanceolate, subcoriaceous, acute to acuminate leaves.
Valid synonyms for this species are Barkeria lindleyana ssps. spectacular [Batem ex Lindl.] Rchb.f 1862; Epidendrum spectabile (Bateman ex Lindl.) Rchb. f. ex Müll. Berol. 1862.
The genus was first described in 1838, in honor of George Barker, who first imported the taxon from Mexico and succeeded in its flowering. Currently, the genus Barkeria includes 16 recognized species.
Coming from the area of Central America, more precisely El Salvador, Chiapas, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, the Barkeria Spectabilis orchid occupies epiphytic stands, on oaks, at altitudes of 1300 - 3500 m, but it can be equally lithophilic. Closely related to the species of the Epidendrum genus, it delights with its 4-8 cm flowers, with varied colors, from white to pink, punctuated by darker shades.
The blooming season for Barkeria spectabilis is from April to August. The apical inflorescences appear on approximately 25 cm long stems, being racemose or paniculate, emerging on new pseudobulbs. The flowers have a relatively short life, not being fragrant, and their number can vary considerably, from a few to a very high number, but their flowering is successive , thus delighting any collector for a long period of time.
A method of cultivating this species can be represented by mounting it on wooden branches, with moderate shading, administering irrigation evenly during the growth period, but ensuring a period of rest, with reduced watering and fertilization during the winter period, after the leaves fall - normal appearance for this species with deciduous leaves, during the winter, when the rest period is established. This aspect makes this species a resistant, unpretentious orchid that enjoys periods of neglect .
The high temperature will occupy a median, intermediate position, but this orchid also tolerates cold periods well, especially at night. The lighting will be intense, accompanied by moderate irrigation, as the species does not tolerate having wet roots. If it is possible to dry the roots daily, then irrigation can also be done daily. In late autumn and winter, irrigation will be reduced, until the development of new growth is noticed.
Any orchid fertilizer can be successfully used for fertilization .
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