Cuitlauzina (Osmoglossum) pulchella - Care and characteristics

Cuitlauzina (Osmoglossum) pulchella

Botanical species also known as Osmoglossum pulchellum, Odontoglossum pulchellum, Odontoglossum pulchellum var. dormanianum, Osmoglossum pulchellum f. dormanianum, described by Robert Louis Dressler and Norris Hagan Williams in 2003, from the native range, in Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador. In Mexico, the range of the species reaches the state of Chiapas, where it grows in exclusively epiphytic regions, in oak and pine forests, at altitudes of 1400 - 2100 m, but sometimes also in wetter forests.

Medium-sized plants, loving the cool climate, reaching heights of up to 46 cm, with grouped pseudobulbs, ovoid to ovoid - ellipsoid, compressed, with a length of about 10 cm, basally covered by several membranous sheaths, nested, distichs , which bears leaves in the apical position. On the upper end of these pseudobulbs are inserted 2-3 leathery, erect, linear ligulate, acute leaves, approximately 36 cm long.

Cuitlauzina pulchella blooms from autumn to winter, on erect to pendulous stems, 20-50 cm long, racemes, provided with 3-4 triangular bracts, which bear 4-10 fragrant, non-resupinate flowers, persistent for a long period of time. The general white background of the flowers is often tinged with pink spots towards the marginal areas. They have a diameter of approximately 3-4 cm, and the labellum develops along an upward trajectory, having a length of approximately 2 cm and a width of 1.2 cm when fully opened. The callosity of the labellum is fleshy, well developed, yellow, with dark red punctuation.

The light intensity needs of this species are in the range of 15,000 - 25,000 lux.

The optimal growth temperature will be 22 ℃ during the summer days and 14 ℃ at night, ensuring a difference of 8-9 ℃. For the cold season, daytime temperatures will be included in the range of 19-22 ℃ and night temperatures of 9-10 ℃, with an amplitude of 10-11 ℃.

Variations in relative humidity are not necessary for the successful cultivation of the species Cuitlauziana pulchella, a value of approx. 75% being sufficient throughout the year to ensure the successful cultivation of this recently discovered species, with fragrant and durable flowers, but it is recommended that at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, the humidity saturation value of the atmospheric air should drop to around 65%.

Cuitlauzina pulchella is usually grown in pots, the preferred culture medium being represented by well-aerated, loosely compacted, fine-grained substrates, such as a mixture of coconut fiber compost, perlite, small-caliber bark, possibly ceramic balls, or other substrates that can ensure fast and efficient drainage.

During the summer and at the beginning of autumn, in the native area, the precipitation is abundant, but it is followed by a period of 6 months of drought, which lasts from the end of autumn to the beginning of spring. During the growth period, abundant irrigation is recommended, allowing only a superficial drying of the substrate between waterings. When the new growths reach maximum development, during the fall, watering will be gradually reduced.

Fertilization will be carried out during the period of active growth, with a weekly frequency, at a concentration of 25-50% of the recommended dosage.

During the rest period, which will be ensured during the winter, the substrate will be allowed to dry between waterings, but not for a long time, except for a period of approximately one month at the end of spring, when the waterings will reach the lowest frequency. Fertilization will be excluded until the development of new growth is observed, at the beginning of spring, when the normal routine regarding watering and fertilization will resume.

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