Yucca - Care Instructions

It belongs to the Agaveaceae family, which includes houseplants such as Dracena, Beaucarnea (Nolina) and Cordyline. In the wild, it is found in warm and dry areas of North and South America and the Caribbean. The plants often have thick, piezo leaves with a sharp point and white flowers. These leaves grow directly from the soil or from one or more stems.
There is a limited variety of Yucca, the most popular variety being Yucca Elephantipes , named after an elephant foot - because of how it looks in its natural habitat. Besides Yucca Elephantipes, Yucca Aloifolia and Yucca Rostrate are also regularly available. Yucca Flaccida and Yucca Gloriosa are garden varieties. There are also varieties available with light colored edges, such as Yucca elephantipes "Jewel" .
Light requirements. It prefers a partially shaded location, where it receives indirect light. Although it can grow in full sun, the appearance could suffer, possibly developing brown tips or white spots on the leaves (burns).

The best soil. Yucca does not need special soil, the important thing is that it is well drained and allows the roots to aerate. A 3:1 mix of sand and peat would be ideal.
Watering. They prefer to be kept dry and are considered drought tolerant plants, which makes sense due to their desert origin. In general, allow the top half of the soil to dry out before watering again. More specific watering requirements will depend on the amount of light the plant receives. In low light conditions, less water is needed; in stronger light conditions, a more frequent/consistent watering is needed. Overwatering is probably the only way to kill a yucca. Watering will be adapted according to the temperature and season.
It will tolerate various temperatures, but medium temperatures are best. A low temperature in winter is recommended, if possible, but not lower than 7 °C.

The multiplication. It can be done in two ways: by dividing or by cutting. Propagation is best done in autumn. To propagate by division, separate the rhizomes from the soil and plant the new plant in suitable soil and place it in a sunny location. Keep the plant slightly moist until the roots are established.
Yucca can also produce chicks: wait until the chicks are green - which indicates that they are mature enough to survive on their own. Carefully remove the chick from the main plant and plant it in another pot.
It is quite resistant to pests, which is another reason why it is easy to maintain as an indoor plant, but it is sensitive to turtle lice and gray rot.