Plants do wonders for air purification

We all want a healthy and clean environment, where we and our loved ones can develop harmoniously, both mentally and physically. This environment is very difficult to obtain, usually, in the city, even with modern air filtration systems. We present you a simple and affordable solution - plants.
Areca - Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens
- medium and large plant, not pretentious at all, ideal as decoration for the living room, office spaces and more;
- this palm tree can take the place of an air humidifier and can successfully neutralize toxins in the air.
Peace lily - Spathiphyllum
- besides its appearance that inspires tranquility and peace, hence the popular name, Spathiphyllum, it is a real air purifier;
- must be protected from the strong sun;
- it needs constant humidity.
Dwarf persimmon - Phoenix roebelenii
- the plant with an exotic palm appearance, a real source of oxygen for closed spaces.
Room fern
- suitable for shaded windows in rooms, and not only;
- significantly improves air quality through high oxygen production, odor absorption and humidity maintenance.
- marketed as a decorative shrub;
- the filter plant, which feeds on the carbon dioxide we exhale.
Plants should be present in every room, be it home, office, institution or commercial space - it has been scientifically proven that the human body cannot permanently survive a sterile environment, without negative side effects - for example allergies, respiratory diseases.
A work/living space in which there are also plants creates a warm, relaxing environment, improves mood, amplifies well-being, develops concentration and promotes a positive attitude!