How do we pack the plants in the cold season?

We ship plants all year round, but in the cold season the packing procedure is different.

Impachetarea plantelor iarna

We use several sheets of paper + insulating foil + hard cardboard boxes CO5 (the thickest boxes available for shipping packages). The purpose of the paper is to absorb moisture resulting from temperature differences, and the insulation maintains a reasonable temperature in the box.

Packing plants during winter

If the temperatures drop below 2-3 ° C during the day, we also insulate the walls of the box with polystyrene (for international orders, with a long transit time). Shipping live plants is considered safe up to temperatures of -5 ° C, as long as the person receiving the package follows a few simple steps to receive the plants in the house.

You can also consider to add some extra heat in the box (Heat Packs) - the most efficient heat pack emits heat for up to 110 hours, witch might not be enough to cover the whole shipping time, but will help during transit of the cold countries (Germany, Hungary, Romania, Austria, etc.), that takes place during first 2-3 days.

You can order Heat Packs here:

Heat Pack XXL - 110 Hours

Receiving plants in the house

Transporting plants by courier also involves certain risks, especially in the cold season, when outdoor temperatures can reach extreme values in a short time. Although the plants are very well packaged, in accordance with the rigors agreed by most growers and traders of exotic plants, to avoid thermal shocks it is necessary to follow a few simple steps:

Step I. After receiving the package, it is very important to store it (sealed) in the coolest area of the house (ideal temperature 15-18 ℃), for about 2 hours, away from any heat source.

Step II. After this time of 2 hours, you can unseal the package without unpacking the plants. Leave the package at this stage for about another hour.

Step III. Unpack the plants and leave them in this cool room for at least a few hours. It is very important to avoid approaching any heat source for at least 24 hours. The next day, the plants can be moved to normally heated rooms, and then hydrated during the morning, to allow the water to evaporate and not stagnate on the plants overnight.

Plants can withstand low temperatures very well (in the short term), but you should avoid a thermal shock by sudden exposure to temperature differences - for example a change from 5 ℃ (temperature in the box) to 24) (temperature in the house) - because exposure to extremes temperature can easily cause cold injuries. These present as superficial, deep lesions, sometimes with discoloration, with the appearance of water-retaining blisters, followed especially by sudden withering.

We recommend you to avoid moving the plants from the pots in which they came in the first weeks. This operation can significantly destabilize them.

When packing the plants we use the best quality materials (paper, thermal foil, thick boxes, adhesive tape), these being offered free of charge.