Phalaenopsis speciosa - care and characteristics

Phalaenopsis speciosa - ingrijire

Botanical species occurring on the Andaman and Nicobar islands, in Borneo, where it inhabits areas at low altitudes, between 0 and 100 m, Phalaenopsis speciosa is also known under the following synonyms: Phalaenopsis speciosa subvar. christiana (Rchb.f.) AHKent 1891; Phalaenopsis speciosa subvar. empress (Rchb.f.) AHKent 1891; Phalaenopsis speciosa var. christiana Rchb.f 1882; Phalaenopsis speciosa var. empress Rchb.f. 1882; Phalaenopsis speciosa var. maculata Gower 1890; Polychilos speciosa (Rchb. f.) Shim 1982.

It stands out for its medium size, approximately 15-20 cm high, and the abundance of 2-5 flower stalks, which emerge laterally on the short stems, from the axils of the leaves above the insertion area of ​​the flat roots. The leaves, 5 - 9 in number, ovate to obovate lanceolate, 10 - 25 cm long, with a narrowed base, have a slightly pointed tip. The racemes or paniculate stems, arched, subpendant, longer than the leaves, which often exceed 25 cm, bear many impressive flowers, 4-5 cm in diameter, waxy, fragrant, with discreet notes. The color of the flowers is the subject of great variability, being able to present purple, red, pink, white areas, or combinations of these colors. Flowering takes place, most frequently, from the end of spring to the beginning of winter.

There are numerous award-winning cultivars, especially recently, when this species began to capture the interest of hybridizers, due to the high variability of floral color. Among them, we mention: Phal. lime speciosa christiana 'Magnifico' (2 awards in 2010) Phal. lime speciosa christiana 'Jennifer Weseloh' (2015) Phal. speciosa 'Jiaho Coffee' (2014) Phal. speciosa 'Struber Pinky' (2014) Phal. speciosa 'Gig' (2013) Phal. lime speciosa christiana 'Crystelle' (2013) Phal. speciosa 'Jiaho Red Ball' (2012) Phal. lime speciosa christiana 'C 1' (2011) Phal. speciosa 'Orchidglade' (1960)

The growing conditions for this species are identical to those of the Phalaenopsis tetraspis species, which inhabits the same ecosystems as Phalaenopsis speciosa.

Update: Phalaenopsis speciosa was assimilated with Phalaenopsis tetraspis . The two names are now considered synonymous.

The light radiation will be registered in the partial shade register, with values ​​of 18000 - 22000 lux, with an ideal photoperiod of 12 hours daily. Irrigation will be administered weekly, and fertilization will take place every third watering.

The temperature can be constant throughout the year, with 22 - 28 ℃ during the day and 18 - 22 ℃ at night. It is ideal to ensure a difference of 3-4 ℃ between night and day temperatures, for the success of flowering.

Cultivation can be done in the classic system, in perforated plastic or ceramic pots, with medium-sized pine bark (2-4 cm), in which case an atmospheric humidity of 55-60% will be ensured. If you opt for the cultivation system on plates, with bare roots, it will be necessary to increase the humidity to 70% and place a small amount of sphagnum moss under the roots to maintain humidity.

Irrigation will be administered only after the drying of the substrate is observed, at intervals of about a week or more, paying special attention to the water that can stagnate between the leaves and induce fungal and bacterial diseases. Fertilizers can be administered every third irrigation, at dilutions of 50% of the concentrations indicated by the manufacturer.

The species does not require a rest period to initiate flowering, but this is stimulated by sudden temperature differences between day and night.

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