Grammangis ellisii - Care and characteristics

Grammangis ellisii is an African botanical species, endemic (grows only) in the north and east of Madagascar, where it inhabits humid forest areas from sea level to altitudes of 1300 m, usually in areas above rivers, having a high thermal tolerance, because it can grow equally in hot or cold climates. The accepted synonyms for this species are Gabertia ellisii (Lindl.) Gaudich. 1892, Grammangis fallax Schltr. 1915, Grammatophyllum ellisi Lindley 1860.
The plants are usually medium to large in height, 50-60 cm, with ovoid - tetragonal pseudobulbs, massive, 8-10 cm, at the time of ripening, covered with several deciduous, scaly bracts, and bearing 3 to 5 oblong leaves , folded, obliquely rounded at the top, 15-40 cm long and 1.5-4 cm wide, fully developed at the time of flowering. It usually blooms, starting with January until mid-summer, simultaneously with the development of new vegetative growth, on young pseudobulbs, partially developed, on stems with basal emergence, arched, up to 90 cm long, provided with 3-4 basal bracts , wide, and another 3-4 widely spaced cataphylls. As a rule, Grammangis produces between 15-40 fragrant, waxy flowers, approximately 7.5 cm in diameter , with a chestnut or green/yellow background in the case of the white (albino) variant. The flowers form raceme-type inflorescences. The median sepal is obovate, 4 cm long and 2 cm wide, wider in the central area. The side petals have the same length, but are slightly narrowed, compared to the central sepal, pointed apically, sickle-shaped and provided with 17 veins. The falciform labellum is trilobed, with subacute side lobes and the median one slightly longer and narrower, basally provided with a massive callus, bifurcated apically. The column measures 10 mm in length, having obtuse triangular auricles.
Grammangis ellisii occupies epiphytic habitats, populating eastern and northern wet forests along rivers in Madagascar and on the island of Sainte Marie, where it was historically mentioned, but was not found during a census in 1981.
It prefers medium light conditions, around 20,000 lux, but also tolerates higher values, up to 30,000 lux. The growing temperatures will be medium to warm, the plants preferring warm cultivation spaces. In cold weather conditions, the flowers will take on a greenish tint, being less intensely colored.
Intense ventilation is an absolutely necessary condition for the successful growth of this species, to avoid the burning of the leaves in conditions of strong lighting.
The ideal culture medium is represented by the bark of conifers of medium diameter, the plants can be grown without problems in standard pots, similar to species of the Lycaste genus.
Grammangis ellisii will be irrigated abundantly during the period of active growth, starting with spring, being recommended to fertilize with every watering, with a weekly frequency, on the condition of offering a rest/semi-rest period from autumn to early spring, when both irrigations as well as fertilization will be stopped or significantly reduced.
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