Rossioglossum Rawdon Jester - care instructions

Rossioglossum Rawdon Jester

Rawdon Jester is a naturally occurring hybrid between the botanical species R. grande and R. williamsianum, but which is sterile, as happens with most natural hybrids.

Vigorous taxon, which produces 4-6 grouped pseudobulbs, ovoid or orbicular, laterally compressed, glaucous, 10 cm high and 6.4 cm wide, bearing 1-3 apical leaves, elliptical or lanceolate, coriaceous, glaucous, acute, petiolate , which can reach lengths of up to 38 cm and widths of 6-7 cm. When it reaches maturity, it will reach a height of 25-40 cm. Each new growth will develop a single flower stalk, 15-45 cm long, with 4-8 flowers per inflorescence, each with a diameter of 10-15 cm. The sepals and petals have a golden yellow background, on which a dark-brown pigmentation is noticeable, recalling the appearance of tiger fur by contrast.

The species requires growing climates with moderate temperatures and does not tolerate very high temperatures well, for long periods of time.

Flowering can take place in any season, each flower lasting at least 4-6 weeks. The flowers are not fragrant.

The parental species, namely R. grande and R. williamsianum, come from Guatemala, near the city of the same name, where they inhabit dark ravines at altitudes of up to 2600 m above sea level.

Growing Rossioglossum Rawdon Jester will involve providing a light intensity of 15,000 - 20,000 lux, somewhat less than is required for species of the genus Cattleya, but slightly higher than the growth light for most species of Paphiopedilum.

The growing temperature will be moderate, with daytime summer values ​​of 22 - 23 °C, and nighttime values ​​of at least 12 - 14 °C. In the cold season, the average daytime temperature will be approximately 20 - 21 °C, and at night a minimum of 9 - 10 °C.

Relative humidity will be moderate , 75-80% throughout the year.

The culture medium will consist of conifer bark of medium to small grain, with an addition of moisture-retaining amendments, such as perlite or pumice stone. Culture pots do not require special conditions, plastic pots can be used without any problem. The optimal moment for changing the culture medium and containers is when you notice the start of new root growth.

Irrigations will be abundant during the growing season, from late spring to early fall. Fertilizations will be administered during the growth period, with a weekly frequency, at a dilution of 25-50% of the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

The resting period will take place in the fall, when the amount of water administered will be reduced, and the frequency will be changed from weekly to once every 2-3 weeks, with occasional sprays, as needed. During the 2-3 months of winter, watering will be given up, the intervention being limited to occasional sprays, until the initiation of the development of new growth. Fertilization will be completely stopped.

Rossioglossum Rawdon Jester can be purchased here (link).

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