Trichocentrum Ollie Palmer - care guide

Secondary hybrid, obtained by RH Palmer and registered at the Royal Horticultural Society in 2009, by crossing two primary hybrids, namely Trichocentrum Maureen and Trichocentrum x haematochilum, both including in their component the botanical species Trichocentrum lanceanum, together with Trichocentrum carthaginense and Trichocentrum luridum. The parental formula is as follows: Trichocentrum lanceanum 50%, Trichocentrum carthaginense 25% and Trichocentrum luridum 25%.
Trichocentrum Ollie Palmer is a medium-sized plant, heat-loving but tolerant of low temperatures, which can reach up to 50 cm, being devoid of pseudobulbs or possessing pseudobulbs of extremely small sizes, bearing single, coriaceous, oblong lanceolate leaves , green, with lengths of up to 50 cm and widths of up to 12.5 cm, which are inserted apically.
It can bloom several times in a year , with 10-12 fragrant, waxy, very durable flowers , with complex coloring, which emerge on floral stems covered by gray-brown basal sheaths, up to 45 cm long. The large flowers (5-6 cm) have a marbled purple color on all the petals and sepals, on a white background, with an irregular border in the marginal area, the labellum is uniformly purple, and its white marginal band is much wider than in the case of petals and sepals. The column is colored white.
Light preferences for this hybrid are medium to high light intensity , 20,000 - 35,000 lux, in conditions of good ventilation and high humidity. It will be decided to reduce the exposure to intense light in cases where the appearance of the reddish coloring of the leaves is noticed.
Being a thermophilic plant, Trichocentrum Ollie Palmer prefers daytime temperatures of 29 – 33 ℃ and nocturnal temperatures of 20-22 ℃ throughout the year.
The relative humidity will also remain constant throughout the year, around the values of 65-85% .
Trichocentrum Ollie Palmer can be fixed on bark plates, but this type of culture requires ensuring high humidity, up to daily irrigation during summer days.
Another option regarding the cultivation of this orchid is represented by placing the plants in large pots, with a very coarse substrate that can still retain moisture. Most often, for this purpose, large-caliber pine bark is used, adding compact pieces of sphagnum moss. Due to the fact that the roots do not support decaying substrates, it is recommended to change it frequently.
Irrigations will be abundant during the period of intensive growth, but ensuring very good drainage.
During the period of active growth, the plants will be fertilized weekly with concentrations of 25-50% of the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. A fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10 – 10 – 10 will be preferred for the whole year.
In winter, irrigation and fertilization can be reduced, especially in conditions of insufficient light. Do you want to see more articles and accumulate more knowledge? This article is offered for free, but you can support with a review here:
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