Lycaste - The winter rest of species and hybrids

Lycaste - Repausul de iarna

A genus named in memory of the daughter of King Priam of Troy, Lycaste includes attractive species for the horticultural trade, with high preferences for high air humidity and moderate to high temperatures, rarely low, the common characteristic of many species of Mexican or Central American origin. Within the genus, there are 31 species, 3 natural hybrids, 2 subspecies, a named species and a variety, grouped in 4 sections, one of which is later divided into 2 subsections. Among these 4 sections, the one affected by anatomical and physiological changes represented by the loss of foliage during the rest period is the section Deciduosae, whose name indicates exactly this aspect (with falling leaves).

You can purchase Lycaste here (link).

The section Deciduosae includes the subsection Xanthanthae, with species showing yellow flowers (xanthos = yellow, anthos = flower), and the section Paradeciduosae, with flowers with a white background and pink-reddish punctuation.

The species of the Deciduosae section, of which the most common in the collections are aromatica, bradeorum, cruenta, deppei, share the appearance of leaf loss in the winter season, due to the specific climate originating in the Central American area, where there is a rainy season and a dry season, the loss of leaves being an adaptation necessary for the successful completion of the dry period, as the presence of leaves would increase the rate of evaporation, and implicitly the dehydration of the plants. The fall of the leaves starts at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, remaining in the resistance phase, with naked bulbs, until the beginning of spring, when the start of new growth will coincide with the initiation of flower stems, starting at this moment a season of accelerated growth, to allow the plants new formations to accumulate enough nutrient reserves to allow the successful crossing of the next dry season.

In the wet season, which largely corresponds to summer, irrigation will be abundant, and accompanied by diluted fertilizing, but allowing the substrate to dry before the administration of water. In the rest season, however, it is recommended to completely stop both irrigation and fertilization. When administering water, special attention will be paid not to allow water to enter between the newly formed and not yet unfolded leaves, as this aspect will invariably lead to the installation of fungal and bacterial diseases, which can quickly decimate even the most vigorous specimens by Lycaste .

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