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Tulip bulbs in pots (Tulipa Van Eijk)
16,00 lei
Tulip bulbs in pots (Tulipa Van Eijk). Pot diameter 9 cm CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR TULIPS Watering: Tulips will be watered moderately, twice a week. Planted in the garden, tulips will...
Lonicera x heckrottii 'Gold Flame' - Mother's Hand, Honeysuckle
Lonicera, also known as Our Lady's Hand, Honeysuckle, Our Lady's Palm, is a climbing plant with fragrant flowers. Lonicera periclymenum Serotina is a variety of honeysuckle with flowers in white,...
Fatsia japonica 'Spiders Web' - variegated leaves
75,00 lei
Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web' is a decorative variety of Fatsia japonica, noted for its large, palmate and variegated leaves. This plant has an ornamental appearance due to the modeling of...
Rosa 'Wildberry'® - award-winning, fragrant, Nostalgic® hybrid tea
Rosa 'Wildberry' is a hybrid launched in 2018 by the famous Casa Tantau, appreciated for its beauty and unique color. The buds of this award-winning Nostalgic® hybrid tea rose appear...
Sedum sieboldii Mediovariegatum (Variegated grass)
19,00 lei – 22,00 lei
Sedum sieboldii Mediovariegatum is an attractive succulent with variegated leaves, which can be planted in the garden. Care instructions: - It prefers to be placed in full sun, but it...
Rosa 'New dawn'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant
Rosa 'New dawn'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm,...
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' - evergreen foliage, fragrant flowers (young specimens)
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' is a compact and dwarf variety of magnolia grandiflora, appreciated both for its spectacular flowers and for its small size, which make it ideal for small...
Clematis with abundant blooms - Clematis viticella 'Blue Belle' (Viticella Group)
59,00 lei
Clematis viticella 'Blue Belle' is a charming variety, recognized for its vibrant, deep blue flowers. This clematis brings a touch of intense color to any garden, with its bell-shaped flowers...
Aucuba japonica 'Picturata' (Spotted Laurel) * garden
Aucuba japonica 'Picturata' is a Japanese shrub valued for its ability to tolerate shade and dry soils. Aucuba japonica 'Picturata' can survive in gardens, especially in areas with a temperate...
Camellia japonica 'Eugenia de Montijo' - double flower (frost resistance)
85,00 lei
Camellia is a wonderful plant that delights us with its incredible flowers. The plant grows in the form of a shrub and is suitable both for the interior of homes...
Campsis radicans 'Flava' - Yellow turkish lily
Campsis radicans 'Flava', popularly called Turk's pipe, Turk's pipe or climbing trumpet, is a climbing, shrub-type plant. Care instructions: Location: in a bright area. Soil: fertile, but adaptable to any...
Euonymus fortunei 'Blondy'
45,00 lei
Euonymus fortunei 'Blondy' is a variety of euonymus, also known as fusain or lucky shrub, appreciated for its decorative foliage. This plant is an evergreen shrub that adds color to...
Compact blueberry - Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bluegold'
49,00 lei
Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bluegold' is a variety of self-fertile American blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) from the Ericaceae family, noted especially for the superior quality of the fruits it produces. The cultivar 'Bluegold'...
Weigela florida 'Nana Variegata'
Weigela florida 'Nana Variegata' is a decorative shrub remarkable for its variegated foliage and pink flowers. The leaves are an attractive combination of dark green and cream, giving it a...
Picea glauca conica H80-85 cm - potted Christmas tree
Picea Glauca 'Conica' is a spectacular conifer all year round, easily adapted to any location. Specialists use it more and more in arranging gardens and parks, and people who used...
Natural fir tree, gift wrapping + H60 light installation
135,00 lei
Natural fir tree in a pot, gift-wrapped in jute material - can be given as a gift to employees, business partners or loved ones. Picea Glauca 'Conica' is a spectacular...
Camellia japonica 'William Bartlett' - double flower (frost resistance)
159,00 lei
Camellia is a wonderful plant that delights us with its incredible flowers. The plant grows in the form of a shrub and is suitable both for the interior of homes...
Volkamer lemon (Citrus volkameriana) - cold resistant lemon
The Volkamer lemon (Citrus volkameriana) is a hybrid between a lemon and a bitter orange, known for its use both in horticulture and in the kitchen. The fruit is medium...
Edible laurel in pots D14
55,00 lei
Edible laurel in pots - Laurus Nobilis. Being considered one of the noblest plants in history, a symbol of purity and triumph, the Laurel has crowned throughout time kings, emperors...
Selected walnut - Juglans regia (Walnut)
25,00 lei – 29,00 lei
Juglans regia - selected walnut with fruits of above average size, constantly high productions and the shell that detaches easily.
The height of plants is always measured with pots.
Pink hyacinth - Hyacinthus orientalis 'Pink Pearl' 3pp
20,00 lei
Pink hyacinth bulbs in pots - Hyacinthus orientalis 'Pink Pearl'. CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR hyacinths Watering: The hyacinth will be watered moderately, twice a week. Planted in the garden, hyacinths will...
Hebe Magicolor 'Frozen Flame' (evergreen)
39,00 lei
Hebe Magicolor 'Frozen Flame' is an evergreen ornamental perennial plant, known for its spectacular and intensely colored leaves, hence the name 'Frozen Flame'. The plant has a compact growth, reaching...
Picea Glauca Conica H90-100 cm - potted Christmas tree
145,00 lei
Picea Glauca 'Conica' is a spectacular conifer all year round, easily adaptable to any location. Specialists are increasingly using it in landscaping gardens and parks, and people who used to...
Helleborus orientalis White 01
59,00 lei
Helleborus is one of the easiest garden plants to care for, and its ability to bloom in the darkest months of the year, when everything is frozen. Helleborus or Spanzul,...
Fuchsia Bella 'Evita' (potted earrings)
20,00 lei
Fuchsia, popularly known as the earring, is a plant famous for the extraordinary beauty of its flowers. It is an easy-to-care-for plant that prefers a nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. This plant...
Pelargonium Don Diego - English geraniums
29,00 lei
Grandiflora geraniums - also popularly called English geraniums. The original name refers to the size of the flowers, being a variety with large and brightly colored flowers, most of the...
Clematis 'Tranquilite' with XL flower
95,00 lei
Clematis is one of the most attractive climbing plants, being so beautiful that it will be difficult for you to choose from the many gorgeous species, from those with huge...
Acer palmatum 'Katsura' (Japanese maple)
29,00 lei
Acer palmatum 'Katsura' is a variety of Japanese maple recognized for its colorful foliage throughout the year. This shrub or small tree has a graceful, round shape, reaching a height...
Santolina chamaecyparissus (Mother of God Wood, Cotton Lavender)
29,00 lei
Santolina chamaecyparissus, also known as "Our Lady's Wood" or "Cotton Lavender," is a perennial plant with multiple decorative and practical uses. Appearance . It is a small shrub, with persistent...
Sedum Coral Reef Green
15,00 lei
Sedum Coral Reef. Care instructions: These succulent plants need very little attention or care. Placement: It prefers to be placed in full sun, but it can also be planted in...
Passiflora citrina yellow - passion flower (passion fruit)
49,00 lei
Passiflora citrina is an exotic, climbing plant, originally from South America, also known as passion flower (or passion fruit plant). Height with pots included: 30-40 cm Pot diameter: 12 cm...
Sedum spurium 'Schorbuser Blut' (Dragon's blood Sedum)
15,00 lei
Sedum spurium 'Schorbuser Blut' (Dragon's blood Sedum) is a cultivar of Sedum spurium. This plant looks spectacular in any season. It has all the features of the other sedum species...
Garden fern - Cyrtomium fortunei var. clavicle
35,00 lei
Cyrtomium fortunei var. clivicola is a variety of fern in the Dryopteridaceae family. The plant is quite rare and represents an unusual presence in a garden. Appearance : This fern...
Roses Rosa Kordana Grande Adele - fragrant and large flowers
Potted roses are scaled-down versions of regular roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small flowers. They originate in China, from the Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis...
Rosa KR 'Moonlight'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant
95,00 lei
Rosa KR 'Moonlight'® - floribunda, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. It is considered the most valuable climbing rose. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to...
Anti-mosquito geraniums - Pelargoniums Angel Perfume 'Senna' (Example XXL)
49,00 lei
Anti-mosquito geraniums (Mosquitaways) are suitable both as indoor plants and for the terrace. The strong citrus smell of these geraniums acts as a deterrent to mosquitoes that don't seem to...
Mentha rotundifolia (Pineapple Mint)
25,00 lei
Mentha rotundifolia, also popularly called "pineapple-flavored mint", due to its scent that has a hint of pineapple. It is a fantastic variety for lemonades, ice creams, cocktails and culinary preparations,...
Sage - Salvia officinalis
25,00 lei
Salvia officinalis, also known as sage, is a perennial, aromatic plant from the Lamiaceae family, originally from the Mediterranean region. It is appreciated both for its culinary use and for...
Rosa Favorite Red - big red flowers
25,00 lei
Rosa 'Favourite Red' is a variety of rose distinguished by its red, elegant flowers, often with a subtle and pleasant fragrance. This variety is appreciated for its beauty and simplicity,...
Ivy - Hedera helix 'Goldheart' D11
29,00 lei
Ivy - Hedera helix 'Goldheart', known as "Algerian Ivy", is an evergreen, fast-growing plant, ideal for gardens with hedges, arches or pergolas. Cold resistance: withstands well up to -15 °C....
Passiflora Clara
49,00 lei
Passiflora Clara is an exotic, climbing plant, originally from South America, also known as passion flower (or passion fruit plant). Height with pots included: 30-40 cm Pot diameter: 12 cm...
Lonicera caerulea 'Altaj' - Siberian blueberry, Honey berries
45,00 lei
Lonicera caerulea 'Altaj', also popularly called Siberian blueberry or honey berry. The white flowers appear smoothly in May, followed by long, green fruits that turn blue when ripe, similar to...
Geraniums with fragrant leaves - Pelargonium graveolens 'Dr. Westerlund' (lemon and rose fragrance)
45,00 lei
Pelargonium graveolens 'Dr. Westerlund' - special variety, with leaves showing the specific aroma of lemon and roses. For this cultivar, there are also studies on the positive effects on people...
Passiflora Keizerin Eugenie
49,00 lei
Passiflora Keizerin Eugenie is an exotic, climbing plant, originally from South America, also known as passion flower (or passion fruit plant). Height with pots included: 30-40 cm Pot diameter: 12...
Paeonia suffruticosa 'Wu Long Peng Sheng' - lilac shrub peony with double flower
85,00 lei
Paeonia Suffruticosa popularly called shrub garden peony - is an atypical peony of Asian origin. There are Japanese cultivars and Chinese cultivars. Unlike the classic peony, Paeonia Suffruticosa grows (slowly)...
Helleborus Orientalis White-Pink (Christmas Rose, Spanz)
55,00 lei
Helleborus is one of the easiest garden plants to care for, and its ability to bloom in the darkest months of the year, when everything is frozen. Helleborus or Spanzul,...
Clematis - Clematis 'Prince William' (Royal Collection)
85,00 lei
Clematis 'Prince William' is a distinctive variety of clematis, known for its large, garnet-purple flowers. This climbing plant can reach heights of up to 2-3 meters, making it an excellent...
Bougainvillea 'Dania Red' (cyclam-red) - Paper flower D12
Bougainvillea, popularly called the paper flower, is a decorative plant with flowers originating from South America and can be an excellent choice for gardens or terraces. No one can think...
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