Outdoor plants

Plants for your dream garden or terrace. Decorative with flowers or leaves, fragrant or variegated, edible or fruit-producing.
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White & Orange Bougainvillea, Paper Flower (2 colors/pot)

White & Orange Bougainvillea, Paper Flower (2 colors/pot)

79,00 lei
Bougainvillea, popularly called the paper flower, is a decorative plant with flowers originating from South America and can be an excellent choice for gardens or terraces. No one can think...
Clematis - Clematis Niobe

Clematis - Clematis Niobe

49,00 lei
Clematis is one of the most attractive climbing plants, being so beautiful that it will be difficult for you to choose from the many gorgeous species, from those with huge...
Pelargonium Fireworks 'Pink'

Pelargonium Fireworks 'Pink'

25,00 lei
Pelargonium 'Fireworks' is a popular variety of Pelargonium, also known as star geranium. 'Fireworks' is a relatively compact plant, growing to a height of approximately 35 cm, and flowers prolifically...
Hibiscus Syriacus Hamabo

Hibiscus Syriacus Hamabo *from the garden

65,00 lei
Hibiscus Syriacus Hamabo is a variety of garden hibiscus with bicolor flower. Pot diameter 19 cm Height with pots included approx. 50 cm
Anti-mosquito scented geraniums - Pelargonium graveolens 'Citrosa' (indrusaim)

Anti-mosquito scented geraniums - Pelargonium graveolens 'Citrosa' (indrusaim)

35,00 lei
Pelargonium Graveolens is also known as fragrant geranium, anti-mosquito geranium, indrusaim, geranium. This geranium has multiple uses: ingredient in jams, marmalades, ice creams to flavor them; dry leaf tea is...
Eucalipt - Eucalyptus rubida (Cab Sav)

Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus rubida (Cab Sav)

95,00 lei
Eucalyptus rubida - spectacular endemic variety from Australia, which impresses with its silver-blue foliage. Unlike other varieties, it has narrower and more elongated leaves, with a red edge and a...
Bujori galbeni Paeonia Yellow Crown - 1 rizom

Yellow peonies Paeonia Yellow Crown - 1 rhizome

45,00 lei
Yellow peonies Paeonia Yellow Crown - 1 rhizome. Cultivation instructions: It is planted at a distance of at least 50 cm and at a depth of approx. 10 cm. Planting...
Bletilla 'Shir-Ran'

Bletilla 'Shir-Ran' - Garden orchids

45,00 lei
Bletilla Striata is a garden orchid, of Asian origin, resistant and easy to care for, with white flowers. Flowering takes place at the beginning of summer (June-July) in the garden....
Ivy - Hedera helix 'Goldchild' (4 plants/pot)

Ivy - Hedera helix 'Goldchild' (4 plants/pot)

25,00 lei
Ivy is the generic name given to climbing plants with very long, woody stems, which can spread both horizontally forming a green carpet or vertically, using any support such as...
Green gooseberry - Ribes uva-crispa 'Invicta' D15

Green gooseberry - Ribes uva-crispa 'Invicta' D15

39,00 lei
Ribes uva-crispa 'Invicta' is a cultivar developed to offer the highest possible fruit production and increased resistance to diseases and pests. The fruits are large, green-yellow in color, with a...
Opuntia humifusa (Devil's Tongue)

Garden cactus with edible fruits and leaves - Opuntia humifusa (Devil's Tongue)

65,00 lei 45,00 lei
Opuntia humifusa - endemic variety from the USA, where it grows naturally on the slopes of the "Rocky Mountains". In the 3rd year of life, the plant produces large, yellow...
Weigela florida 'Alexandra'

Weigela florida 'Alexandra' (Weigela 'Wine and Roses')

65,00 lei
Weigela florida 'Alexandra', also known as Weigela 'Wine and Roses', is a decorative shrub prized for its dark purple leaves and pink, bell-shaped flowers. This cultivar is of medium size,...
Spectacular garden peonies - Paeonia lactiflora 'Green Lotus'

Spectacular garden peonies - Paeonia lactiflora 'Green Lotus'

45,00 lei
Paeonia lactiflora 'Green Lotus' is an impressive variety of peony, known for its unique, semi-double flowers, which combine bicolor petals, in varying shades of pink-green-white, with yellow stamens. This perennial...
Bletilla Penway Paris

Bletilla Penway Paris - Garden orchids

45,00 lei
Bletilla Penway Paris - hybrid with purple-lilac flowers, obtained by crossing Bletilla striata × Bletilla szetschuanica (syn Bletilla formosana). Flowering takes place at the beginning of summer (June-July) when they...
Clematis montana 'Pink Perfection'

Clematis - Clematis montana 'Pink Perfection' - fragrant flowers

39,00 lei
Clematis is one of the most attractive climbing plants, being so beautiful that it will be difficult for you to choose from the many gorgeous species, from those with huge...
Leandru la ghiveci cu floarea dubla -  Nerium Olander

White Leander in pots with the double flower - Nerium Olander

65,00 lei
Oleander, Nerium Oleander, originally from the Mediterranean area, is a decorative shrubby plant with flowers and leaves. Pot diameter: 17 cm Height with pots included: 55-70 cm Care instructions Leandru...
Fuchsia 'Koralle' (earrings) - 2-3 plants/pot

Fuchsia 'Koralle' (earrings) - 2-3 plants/pot

35,00 lei 25,00 lei
Fuchsia, popularly known as the earring, is a plant famous for the extraordinary beauty of its flowers. Placement: its ideal place is in a pot or a planter. In winter...
Abutilon 'Pink' (Pink Maple Flower)

Abutilon 'Pink' (Pink Maple Flower)

49,00 lei
Abutilon 'Pink' is a vigorous shrub, native to Brazil. Maple flowers are plants that undeniably bring an exotic note to any terrace or garden. It blooms continuously from April to...
Camellia japonica 'Nishiki Kirin'

Camellia japonica 'Nishiki Kirin' - double flower (frost resistance)

85,00 lei
Camellia is a wonderful plant that delights us with its incredible flowers. The plant grows in the form of a shrub and is suitable both for the interior of homes...
Wasabi japonica

Wasabi japonica (Japanese horseradish)

35,00 lei
Wasabi japonica - is a rhizome plant from the Brassicaceae family, which also includes cabbage, horseradish and mustard. It is popularly called "Japanese horseradish". The Japanese Wasabi root is used...
Buddleja davidii 'White Profusion'

Summer Lilac - Buddleja davidii 'White Profusion'

29,00 lei
Buddleja davidii 'White Profusion' - also popularly called 'Summer lilac'. A fast-growing shrub that can withstand almost any environmental conditions, but blooms more abundantly when it has good exposure to...
Impatiens NG 'Tamarinda Purple' (sporul casei)

Impatiens NG 'Tamarind Purple' (homegrown)

25,00 lei
Impatiens NG 'Tamarind Purple', popularly called the house plant. Pot diameter 13 Height with pots included 20-25 cm Careful! The flowers of this plant are thermosensitive - this plant might...
Narcise galbene batute - Narcissus 'Flyer'

Yellow daffodils - Narcissus 'Flyer'

29,00 lei
Narcissus bulbs can be an inspired choice for interior decoration or simply planted in the garden. Flower bulb care instructions: Potted bulbs need nothing but water to bloom. After a...
Plumeria rubra 'Hawaiian Opal Pink' - fragrant flowers

Plumeria rubra 'Hawaiian Opal Pink' - fragrant flowers

95,00 lei 105,00 lei
The species of the genus Plumeria, also known as Lei, Frangipani or Hawaiian Palm, are represented by small trees/shrubs, of tropical origin, especially appreciated for the flowers of a special...
Bletilla striata 'Marcel Clapdorp'

Bletilla striata 'Marcel Clapdorp' - Garden orchids

45,00 lei
Bletilla Striata is a garden orchid, of Asian origin, resistant and easy to care for, with white flowers. Flowering takes place at the beginning of summer (June-July) in the garden....
Lavanda alba in ghiveci - Lavandula angustifolia 'Aromance White'

White lavender in pots - Lavandula angustifolia 'Edelweiss'

25,00 lei
Lavandula angustifolia 'Edelweiss' is a perennial plant of Mediterranean origin. Considered a shrub due to its lignified branches, lavender reaches maturity in 3-5 years and can easily reach the age...
Astilbe 'Fanal'

Astilbe 'Lighthouse'

35,00 lei
Astilbe is a genus of perennial plants, known for its delicate and charming flowers, which add texture and color to any shady space in the garden. These plants are prized...
Ginkgo biloba - Arborele pagodelor

Ginkgo biloba - Pagoda tree (babyplant)

35,00 lei
Gingko Bilboa trees are deciduous, shade trees, with single leaves, which are related to a primitive family of trees that were found 160 million years ago in China. Considered to...
Garden cactus with edible fruits and leaves - Opuntia humifusa (Devil's Tongue) D14

Garden cactus with edible fruits and leaves - Opuntia humifusa (Devil's Tongue) D14

75,00 lei 85,00 lei
Opuntia humifusa - endemic variety from the USA, where it grows naturally on the slopes of the "Rocky Mountains". In the 3rd year of life, the plant produces large, yellow...
Rosa ‘Paul's Scarlet’

Rosa 'Paul's Scarlet'® - Red, climbing, fragrant floribunda rose

75,00 lei
Rosa 'Paul's Scarlet'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm,...
Bougainvillea 'Purple' - the purple paper flower

Bougainvillea 'Purple' - the purple paper flower

95,00 lei
Bougainvillea, popularly called the paper flower, is a decorative plant with flowers originating from South America and can be an excellent choice for gardens or terraces. No one can think...
Lantana camara - 3 colors/pots

Lantana camara - 3 colors/pots

35,00 lei
Lantana camara is a decorative shrub with flowers and leaves, native to Africa and South America. Location: in a bright or partially shaded area. Temperature: withstand temperatures up to 0...
Helleborus 'Angel Glow' (Spanz)

Helleborus 'Angel Glow' (Spanz)

69,00 lei
Helleborus Angel Glow is a cold hardy perennial that can withstand temperatures down to -20°C. It is perfect for cold winter gardens as it blooms from February to April, even...
Bujori de gradina roze parfumati - Paeonia Lactiflora Shirley Temple

Scented pink garden peonies - Paeonia lactiflora 'Shirley Temple'

35,00 lei
Very fragrant pink garden peonies - Paeonia lactiflora 'Shirley Temple'. Characteristics: Can reach maturity at a height of approx. 80-90 m. Placement: in a bright or partially shaded, sheltered area....
Cyclamen red Leandru (Nerium Olander) XL specimens

Cyclamen red Leandru (Nerium Olander) XL specimens

95,00 lei 69,00 lei
Leander is a popular ornamental shrub, known for its beauty and resistance, but also for its colorful flowers that bloom from spring to autumn. Care: Light: Prefer strong light, at...
Dipladenia Cream Pink (scented flowers) - minimum 2 plants/pot

Dipladenia Cream Pink (scented flowers) - minimum 2 plants/pot

22,00 lei
Dipladenia, also called Sundevilla or Brazilian Yasomnia, is an apartment or garden plant, particularly decorative due to the abundance of large, trumpet-shaped, white, yellow, pink or red flowers. Dipladenia care...
Clematis red - Clematis viticella 'Vitiwester'

Clematis red - Clematis viticella 'Vitiwester'

59,00 lei
Clematis viticella 'Vitiwester' is a remarkable variety of clematis, prized for its vibrant red flowers. It is part of the viticella group, a category of clematis known for its excellent...
Hydrangea paniculata 'Diamant Rouge' (hortensie de gradina)

Hydrangea paniculata 'Diamant Rouge' (garden hydrangea)

75,00 lei
Hydrangea paniculata 'Diamant Rouge' is a bushy shrub, native to East Asia. The flowers first appear white, then change color to pink and later to a shade of vibrant red....
Yucca de gradina - yucca gloriosa

Garden yucca - yucca gloriosa variegata

75,00 lei
Yucca Goriosa Variegata is a species of yucca for the garden, native to the southeastern USA. Appearance : Succulent plant with straight and rigid stems, having long, pointed and linear...
Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Pink Showers'

Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Pink Showers' - fragrant pink flowers

55,00 lei
Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Pink Showers' is a climbing plant in the Apocynaceae family, native to East Asia. Trachelospermum jasminoides is also known as: southern jasmine, star jasmine, Chinese jasmine. Care instructions:...
Ivy - Hedera helix 'Glacier'

Ivy - Hedera helix 'Glacier'

55,00 lei
Ivy - Hedera helix 'Glacier', known as "English ivy bicolor", is an evergreen, fast-growing plant, ideal for gardens with hedges, arches or pergolas. Cold resistance: withstands well up to -15...
Hortensie mini cu 2-3 tije florale -mix de culori

Potted hydrangea - mix of colors

39,00 lei
Hydrangea is a perennial plant, very decorative with its large and brightly colored flowers with a very long flowering period - from May to late autumn. Height with pots included:...
Liliac californian - Ceanothus impressus 'Cool Blue' (variegata)

Californian Lilac - Ceanothus impressus 'Cool Blue' (variegated)

75,00 lei
Ceanothus impressus 'Cool Blue' (variegata) - is a shrub with evergreen foliage, of small size, which impresses both with its variegation and with its spectacular and abundant flowering. Planting recommendations:...
Kiwi - Actinidia arguta 'Issai'

Kiwi - Actinidia arguta 'Issai' (specimens developed 60+ cm)

59,00 lei 39,00 lei
Kiwi - Actinidia Arguta 'Issai' is a self-fertile variety, resistant to negative temperatures of -25 degrees Celsius. Actinidia arguta 'Issai' is the result of crossing two varieties Actinidia arguta and...
Afin productiv - Vaccinium corymbosum 'Pioneer'

Productive blueberry - Vaccinium corymbosum 'Pioneer'

49,00 lei
Vaccinium corymbosum 'Pioneer' is a popular blueberry cultivar due to the many advantages it presents in culture and production. 'Pioneer' is known primarily for its high productivity. This variety produces...
Mandevilla Rio Deep Red Koker - Dipladenia rosie

Mandevilla Rio Deep Red Koker - Red Dipladenia

29,00 lei
Dipladenia, also called Mandevilla or Brazilian Yasomnia, is an apartment or garden plant, particularly decorative due to the abundance of large, trumpet-shaped, white, yellow, pink or red flowers. Pot diameter:...
Lagerstroemia indica 'Pink Crape Myrtle' - Indian Lilac

Lagerstroemia indica 'Pink Crape Myrtle' - Indian Lilac

89,00 lei
Lagerstroemia indica 'Pink Crape Myrtle'. Location: in a sunny area Flowering period: June-October Height at maturity: 2.50 m Width at maturity: 1.50 m Minimum temperature : -30 degrees Celsius Soil:...
Mandevilla Sundaville Pretty Red - Dipladenia (scented flowers)

Mandevilla Sundaville Pretty Red - Dipladenia (scented flowers)

45,00 lei 35,00 lei
Dipladenia, also known as Mandevilla or Brazilian Jasomnia, is an apartment or terrace plant, particularly decorative due to the abundance of large, trumpet-shaped, white, yellow, pink or red flowers. Care...