Rosa, garden roses

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Rosa 'Wildberry' - teahibrid premiat, parfumat, Nostalgic®

Rosa 'Wildberry'® - award-winning, fragrant, Nostalgic® hybrid tea

95,00 lei 65,00 lei
Rosa 'Wildberry' is a hybrid launched in 2018 by the famous Casa Tantau, appreciated for its beauty and unique color. The buds of this award-winning Nostalgic® hybrid tea rose appear...
Rosa 'Lilac Topaz'® - floribunda, fragrant, double flowers

Rosa 'Lilac Topaz'® - floribunda, fragrant, double flowers

89,00 lei
Rosa 'Lilac Topaz' is a hybrid launched in 2020 by the famous Casa Tantau, appreciated for its beauty and unique color. The flowers of this rose are a delicate lilac,...
Rosa 'Maleica'® - very colorful, fragrant hybrid tea

Rosa 'Maleica'® - very colorful, fragrant hybrid tea

95,00 lei
Rosa 'Maleica' is a new hybrid, launched in 2021 by the famous Casa Tantau, appreciated for its beauty and very vibrant color. The inside of the petals radiates in shades...
Roses Rosa Gigi™ Parade *scented (2-3 plants/pot)

Roses Rosa Gigi™ Parade *scented (2-3 plants/pot)

35,00 lei 29,00 lei
Potted roses are miniature versions of regular roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small flowers. They originated in China, from the Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis...
Dwarf garden roses (3 plants/pot)

Dwarf garden roses (3 plants/pot)

20,00 lei 25,00 lei
Potted roses are small-scale versions of ordinary roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small, sometimes fragrant flowers. They originate in China, from the Chinese rose...
Dwarf Roses Rosa Gigi™ Parade fragrant flowers

Dwarf Roses Rosa Gigi™ Parade fragrant flowers

19,00 lei 12,00 lei
Potted roses are scaled-down versions of regular roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small flowers. They originate in China, from the Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis...
Trandafiri pitici Rosa 'Liss'

Dwarf Rosa 'Liss' fragrant roses

35,00 lei 29,00 lei
Miniature roses are miniature versions of regular roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small flowers. They originated in China, from the Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis...
Dwarf roses Rosa Piia™ Parade - fragrant flowers

Dwarf roses Rosa Piia™ Parade - fragrant flowers

35,00 lei 29,00 lei
Potted roses are miniature versions of regular roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small flowers. They originated in China, from the Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis...
Rosa White Roses *scented (2-3 plants/pot)

Rosa White Roses *scented (2-3 plants/pot)

35,00 lei 29,00 lei
Potted roses are miniature versions of regular roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small flowers. They originated in China, from the Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis...
Rosa ‘New dawn’

Rosa 'New dawn'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant

75,00 lei 65,00 lei
Rosa 'New dawn'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm,...
Rosa 'Fairy queen'® - floribunda, trandafir de acoperire

Rosa 'Fairy Queen'® - Floribunda rose, covering

90,00 lei 75,00 lei
Rosa 'Fairy Queen'® - small rose, with very abundant and spectacular blooms, used in gardens for ground cover. Fragrant flowers. Flower size: approx. 4-5 cm Color and number of petals:...
Rosa 'Heidelberg'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant

Rosa 'Heidelberg'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant

75,00 lei 65,00 lei
Rosa 'Heidelberg'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm, double,...
Dwarf garden cyclamen roses - fragrant flowers (3 plants/pot)

Dwarf garden cyclamen roses - fragrant flowers (3 plants/pot)

29,00 lei
Potted roses are small-scale versions of ordinary roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small, sometimes fragrant flowers. They originate in China, from the Chinese rose...
Rosa ‘Jasmina’® - floribunda, catarator, parfumat

Rosa 'Jasmina'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant

105,00 lei
Rosa 'Jasmina'® - floribunda, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. It is considered the most valuable climbing rose. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late...
Rosa 'Pink Climber'

Rosa 'Pink Climber'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant

65,00 lei
Rosa 'Pink Climber'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm,...
Rosa ‘Golden Celebration’® - Trandafir englezesc, David Austin

Rosa 'Golden Celebration'® - English Rose, David Austin

155,00 lei
Rosa 'Claire Austin'® - one of the English roses with the largest flowers, with abundant blooms in the form of gigantic cups. It presents a strong tea fragrance, developing wonderful...
Rosa ‘Royal Queen’

Rosa 'Royal Queen'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant

39,00 lei
Rosa 'Royal Queen'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm,...
Dwarf roses Rosa 'Twin Color Star' scented

Dwarf roses Rosa 'Twin Color Star' scented

29,00 lei 20,00 lei
Potted roses are scaled-down versions of regular roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small flowers. They originate in China, from the Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis...
Rosa 'Libretto'® - Floribunda rose, climber, large flowers

Rosa 'Libretto'® - Floribunda rose, climber, large flowers

89,00 lei 69,00 lei
Rosa 'Libretto'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 10 cm, double,...
Trandafiri pitici Rosa 'Liss'

Dwarf Rosa 'Liss' fragrant roses

16,00 lei
Potted roses are scaled-down versions of regular roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small flowers. They originate in China, from the Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis...
Rosa 'Circle of Life'

Rosa 'Circle of Life'® - fairytale rose, spectacular and fragrant

95,00 lei
"It's the Circle of Life..." Circle of Life® is not only the name of Elton John's famous song from the movie "The Lion King", but also the name of the...
Rosa Castle 'Isla' (Poulpal066)

Rosa Castle 'Isla' (Poulpal066) - floribunda, discreet fragrance

35,00 lei
Rosa Castle 'Isla' - a vigorous rose, with spectacular and abundant blooms that last the whole season. In general, the plant grows little and blooms a lot. New generation hybrid,...
Rosa ‘Romantic Queen’

Rosa 'Romantic Queen'® - Floribunda, climbing, fragrant rose

49,00 lei
Rosa 'Romantic Queen'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm,...
Rosa 'Capri'® - strongly scented hybrid tea with double flowers, nostalgia

Rosa 'Capri'® - strongly scented hybrid tea with double flowers, nostalgia

105,00 lei
Rosa 'Capri'® - The warm orange-apricot shade of this Nostalgic® hybrid tea rose is similar to the color of a romantic summer sunset. It grows in the form of a...
Rosa ‘Red Climber’

Rosa 'Red Climber'® - Red, climbing, fragrant floribunda rose (Rosa Flammentanz)

39,00 lei
Rosa 'Red Climber'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm,...
Rosa ‘Laminuette’® - floribunda, parfumat

Rosa 'Laminuette'® - Floribunda rose, fragrant

65,00 lei
Rosa 'Laminuette'® - floribunda garden rose, with compact growth and very good branching. It amazes with the large number of fragrant, bicolor flowers. It shows good resistance to diseases and...
Rosa 'Nostalgie'

Rosa 'Nostalgie'® - classic, bicolor, fragrant hybrid tea

95,00 lei
Rosa 'Nostalgie'® from Rosen Tantau, introduced in 1995, has come to be considered one of the classics of the world of roses. It is legendary both as a garden rose...
Rosa ‘Westerland’® (Rosa 'Orange Climber')

Rosa 'Westerland'® (Rosa 'Orange Climber') - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant D11

35,00 lei
Rosa 'Westerland'® - floribunda, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. It is considered the most valuable climbing rose. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late...
Rosa ‘Leonardo da Vinci’® - nostalgie si romantism

Rosa 'Leonardo da Vinci'® - Floribunda rose, nostalgia and romance

95,00 lei
Rosa 'Leonardo da Vinci'® - medium-sized hybrid tea, with compact growth and very good branching. Considered a collector's item, it amazes with its large, globular, impressive and fragrant flowers. It...
Rosa rugosa 'Rotes Meer' - flori foarte parfumate

Rosa rugosa 'Rotes Meer' - Rose with very fragrant flowers

65,00 lei
Rosa rugosa 'Rotes Meer' - rugosa, small, with compact growth and very good branching. Very robust plants, decorative both through foliage and through flowers and red fruits. Flower details: approx....
Rosa ‘Crazy in Love’® Pink

Rosa 'Crazy in Love'® Pink - Pink, climbing, fragrant floribunda rose

75,00 lei
Rosa 'Crazy in Love'® Pink - floribunda, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: large, double,...
Dwarf roses 'Rosa Princess of Infinity' - fragrant flowers 3 plants/pot

Dwarf roses 'Rosa Princess of Infinity' - fragrant flowers 3 plants/pot

29,00 lei
Potted roses are scaled-down versions of regular roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small flowers. They originate in China, from the Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis...
Rosa ‘Paul's Scarlet’

Rosa 'Paul's Scarlet'® - Red, climbing, fragrant floribunda rose

75,00 lei
Rosa 'Paul's Scarlet'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm,...
Rosa ‘Berleburg’® (Poulbella)

Rosa 'Leonardo da Vinci'® - Floribunda rose, nostalgia and romance

75,00 lei
Rosa 'Leonardo da Vinci'® - medium-sized hybrid tea, with compact growth and very good branching. Considered a collector's item, it amazes with its large, globular, impressive and fragrant flowers. It...
Rosa ‘Olivia Rose Austin’

Rosa 'Olivia Rose Austin'® - English rose, David Austin

155,00 lei
Rosa 'Olivia Rose Austin'® - Buds look like peonies, then open into beautiful cup-shaped rosettes, of a uniform medium pink color. They have a light to medium fruity fragrance. They...
Rosa ‘Acapella’

Rosa 'Acapella'® - Hybrid tea rose, strongly scented (Parfum de Nature collection)

95,00 lei
Rosa 'Acapella'® - hybrid tea garden rose, with compact growth and good branching. The strongly scented flowers impress with their pink-cyclam shades. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring...
Rosa ‘Lady of Shalott’

Rosa 'Lady of Shalott'® - English Rose, David Austin

155,00 lei
Rosa 'Lady of Shalott'® - red-orange buds turn into cup-shaped flowers. The outer petals are salmon-pink with a beautiful contrasting golden-yellow underside. It presents a pleasant, warm, tea scent, with...
Rosa 'Bonfire'® - Trandafir floribunda, flori parfumate

Rosa 'Bonfire'® - Floribunda rose, fragrant flowers

49,00 lei
Rosa 'Bonfire'® - small-medium sized rose, with very abundant and spectacular blooms, used in gardens for ground cover. Fragrant flowers. It shows very good resistance to diseases and pests. Flower...
Rosa Castle 'Dover'

Rosa Castle 'Dover' - Floribunda rose, fragrant

75,00 lei 65,00 lei
Rosa Castle 'Dover' - a vigorous rose, with spectacular and abundant blooms that last the entire season. In general, the plant grows little and blooms a lot. New generation hybrid,...
Rosa ‘Claire Austin’

Rosa 'Claire Austin'® - Climbing English rose hybridized by David Austin

155,00 lei
Rosa 'Claire Austin'® - English rose, medium-sized climber, particularly productive, hybridized by David Austin. It shows very vigorous growth and a special resistance to diseases specific to roses. The flowers...
Rosa ‘Princess Alexandra of Kent’

Rosa 'Princess Alexandra of Kent'® - English Rose, David Austin

155,00 lei
Rosa 'Princess Alexandra of Kent'® - the flowers are unusually large, bright pink, full of petals and cup-shaped. Despite their large size, they are nicely balanced on a well-defined shrub....
Rosa 'Mind Games'® - floribunda, joc de culori

Rosa 'Mind Games'® - Floribunda rose, play of colors

95,00 lei
Rosa 'Mind Games'® - floribunda, medium size, with compact growth and very good branching. It amazes with the large number of fragrant flowers, cream with pink-cyclam splash. It shows good...
Rosa 'Burgundy Ice'

Rosa 'Burgundy Ice'® - Floribunda rose, fragrance and intense color

105,00 lei 85,00 lei
Rosa 'Burgundy Ice'® - a vigorous rose, with spectacular and abundant blooms that extend throughout the entire season. New generation hybrid, showing good resistance to specific diseases. Flower size: 9.5...
Rosa ‘Lovely Queen’

Rosa 'Lovely Queen'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant

49,00 lei
Rosa 'Lovely Queen'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm,...
Rosa ‘Aprikola’® - Trandafir floribunda, nostalgie

Rosa 'Aprikola'® - Floribunda rose, nostalgia

95,00 lei 75,00 lei
Rosa 'Aprikola'® - floribunda, of medium size, with compact growth and very good branching. It amazes with the large number of fragrant, peach-orange-yellow flowers, which change their shade to peach-pink...
Rosa K.R. ‘Moonlight’® - floribunda, catarator, parfumat

Rosa KR 'Moonlight'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant

95,00 lei
Rosa KR 'Moonlight'® - floribunda, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. It is considered the most valuable climbing rose. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to...
Rosa 'Fairy Princess'® - floribunda, trandafir de acoperire

Rosa 'Fairy Princess'® - Floribunda rose, cover rose

75,00 lei 65,00 lei
Rosa 'Fairy Princess'® - small rose, with very abundant and spectacular blooms, used in gardens for ground cover. Fragrant flowers. Flower size: approx. 3-4 cm Color and number of petals:...
Rosa ‘Arthur Bell’® - trandafir floribunda, parfum intens

Rosa 'Arthur Bell'® - Floribunda rose, intense fragrance

95,00 lei 75,00 lei
Rosa 'Arthur Bell'® - floribunda, medium size, with compact growth and very good branching. It amazes with the large number of yellow flowers, very fragrant. It shows good resistance to...
Discover the selection of English roses, climbing roses, dwarf roses (miniatures), floribunda roses and hybrid teas (grandiflora).