Other special plants

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Dracaena fragrans 'Cintho'

Dracaena fragrans 'Cintho'

25,00 lei 16,00 lei
Dracaena fragrans 'Cintho' is an exotic plant, particularly decorative through its leaves. It is a very popular plant both because of its appearance and because it requires minimal care. Location:...
Ficus elastica Burgundy XL

Ficus elastica Burgundy XL

175,00 lei
Ficus elastica is one of the most widespread houseplants. Its leaves are highly valued for their shape, size and color. One thing worth remembering is that, following the research carried...
Ficus Elastica Cloe (rubber tree)

Ficus Elastica Cloe (rubber tree)

39,00 lei
Ficus is one of the most widespread houseplants. Its leaves are highly valued for their shape, size and color. One thing worth remembering is that, following the research carried out...
Nolina Recurvata 1.5m - Planta Picior de Elefant

Nolina 1.5 m - Elephant's foot

665,00 lei
Nolina recurvata or Elephant's foot. Originally from Texas, Mexico, Nolina is a slow-growing plant that rarely reaches 2 m in the apartment. In the natural environment it can reach 8-10...
Aphelandra squarrosa 'Curly White' (Zebra Plant)

Aphelandra squarrosa 'Curly White' (Zebra Plant)

25,00 lei 29,00 lei
Aphelandra, nicknamed the Zebra Plant due to its appearance, is a shrub that grows and blooms easily if given the necessary conditions. Care instructions Aphelandra - Zebra Plant Location: Bright...
Schlumbergera 'Carrollyne' (Pink Christmas) 2pp D14

Schlumbergera 'Carrollyne' (Pink Christmas) 2pp D14

35,00 lei
Schlumbergera, also known by the popular names "Christmas", "Don't bother me", "Christmas" or "Christmas Cactus", is an epiphytic succulent plant originating from the mountainous regions of Brazil. It is highly...
Cumpara ceropegia Sandersonii - Floarea umbrela, cel mai bun pret online!

Ceropegia Sandersonii (umbrella flower, umbrella flower)

115,00 lei
Ceropegia Sandersonii is a fascinating insectivorous plant, known by many names: Umbrella Flower, Parachute Flower, African Parachute, Fountain Flower or Lantern Flower. The flowers of Ceropegia Sandersonii spread a pleasant...
Calathea Beauty Star (baby plant)

Calathea Beauty Star (baby plant)

25,00 lei
Calathea is a tropical plant, particularly decorative, with colorful and varied foliage, native to South America. Calathea is a plant that purifies the air, contributing to a cleaner indoor climate....
Zamioculcas zamifolia - eternal plant D17

Zamioculcas zamifolia - eternal plant D17

95,00 lei 115,00 lei
Zamioculcas is an ideal plant for the living room or office. It does not require special care and is rarely watered. Zamioculcas care instructions Location: bright but shady place Humidity:...
Ficus benjamina 'Golden Monique' - 2 plants/pot

Ficus benjamina 'Golden Monique' - 2 plants/pot

75,00 lei
Ficus Benjamina is a decorative indoor plant with leaves, very easy to maintain. It needs constant humidity in the atmosphere to maintain its pleasant appearance. Ficus benjamina effectively filters pollutants...
Neoregelia 'Franca'

Neoregelia 'Franca'

45,00 lei 35,00 lei
Neoregelia 'Franca' does not like direct contact with the sun, preferring a strong but indirect light. The location near a bright window is the most suitable. Height with pot included...
Calathea 'Greenstar'

Calathea 'Greenstar'

35,00 lei
Calathea is a tropical plant, particularly decorative, with colorful and varied foliage, native to South America. Calathea is a plant that purifies the air, contributing to a better and healthier...
Ficus lyrata XL - smochin lira

Ficus lyrata (lyra fig) D21

145,00 lei
Ficus lyrata known as lira fig or false fig is an indoor plant that grows over 15 meters high in its natural habitat and up to 3 meters indoors. Ficus...
Rhipsalidopsis 'White Fire'

Rhipsalidopsis 'White Fire'

25,00 lei
Rhipsalidopsis is a popular houseplant, also known as Christmas or Easter cactus. This plant is part of the cactaceae family and is native to Brazil. Rhipsalidopsis care is relatively easy,...
Guzmania Tempo

Guzmania Tempo

25,00 lei
Guzmania Tempo is a plant of tropical origin, very suitable as an indoor plant. It does not like direct contact with the sun, preferring a strong but indirect light. The...
Tradescantia Purpurea Purple Heart (Pallida)

Tradescantia Purpurea Purple Heart (Pallida) - 2 plants/pot

20,00 lei
Tradescantia Purple Heart is an easy-to-care flowing houseplant. Tradescantia has air purifying qualities. Tradescantia care instructions: Placement: Place it in a bright area. It can also be grown outside in...
Peperomia 'Montevideo'

Peperomia 'Montevideo'

16,00 lei
Peperomia is not a difficult plant to care for, the biggest problem it faces is usually related to watering. Light: Peperomia prefers moderate light but will also tolerate shade. It...
Aspidistra elatior (Pana cocosului)

Aspidistra elatior (Pana cocosului)

95,00 lei
Aspidistra elatior fully deserves its popular name of "Iron Plant". It is extremely hardy and has a wonderful ability to grow with minimal care. Because it can also cope with...
Ficus altissima 'Yellow Gem' variegated

Ficus altissima 'Yellow Gem'

35,00 lei
The ficus is recognized by NASA with air filtering properties. Ficus can effectively filter pollutants usually emitted by carpets and furniture, including benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde. Ficus is a decorative...
Sansevieria Night Shade 2pp

Sansevieria Night Shade 2pp

45,00 lei
Sansevieria is a plant native to Africa, Madagascar and South Asia, and grown here as a houseplant. It does well with heat and strong light, but will also tolerate shade....
Aeschynanthus lobbianus variegate (Lipstick plant) - XL specimens

Aeschynanthus lobbianus variegate (Lipstick plant) - XL specimens

95,00 lei
Aeschynanthus is a flowing houseplant. Aeschynanthus is also known as "lipstick" because of its tubular red flowers. If it is given enough heat, red flowers will appear at the end...
Schlumbergera orange 'Orange' (Christmas) - XXL copies 3pp

Schlumbergera orange 'Orange' (Christmas) - XXL copies 3pp

59,00 lei
Schlumbergera, also known under the popular names of "Christmas tree", "Don't bother me" or "Christmas cactus", is a succulent epiphytic plant that comes from the mountainous regions of Brazil. It...
Sansevieria cylindrica braided

Sansevieria cylindrica braided

16,00 lei
Sansevieria is a plant native to Africa, Madagascar and South Asia, and grown here as a houseplant. It does well with heat and strong light, but will also tolerate shade....
Lagerstroemia indica 'Rosea Nova' - Liliac indian

Lagerstroemia indica 'Rosea Nova' - Indian lilac

89,00 lei
Lagerstroemia indica 'Rosea Nova' - Indian lilac. Location: in a sunny area Flowering period: June-October Height at maturity: 2.50 m Width at maturity: 1.50 m Minimum temperature : -30 degrees...
Coleus 'Stained Glassworks Royalty' * babyplant

Coleus 'Stained Glassworks Royalty' * babyplant

12,00 lei
Plectranthus, popularly called nettle, is a very decorative plant and easy to care for. Place it in a bright area. Height with pots included approx. 15 cm
Selaginella uncinata (Peacock Moss)

Selaginella uncinata (Peacock Moss)

65,00 lei
Selaginella uncinata - also called Peacock Moss, is native to southern China and is the only genus of vascular plants in the Selaginellaceae family. Its common name is derived from...
Sansevieria 'Abbey Crown'

Sansevieria 'Abbey Crown'

45,00 lei
Sansevieria 'Abbey Crown' stands out for its tall, straight leaves, which can vary in shades of dark green to light green, often with yellow or golden edges. The leaves are...
Phlebodium aureum 'Blue Star' - feriga Blue Star

Phlebodium aureum 'Blue Star' - Blue Star fern

25,00 lei
Phlebodium aureum 'Blue Star' is a fascinating fern, originally from the tropical forests of South America. It has resistant, elongated, green-blue leaves. The fern is famous for its ability to...
Schlumbergera 'Danica Yellow' 2pp

Schlumbergera 'Danica Yellow' 2pp

35,00 lei
Schlumbergera is a species of cactus, similar to Rhipsalidopsis, popularly called "Christmas" or "Don't bother me. Schlumbergera thrives best in a bright place, up to semi-shade, in the summer it...
Croton 'Tamara' (Codiaeum variegatum 'Tamara') - 2 plants/pot

Croton 'Tamara' (Codiaeum variegatum 'Tamara') - 2 plants/pot

45,00 lei
Croton 'Tamara' is a special shrub that stands out for its spectacularly colored leaves. Croton care instructions Placement: Croton is placed in bright areas but not in direct sunlight, away...
Sansevieria zeylanica Fan (forma de evantai)

Sansevieria zeylanica Fan (fan shape)

39,00 lei
Sansevieria is famous for turning CO2 into O2 at night. It is said that in an environment where you have no fresh air at all, if you have 6-8 Sansevieria...
Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Zamicro’

Zamioculcas 'Zamicro'

55,00 lei 45,00 lei
Zamioculcas is an ideal plant for living room or office. It does not require special care and is rarely watered. Known as ZZ, Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is an interesting plant...
Heliconia 'Curacao'

Heliconia 'Curacao'

75,00 lei
Heliconia 'Curacao' is popular because the flowers resemble Streliztia - the Bird of Paradise. It blooms profusely throughout the year. Inside, it is located in the warmest and brightest place...
Fritillaria michailovskyi 'Uva-Vulpis' yellow.

Fritillaria michailovskyi

22,00 lei
Fritillaria michailovskyi. Flowering period: April - May Height with pots included 10-15 cm Pot diameter 9 cm Sold without flowers.
Fittonia 'Pink Angel', mosaic plant

Fittonia 'Pink Angel', mosaic plant

19,00 lei 16,00 lei
Fittonia is a plant with a delightful appearance, originating from the forests of South America. It stands out for its ornamental leaves, decorated with stripes of different colors, and for...
Calathea Flamestar

Calathea Flamestar

55,00 lei
Calathea is a tropical plant, particularly decorative, with colorful and varied foliage, native to South America. Calathea is a plant that purifies the air, contributing to a better and healthier...
Peperomia Royal Princess mini

Peperomia Royal Princess (babyplant)

16,00 lei
Peperomia is not a difficult plant to care for, the biggest problem it faces is usually related to watering. Light: Peperomia prefers moderate light but will also tolerate shade. It...
Codiaeum Variegatum Gold Dust (babyplant)

Codiaeum Variegatum Gold Dust (babyplant)

25,00 lei
Codiaeum Variegatum Gold Dust, also known as Gold Dust Croton, is a special shrub that stands out for its spectacularly colored leaves. Croton care instructions Placement: Croton is placed in...
Pedilanthus tithymaloides 'Mystery Planet

Pedilanthus tithymaloides 'Variegatus' - Devil's Backbone

29,00 lei
Pedilanthus tithymaloides is an original shrub from Central and North-South America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Care: Soil: moderately fertile, well drained. Watering: it is usually watered from spring to autumn....
Plumeria rubra Hawaiian mix

Plumeria rubra Hawaiian mix - fragrant flowers

135,00 lei
Plumeria are tropical trees famous for their gorgeous and fragrant flowers, which are used to make leis (floral garlands). In regions with cold winters, plumerias can be grown in pots...
Sansevieria masoniana grandis

Sansevieria masoniana 'Grandis Zulu'

85,00 lei
Sansevieria masoniana is also known as the "Whale Fin Snake Plant", due to the unique shape of its unusually large leaves. Although it has a slow growth, the sansevieria masoniana...
Sansevieria Ming Green Marble

Sansevieria Ming Green Marble

45,00 lei
Sansevieria is a plant native to Africa, Madagascar and South Asia, and grown here as a houseplant. It does well with heat and strong light, but will also tolerate shade....
Cyclamen persicum 'Windbell'

Cyclamen persicum 'Windbell'

35,00 lei 25,00 lei
Cyclamen persicum 'Windbell' is a decorative ornamental plant, appreciated for its delicate flowers and heart-shaped leaves. It is a variety of the Cyclamen persicum species , being recognized for its...
Maslin Bonsai in ghiveci - Olea Europaea, disponibil in magazin, pret atractiv

Olive Bonsai - Olea Europaea Bonsai

199,00 lei
The olive tree, also considered the "eternal tree", is a shrub of Mediterranean origin with extraordinary power of regeneration and adaptation. Olive Tree Bonsai can be a truly special gift....
Ficus Elastica Robusta XL (Rubber Plant 'Robusta') H80 cm

Ficus Elastica Robusta XL (Rubber Plant 'Robusta') H80 cm

85,00 lei 65,00 lei
The ficus is one of the most common houseplants. Its leaves are highly valued for their shape, size, and color. One thing worth remembering is that, following research conducted by...
Trifolium repens 'Sweet Mike'

Trifolium repens 'Sweet Mike'

35,00 lei
Trifolium repens 'Sweet Mike' is a delightful variety of dwarf, trailing white clover known for its dense, colorful leaves that add color and texture to any garden. This variety is...
Cumpara Oxalis deppei - trifoiul norocos, cel mai bun pret!

Oxalis deppei - lucky clover (good luck plant)

15,00 lei
Oxalis deppei is also known as the lucky clover ("good luck plant"). Height with pots included 15 cm Pot diameter 9 cm
Schlumbergera 'Red' - XXL copies

Schlumbergera 'Red' - XXL copies

65,00 lei 59,00 lei
Schlumbergera, also known under the popular names of "Christmas tree", "Don't bother me" or "Christmas cactus", is a succulent epiphytic plant that comes from the mountainous regions of Brazil. It...
Special plants, which often go unnoticed and do not (yet) receive enough attention :)