Phalaenopsis Taisuco Jasper - Information and Complete Care Guide

Phalaenopsis Taisuco Jasper

Phalaenopsis Taisuco Jasper is another complex hybrid, with numerous botanical species crossed in various proportions, produced by Taisuco in 2009 - perhaps the most well-known Taiwanese company producing Phalaenopsis hybrids - together with the much better-known Sogo company, Jasper is the result of crossing a award-winning complex hybrid (Phal. Sogo Medal) with a botanical species (Phal. Pulcherima).

Phalaenopsis Taisuco Jasper - Information and Complete Care Guide

Although it has been in the culture for over 9 years and is highly sought after by amateurs and professionals, Phalaenopsis Taisuco Jasper has not been used in the creation of hybrids, compared to the recent Phalaenopsis Taisuco Yellow Chocolate , from 2017, which is already registered as a parent for Joy Spotted Cat .

With 14 botanical species in its composition, but with a disproportionate participation (since Phalaenopsis Pulcherima has a weight of 50.2% in this taxon, although phenotypically its presence is not noticeable, except for the typical shape of the flowers, more precisely the specific crenellation of at the marginal level of the upper petals), the chromaticity of this hybrid impresses , zonally alternating from strong contrasts between violet and white, even dark purple and fuchsia, at the level of the upper petals, the column, the labellum and its lobes, up to diffuse pastels, reminiscent by the watercolor technique, at the central level of the petals, sepals, and the dorsal area, where they diffuse up to yellowish or sometimes even ocher shades.

Its composition includes species with pronounced variegation (Phalaenopsis amboinensis 15.63%, Phalaenopsis fasciata 0.39%, Phalaenopsis hieroghyphica 0.39%), species with obscure, dark coloring, such as Phalaenopsis venosa, 12.5%, species of to which it inherits and fixes the predominant color consisting of shades of pink, purple, cyclamen and white, like Phalaenopsis amabilis var. amabilis 7.64%, Phalaenopsis Aphrodite 2.97%, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana 1.95%, Phalaenopsis sanderiana 0.15%, Phalaenopsis schilleriana 0.03%, Phalaenopsis aphroditae 0.01%, Phalaenopsis stuartiana 0.03%, and of course, Phalaenopsis equestris, with 0.15%, from which it gets the reduced size and the attribute of multiple flowers on branched stems.

The flowers with a diameter of 4.5 cm persist for approximately 2 months, enchanting with their special chromaticity, and the partial sequentiality that determines the gradual opening of the flowers contributes to the aesthetics of this taxon. If we add the fact that, like most species of the Phalaenopsis genus and implicitly their hybrids, usually produce multiple blooms annually, we can appreciate that we will admire this special taxon , in all its splendor, for at least 4 months a year.

With a medium height, and a preference for terrestrial resorts and occasionally epiphytes, according to the preferences of the parent species, with monopodial growth, and thick, leathery leaves, naturally forming basal keiki, as a result of the massive percentage weight of the Phalaenopsis species (e.g. .Doritis) pulcherrima, Phalaenopsis Taisuco Jasper impresses not only by the flowers with special color, a defining aspect of Asian and especially Taiwanese lines, but also by its robustness and compact port.

It can tolerate conditions of strong light intensity , unlike other species of the genus, its values ​​can go up to 18,000 lux. The tolerance for high light intensity is also revealed at the level of thermal values , where the upper limit can go up to 32 ℃, an aspect that brings this taxon closer to the conditions required for the related genus Vanda, by comparison with the culture methodology generally applied for Phalaenopsis.

Adequate irrigation for this hybrid will follow the already known routine for the genus, carried out weekly, with the condition of allowing the substrate to dry between waterings. In the same way, fertilization does not raise any particular problems, being carried out gradually, throughout the year, every 3rd or 4th watering, but taking care to allow abundant washing of the substrate when watering immediately after fertilization to remove excess fertilizer, which can be deposited in the form of crystals on the roots, causing chemical burns. It is possible, depending on preferences, to intensify irrigation and fertilization during the warm season, to reduce it later, at the onset of the winter season, when the low level of temperature and light do not allow the metabolism of nutrients to be as efficient, and growth is therefore slowed down .

The tolerance of this hybrid is relatively generalized, supporting minimum humidity with values ​​between 55 - 60%.

The recommended culture medium will consist of reduced grain bark, with up to 1 part to 4-5 parts of coconut peat, coconut fiber, sand or charcoal, to ensure adequate drainage and efficient aeration of the substrate and roots . As inorganic variants of the amendments that can be brought to the substrate, there are also expanded ceramic balls and pumice stone, of medium to large grain size (0.5 - 1 cm diameter).

Changing the containers will be done at the initiation of growth, when the roots will tend to grow outside the pot, a moment that indicates that the appropriate season for replanting has begun, and you can intervene in this regard, generally after the end of the flowering period. Since Phalaenopsis Taisuco Jasper has the characteristic of easily forming basal keiki, it is recommended to propagate it by dividing the offspring from the mother plant, once the formation of roots is observed.

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