Pachira aquatica - Meaning and care guide

Pachira Aquatica, called Malabar Chestnut or Money Tree, is a durable plant, easily adapting to various conditions, but the right amount of water, light and fertilization will help it develop to its maximum capacity.
It is native to the tropical regions of Central and South America, up to the north of Brazil. The name comes from an old Guyanese Indian language and means "sweet water nuts" . It also grows in other wet places, such as along rivers, in swamps and in wet forests in the mountains. In the wild it can reach a height of 20 meters and shows flowers with enormous yellow petals, which turn into oval brown fruits - these can reach a length of 30 cm and inside them are nuts that can be used as a substitute for cocoa .

Although this plant comes from America, it is currently the most popular in Taiwan. Feng Shui practitioners believe that it creates "chi" , a positive energy that brings good luck to homes, and usually decorate it with different ornaments to increase this ability.
The legend that gave it the name "Money Tree" says that the plant will bring great wealth to its owner, and the trunks are usually intertwined to "block" luck and wealth in the house.
According to the Chinese feng shui tradition, the leaves, which resemble green hands, capture happiness and luck, and the twisted stems store treasure.
In Asia, the plant is also called the "Money Tree" , being a traditional gift for the home, which brings luck and happiness. In China, the number five represents the 5 elements, this fact popularizing the leaves of the five fingers of Pachira. The effect is said to be enhanced by placing five plants in a pot (red) or by interconnecting five trunks.

- it loves humidity, but it must not be left standing in water; good drainage is essential;
- position this plant in indirect light;
- water regularly, 1-2 times a week depending on humidity; make sure that you water the entire surface of the soil, until the water starts to flow through the drain holes;
- for optimal growth, fertilize 3-4 times a year;
- if the leaves turn yellow, it means that it receives too much light;
- rotate from time to time - this indoor tree tends to grow after light.