About Fig - cultivation/care and economic potential

Fig cultivation (Ficus carica) in Romania is not new - there is already a history of several hundred years, and recent climate changes (in the sense of warming, taming of winters) allow large-scale cultivation in Romania as well, the economic opportunity being very big.
Although in the past the Fig was mainly cultivated in the south of Romania because the climate is much milder, in recent years real plantations have been established even in hilly or submontane areas.
The growth of the fig tree . It develops naturally in the form of a bush, but by trimming it can also be obtained in the form of a shrub with a crown. The growth is quite fast, and the harvest is abundant, if we refer to the size of the plants.
Figs - the fruits appear once or twice a year, during July-August-September (depending on the variety). Famous fig cultivars show superior specific properties (long shelf life, taste, consistency, fruit size, productivity). The fruits appear in the first year, in the case of developed specimens purchased in pots.
The cuttings/pruning of the fig tree - are done in order to obtain the material for vegetative reproduction, but also for thinning the crown, removing dry parts or keeping the shape. The fig tree does not require frequent or complex pruning.
Resistance in the garden. It withstands up to -20°C (-30°C in the case of selected cultivars) without significant losses. Resistance increases as the plant matures, the root system develops, and the branches become thicker . It is recommended to protect by covering the plants in the first years with microporous film (anti-freeze film, Agril type film, etc.). The cases of frost in fig trees mean damage to the aerial parts - but the root remains alive, and the plant grows again in the spring.
Planting. Specimens purchased in pots can be planted without restrictions between March and November, because they have an already formed root system. It is recommended to avoid planting figs in the cold season, even if the temperatures are permissive, because it will be more difficult to adapt.
Positioning in the garden. In order to enjoy abundant fruiting, it is recommended to plant the fig in the sunniest possible place, while also ensuring the necessary irrigation (especially when the plant is young). Placing it near a fence (which provides protection from the winds in the cold season) or near the wall of a house (which acts as a heat source) presents significant cultural advantages, but keep in mind that the Fig also needs space to develop.
Fig fertilization can be done both by classical methods (manure) and with the help of chemical fertilizers or other types of organic fertilizers. Some growers use products with balanced NPK, based on the principle of availability of resources in the soil from which the plant will extract its necessary nutrients.
Although the fig tree is not very picky about fertilization, being originally used to arid lands and areas, fertilization can improve the production and quality of the fruits. Some sources indicate a single fertilization in the spring, when the plant enters vegetation.
Watering the Fig Tree . Although the plant survives very well without human intervention, the productivity and quality of the fruits will be directly influenced by watering. Cultivators use drip irrigation systems that provide water daily, while amateurs water every 2-7 days (depending on the position of the plant and the aridity of the land). During periods of heavy rainfall, watering will be stopped.
Resistance to diseases and pests. Figs are considered ' pest free '. Basically, the only worries are the purchase of plants, planting, irrigation and picking.
Curiosity. Figs have a lifespan of up to 200 years. In Romania there are specimens over 100 years old.
The economic potential of figs is relatively easy to assess, if we think of the tons of figs imported annually in various forms (dried, prepared as jams or fresh in supermarkets). Currently, there are numerous small producers that capitalize locally on local productions, but this is just the beginning.