Phalaenopsis Taisuco Kobold - Care and characteristics

Phalaenopsis Taisuco Kobold

Once again, the Asian magicians from Taisuco amaze us with a new hybrid, from 2008, in which numerous botanical species bring their chromatic and morphological contribution to create a new taxon with fairy-tale names and desert colors - Phalaenopsis Taisuco Kobold.

As we are used to, the people at Taisuco are not stingy when it comes to the use of parental species, and our elf is no exception, incorporating 16 botanical species of Phalaenopsis, to which is added another taxon, which does not exist information.

Contemporary with Phalaenopsis Taisuco Jasper, also a multispecific hybrid, Kobold , presents the following parental formula (in which a hybrid from the Sogo lines sneaks in two generations): Phalaenopsis equestris 31.03%, from where it probably inherits the floral abundance - but not the size of the flowers - Phalaenopsis venosa 12.5%, easily identifiable in the color of the corolla and its diameter, Phalaenopsis amabilis 11.54%, Phalaenopsis amabilis subsp. amabilis 10, 52%, Phalaenopsis gigantean 6.25%, Phalaenopsis aphrodite 6.17%, Phalaenopsis lueddemaniana .24%, Phalaenopsis amboinensis 4.22%, Phalaenopsis stuartiana 2.85%, Phalaenopsis schilleriana 2.7%, Phalaenopsis sanderiana 2 .2%, Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica 1.56%, Phalaenopsis fasciata 1.56%, Phalaenopsis Aphrodite subsp. Formosana 0.52%, Phalaenopsis sumatrana 0.39%, unknown data 0.06%, Phalaenopssis pulcherima 0.05%.

Systematically belonging to the Doritaenopsis genus, Kobold is a cultivar without valid synonyms, awarded in 2009 and twice a year in 2010.

The approximately 30 cm long stems, simply branched, with the floral petiole inserted directly, stand out for their considerably thin thickness for the Phalaenopsis genus, having only 3 - 4 mm. They emerge relatively higher on the stem, compared to other Phalaenopsis species or hybrids, 2-3 leaves away from the bundle area, which demarcates the root area from the aerial area. The rods are always multiple, present in variable numbers, from 2 to 5, from personal observations. The inflorescence is rich , bearing between 8 - 14 flowers per stem, with a diameter of approximately 4 cm when fully opened. They are notable for their waxy, almost glazed appearance , somewhat reminiscent of the texture of Catasetum or Cymbidium flowers.

The special cormatics distinguishes a dominant burgundy-dark to chocolate background, relatively compact, without color variations, which covers more than 90% of the corolla, with the exception of only a ventral marginal area, 1 - 2 mm wide, of the petals and sepals and the labellum, which has a yellowish-white color that turns into intense yellow as the flowers mature. At the level of the column, the coloration is completely white, with the exception of two diffuse and discoidal spots of approximately 2 mm diameter, positioned laterally and slightly dorsal to the pollen capsule, of a pale bluish color. The dorsal face of the entire corolla, including the labellum, with long lateral lobes and rounded ends, which frame and exceed in height half the thickness of the column, has a dirty white color, with aubergine shades, with the exception of a marginal area of ​​approximately 3 - 4 mm width, distributed longitudinally on the entire labellum, with the exception of the single terminal lobe, without filiform appendages, and the two petals.

The well-developed root system stands out through long and thin, but robust roots, with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, much smaller than would be expected for a medium-sized phalaenopsis hybrid. The foliage is well represented, with a number of 8 - 14 leaves per adult plant, whose hard consistency is reminiscent of hybrids such as Papagayo or Taisuco Jasper, but with a glossy and smooth surface. Their sizes vary upwards, from 5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, in the case of the first basal leaves, to 12 - 15 cm long, respectively 5 cm wide, in the case of the apical leaves.

Regarding the culture parameters, Phalaenopsis Taisuco Kobold does not differ from its sister hybrid, Phalaenopsis Taisuco Jasper, with which it shares a good proportion of the parental species.

The level of light radiation will be in the lower to medium area, typical of the Phalaenopsis genus, with values ​​between 8000 and 10000 lux. Ideal temperatures oscillate around an average of 28 ℃ and can remain constant throughout the year, as they do not require periods of rest. From the point of view of water administration, a moderate frequency of watering is recommended, preferring to dry the superficial part of it, before the next watering. Fertilization is recommended every 3rd or 4th watering, provided that the subsequent irrigation of a fertilization is carried out thoroughly, in order to remove possible deposits of fertilizer crystals on the roots, an aspect that can cause chemical burns.

The ideal culture medium is medium-grained bark, which can be used mixed with coarse pieces, 1-2 cm in diameter, of coconut fiber. The culture containers will be changed between the moments of flowering, when the development and growth of the roots outside the pots is observed.

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