Perreiraara Rapeepath - features and care guide

An intergeneric hybrid, complex in terms of the species used, Perreiraara Rapeepath is a vandoidea that impresses at first sight with its small, compact size, abundant flowers, exuberant color and strong perfume, proving that it represents the effort of various growers to obtain everything perhaps the best of the known genres.
Registered at the Royal Horticultural Society in 2015 by the Thai breeder Wuttiphan Keesanga, Perreiraara Rapeepath is a hybrid between Perreiraara Bangkok Sunset, as a seminal parent, and Vandachostylis Pine Rivers, as a pollinous parent. The specific composition of this spectacular hybrid is as follows: Rhynchostylis coelestis 37.5%, Aerides houlletiana 25%, Vanda flabellata 12.5%, Vanda curvifolia 12.5%, Vanda coerulea 6.64%, Vanda sanderiana 4.69%, Vanda luzonica 0.78%, Vanda tricolor 0.39%, including 8 botanical species from 3 different genera. Like most of the hybrids that used Rhynchorides Bangkok Sunset as a seminal parent, Rapeepath surprises with its reduced, compact waist, which solves the aspect of space, often restrictive for vandeae collectors, and to the same extent, with the multitude of flowers and floral stems, which remind from the dominant parent, Rhynchostylis, by the compact habit of the semi-pendant inflorescences.
It grows in exclusive epiphytic stands, with a monopodial habit, but often forms basal keiki, being able to generate impressive plant clusters over time. The average length of the stem is around 20-30 cm, and fleshy, alternate leaves are inserted on it, 10-20 cm long and up to 2 cm wide.
Flowering takes place on erect to arched stems, with many (15 - 25) waxy, fragrant flowers that emerge from early summer to late autumn. The flowers, 2-3 cm in diameter, have an impressive color scheme, with shades of white, yellow, pink, cyclamen, violet, distributed somewhat in gradients over the entire surface of the corolla.
Due to the same criterion, namely the descent from Rhynchostylis, it inherits from it the ease of cultivation, preferring a warm climate, with 31 - 32 ℃ during the summer days, and 23 - 24 ℃ at night, with 34 - 36 ℃ during the day, during the spring and 18 – 23 ℃ at night, and with 29 – 32 ℃ during the day and 13 – 14 ℃ at night, during the winter.
The light radiation will be in the range of 30,000 - 40,000 lux, preferring filtered and dispersed alumina, without being directly exposed to sunlight, and ensuring good ventilation at all times.
Perreiraara Rapeepath requires a level of atmospheric humidity of 70-85% during the summer until the beginning of autumn, following that it should be progressively reduced to 60% in the cold period, until the beginning of spring.
The ideal way of culture is with the bare roots, in a glass pot or mounted in wooden baskets, without a substrate, or with large, coarse pieces of bark around the roots, but in this case, greater attention will be required regarding the needs of irrigation.
If you prefer the culture in the substrate, you should know that this hybrid does not get along well with the old, decomposed substrate , but it also does not react well to its change. It is recommended to use a mix of large and medium bark, fined with pieces of charcoal in equal proportion. Although the reaction to transplantation is not positive, the annual change of the substrate is recommended, as its decomposition will lead to the rapid degradation of the root system.
Irrigations will be abundant in the warm season, and will be adjusted in the cold season, taking into account the ambient temperature.
Fertilization will be carried out weekly during the period of active growth, at concentrations of 25-50% of the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, using a balanced fertilizer throughout the year, or a fertilizer rich in nitrogen during the growth period from spring to mid-summer, and one rich in phosphorus during the flowering period, from the end of summer to the beginning of autumn.
Since Perreiraara Rapeepath has low requirements for the irrigation parameter during the winter period, it can be concluded that the winter period represents the rest phase for this hybrid. During this period, irrigation will be very rare, possibly monthly, being replaced with occasional spraying of the roots, in order not to allow complete drying of the plants. Equally, during this period, fertilization will be stopped, to be resumed with the restart of the irrigation cycle.
The tolerance to the conditions of reduced light radiation recommends this hybrid for any collector.
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