Mokara orchid - characteristics and care instructions

The orchid species included in the genus Mokara are actually intergeneric hybrids of the botanical genera Arachnis, Ascocentrum and Vanda. The first taxon in this genus was represented by Mokara Wai Liang (Arachnis Isabel X Ascocenda Red Gem, named in honor of the grower CY Mok, from Singapore, who registered the first hybrid in 1969. Ancestry from the genera Arachnis, Ascocentrum and Vanda (the last 2 genera being the basis of the intergeneric hybrids known as Ascocenda) is revealed in the anatomy of the plant, which is very similar to the artificial genus Aranda (Arachnis X Vanda). Along with the species of the genus Dendrobium, Mokara represents the most popular cut flowers of the Orchidaceae family.
Mokara species are probably the easiest orchids to grow, if a few basic principles are followed. This species appreciates high humidity, but prefers lower temperatures than the species of the Vanda genus. One of the reasons why they are especially appreciated by orchid collectors is represented by the abundant and frequent flowering and, since one cannot distinguish a flowering season, the plants can form flower stalks throughout the year. Although it has few and superficial roots, sometimes non-existent, Mokara will develop without problems, being a hybrid designed to thrive in difficult environmental conditions.

Mokara orchids prefer humid climates, with a relative air humidity of 60 - 80%, an aspect that reveals their tropical origin, as in the case of the values of the light radiation parameters, being the recommended windows with an eastern orientation, in strongly lit locations, with values of 25,000 - 35,000 lux, which will ensure the success of re-blooming. Mokara does not need very frequent watering, but the atmospheric humidity should be higher to compensate for the weak root development, typical of these hybrids.
The ideal temperatures for Mokara orchids will exceed 18 ℃ as daytime values and 13 ℃ at night.
Irrigation will be carried out in moderation, during the morning, as Mokara orchids require small amounts of water; it is necessary to take into account that the water temperature is as close as possible to the environment, because the plants can suffer from thermal shocks, which can cause the flowers to abort. Although belonging to the Vandeae tribe, Mokara species can also be cultivated in pots, their irrigation being carried out similar to that applied to species of the Phalaenopsis genus, i.e. by immersing the pots, followed by draining the excess water. In the warm season, Mokara orchids will be irrigated several times a week. It will NEVER be allowed to flood the water in the pot, as the plants will develop root rot.
Fertilization will be carried out periodically, with a fertilizer dedicated to orchids, with a 30-10-10 formula, at 50% of the dilution recommended by the manufacturer. During the period of active growth, from the second half of May until the end of September - the beginning of October, fertilization will be carried out abundantly, at a distance of 4 - 6 days, but in the cold period, more precisely in the winter months, the administration of fertilizer will be reduced, to a maximum of once a month.
Ventilation represents a special aspect in the growth of Mokara species, representing, along with the increased humidity values, one of the most important parameters that ensure good maintenance of these plants. One of the easiest ways to ensure good ventilation for Mokara orchids is to position them near a room fan, set to minimum speed.
Although the Mokara hybrids prefer not to have their roots disturbed, it is still recommended to change the environment and the culture containers, when opting for the culture in the substrate/bark - especially if they start to grow outside the pot. When replanting, it is necessary to make sure that the roots are moist and pliable, otherwise, they can be easily broken during the handling process. The preferred culture vessels are those made of unglazed ceramics, and the culture medium will be represented by medium-sized pine bark, which can be combined with pieces of compacted coconut fiber.
Mokara is an orchid rarely affected by diseases, its best-known pests being woolly lice, which are easily combated by applying systemic or contact insecticides, available in specialized horticultural trade.
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