Epidendrum centropetalum - Characteristics and care guide

Easy to confuse with Epidendrum Aberans, Epidendrum centropetalum Rchb.f.1852, it differs from it by the lateral lobes of the labellum, which are elongated, the rostrum perpendicular to the column and by the fragrant flowers. In the case of the Centropetalum species, the lateral lobes of the labellum are much shorter and do not open as wide, the rostrum is parallel to the column and the flowers are not fragrant.
The species was described by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach in 1852, botanist (Dresden, January 3, 1823 - Hamburg, May 6, 1889) and by far the most renowned German orchidologist of the 19th century, like his father, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach, the author of the work " Icones Florae Germanicae et Helveticae" .
A South American botanical species that belongs to the Oestredella group, the Centropetalum subgroup, to which it gives its name, Epidendrum Centropetalum comes from Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama, from low, evergreen moist forests, found equally in forests of trees with partially deciduous leaves, on the slopes of the mountains facing the Pacific Ocean, or even in orchards of fruit trees, near human settlements, at altitudes between 1200 and 1500 m. It inhabits areas with strong or partial sunlight.
Epidendrum centropetalum can be ordered online here (link).
A delicate species, of small to medium size, Epidendrum Centropetalum reaches heights of 30 - 60 cm, with thin stems that produce keiki along them and with linear lanceolate, glossy leaves, 2-9 cm long. Flowering takes place from late winter to early summer , in the form of terminal inflorescences, with multiple flowers, of considerable size (1.5 - 2 cm diameter), compared to the size of the plant itself. Both the petals and the sepals are close in size, and the large, wide labellum, of the same color, together with the rest of the corolla, provides an attractive chromatic contrast with the white colored basal area.
The light radiation necessary for the efficient cultivation of this botanical species must belong to the range of 25000 - 300000 lux, provided that effective ventilation is ensured, in order to prevent overheating and the occurrence of sunburn.
Thermally, Epidendrum Centropetalum falls in the moderate register, with relatively constant temperatures throughout the year, they will fall in the range of 22 - 25 ℃, with minimums of 13 - 15 ℃.
It is recommended to ensure a humidity of 80 - 85% during the summer, so that it can later be reduced to approximately 70% during the winter.
The species grows well on substrates made of branches, bark or cork, if adequate humidity can be ensured, provided daily irrigation is provided during the summer. When growing in pots or other similar containers, opt for a very loose substrate , with high drainage and drying capacity, which will be able to provide free access to the root zone of the plants. It is recommended to carry out replanting as soon as the development of new roots is observed. The types of substrate will be represented by mixtures of extremely fine bark, with coconut fibers and perlite.
Irrigation will be carried out abundantly from the beginning of spring until autumn, when in the natural environment the rains are abundant, to be reduced from winter to early spring, but not significantly. Frequent watering is recommended especially during the active growth of the plants, but it is necessary to ensure the quick drying of the roots, which is why it is recommended to plant this species in baskets with perforated walls. At the end of the growing period, late autumn, irrigation will be reduced.
Fertilization will be carried out weekly, at concentrations of 25 - 50% of the recommended dose, using a fertilizer rich in nitrogen from spring to mid-summer and opting for one rich in phosphorus during the flowering period, from the second half of summer to autumn. .
The resting period will be ensured in the winter, when watering will be reduced and the humidity level will be low, but without allowing the substrate to dry for a long time. During this period, fertilizing will be reduced, and possibly stopped, which can be resumed at the initiation of the usual irrigation scheme, with the arrival of spring.
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