Dendrobium Roongkamol Vejvarut - care guide and characteristics

Dendrobium Roongkamol Vejvarut

Secondary hybrid obtained by the Thai breeder Kirit Vejvarut by crossing the primary hybrid Dendrobium Dawn Maree created and registered by J. Burrows in 1983 (Dendrobium formosum as seminal parent X Dendrobium cruentum as pollen parent) with one of the parents, namely Dendrobium formosum, in order to stabilize the size floral at higher values ​​than Dawn Maree, Roongkamol Vejvarut definitely represents progress both in terms of color and dimensions .

Last but not least, the use of two parents from the section Formosae (previously Nigrohirsutae) guarantees repeated, abundant, long-lasting blooms with large flowers (probably the largest of all sections of the Dendrobium genus), all this against the background of ease of cultivation in conditions apartment , which lends itself even to beginners in growing orchids. The hybrid was registered at the Royal Horticultural Society on 18.07.2001 and has the following parental formula: Dendrobium formosum 75% and Dendrobium cruentum 25%. Later, Roongkamol Vejvarut will be the basis for the creation of 3 more hybrids, namely Dendrobium Bali Sweet Heart, Dendrobium Datin Zakiyah and Dendrobium Jairak Dawn, of which the last one attracts the most attention, representing a cross with Dawn Marie.

Dendrobium Roongkamol Vejvarut inherits from formosum the large-sized flower, with a crystalline texture, and high persistence, despite the fragile aspect, and from cruentum the strong contrast, with red-orange shades, of the chromaticity of the labellum.

Dendrobium Roongkamol Vejvarut

Small to medium in size, heat-loving, but with moderation, can reach 20-40 cm in height, has erect pseudobulbs that bear foliage in the first 2 thirds from the top, consisting of coriaceous, oblong elliptical, obtuse leaves, 9 - 15 cm, articulated at the base with hirsute (hairy), tubular sheaths, which give the previously known name of the section.

Flowering takes place from autumn to winter, on short, axillary stems or in the form of terminal racemes, with 1-4 fragrant flowers , which emerge from the nodes near the leafy area of ​​the mature pseudobulbs. The flowers, of impressive size (8-15 cm diameter), have a white background color, a crystalline texture, presenting lanceolate sepals and round petals, the same length as the sepals. The labellum has a strongly contrasting color, orange-red, on a white background, having a ligulate and downward recurved shape.

Dendrobium Roongkamol requires high levels of light radiation , 30,000 - 40,000 lux, and mature pseudobulbs can successfully withstand direct sun.

The recommended daytime temperatures in the warm season will be in the range of 19-24 ℃, and the night temperatures in 12-18 ℃, ensuring a day/night difference of 5-9 ℃. In winter, the average temperature during the day will be between 16 - 21 ℃ with minimums of 2 - 3 ℃ at night and a day/night difference of 10 - 18 ℃. In spring, daytime temperatures will rise to 23-24 ℃ during the day and 5-12 ℃ at night, with a difference of 11-18 ℃. All these values ​​indicate that Roongkamol is a plant that can be easily grown on a closed, unheated balcony all year round. It should also be mentioned that these values ​​are theoretical and indicative, the plants demonstrating in practice an amazing capacity for adaptation.

The optimal humidity will be 60-85% throughout the year, with a correlation between atmospheric humidity and temperature being observed.

Although it can be cultivated on plates of bark or cork, or in wooden baskets, provided adequate humidity is ensured, we consider that for the ease of cultivation it is advisable to cultivate in pots, with a mixture of sphagnum moss, coconut compost, bark of 3-6 mm diameter, possibly amended with vermiculite or perlite. Changing the pots is recommended in early spring, with the appearance of new root growth.

Irrigation will be moderate to abundant from late spring to early fall, but will be reduced during winter, once new growth reaches maturity.

The fertilizer will be administered weekly, at 25-50% of the recommended concentration. A fertilizer rich in nitrogen is recommended from spring to mid-summer, replaced by a fertilizer rich in phosphorus from late summer to winter.

For Dendrobium Roongkamol, it is particularly important to allocate a period of rest that will last from winter until the appearance of new growth in spring. During this period, irrigation can be reduced or completely eliminated, but being careful not to allow the plants to dry completely. In the last month after the end of winter, however, complete drying will be allowed, resorting only to spraying in the morning. With the reduction of irrigation, the administration of the fertilizer will also be stopped, this being resumed at the beginning of spring.

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