Dendrobium orchids - Characteristics and care guide

Dendrobium represents a genus with a high diversity, this aspect being relevant implicitly in the requirements towards the environment and at the same time, in the conditions necessary to ensure a successful cultivation .
A common aspect of the species of the Dendrobium genus is represented by the initial passage of a period of growth, followed by a period of rest, during the year, and the irrigation schemes and the temperature values vary according to the period passed. The flowers last from one day, in exceptional cases, up to several weeks, this aspect being dependent on the species. Due to the fact that within the genus there is such a great diversity in terms of growth parameters, the following functional categories were detected within the genus Dendrobium:
- The Phalaenanthe group includes species with persistent foliage for several years, with slender and tall pseudobulbs, terminal inflorescences, and flowering generally in the autumn season, or possibly twice a year, depending on the cultivar. This category includes species such as Dendrobium affine, bigibbum (commercially known especially as Dendrobium phalaenopsis), dicuphum and williamsianum . The culture of this type implies high temperatures throughout the year, of approximately 25 ℃ during the day and 15 ℃ at night, with abundant watering and fertilization during the growth period, when the development of new roots is noticeable. The necessary light will be moderate. Irrigation and fertilization will be reduced after growth is complete. In cases where a short resting period of 3-4 weeks is offered, with lower temperatures of approximately 10 ℃ and the cessation of irrigation, followed by a return to the normal routine, with abundant watering and fertilizing and temperatures of at least 15 - 16 ℃, the maturation of the new growths will be noticed, followed by their flowering during the winter and spring. From the point of view of the general type of culture, they are approximately identical to the species of the Phalaenopsis genus, except for the rest period. It should be noted that in conditions of too low temperatures and dry periods, the leaves of these Dendrobium species will fall.
- The species of the Spatulata group also have persistent leaves for several years, being large, vigorous plants with persistent flowers for long periods, which bloom in summer or several times a year. This group includes taxa such as antennatum, canaliculatum, discolor, gouldii, johannis, lineale (veratrifolium), stratiotes, strebloceras and taurinum. The culture temperature for these species and their hybrids will be uniform, throughout the year, of 16-18 ℃ minimum, as night values, and 25-30 ℃ as daytime values. It does not require a rest period, but a slightly lower temperature can be offered during the winter. The light intensity will be moderate to high.
Dendrobium, rare varieties - you can buy them here! (link)
The Dendrobium group includes species with a pendent or pendulous habit, with leaves arranged along the entire length of the long, vigorous pseudobulbs, with the appearance of reeds, which tend to fall with the onset of the cold and dry season. It presents one to 5 flowers per node, which usually emerge on leafless pseudobulbs, from winter to early spring.
Within this group, several subgroups are distinguished:
- Species such as Dendrobium chrysanthum, friedricksianum, nobile and wardianum . In the summer period, it requires abundant heat, light, irrigation and fertilization, throughout the growing season, until the appearance of the terminal leaves inserted apically on the pseudobulbs. At this moment, the level of light intensity will be maintained, however, reducing irrigation and fertilization until complete cessation, and reducing the temperature during the night, up to 10 ℃. In other words, it is best for breeders to forget about the plants during this period, ignoring them until the time of flowering.
- Species such as Dendrobium anosmum (superbum), crassinode, falconeri, fimbriatum, findlayanum, heterocarpum (aureum), loddigesii, moniliforme, parishii, primulinus, transparents . The culture is similar to that of the species in subgroup 1, except for the night temperatures in winter, which can drop to 12-13 ℃. They are species with deciduous leaves, for which it is recommended to completely stop irrigation during the winter.
- The Callista group includes species with pseudobulbs similar to those present in the case of most orchids, i.e. not reed-like, which form hanging inflorescences. Among these species, the most representative taxa are dendrobium aggregatum (lindleyi), chrysotoxum, densiflorum, farmers and thyrsiflorum . During the summer, the temperatures will be in the range of 15-25 ℃, with moderate lighting, irrigation and fertilization. For the winter period, the temperatures will be reduced to a minimum of 12℃ during the night, with moderate lighting, stopping fertilization and reduced irrigation to a minimum, just enough to prevent the pseudobulbs from wrinkling and drying out.
- The Latouria group includes species similar to Dendrobium atroviolaceum, macrophyllum and spectabile , having pseudobulbs of moderate size, with leathery texture, erect inflorescences, generally yellow-green in color. It is cultivated identically to the Spatulata group, but offering lower temperatures and reduced humidity during the rest period in winter.
- The Formosae group (Tiul Nigrohirsutae), with species showing reed-like pseudobulbs, with black hairs on the leaf sheaths and on the pseudobulbs, clearly visible, bearing generally white flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter, grouped by 2-3 , towards the apical zone of the pseudobulbs, which persists for a long time. The representative species for this group are Dendrobium bellatulum, dearii, draconis, formosum, infundibulum, iowii, lyonii, margaritaceum, sanderae, schuetzii . Cultivation of these taxa involves low temperatures throughout the year, between 12 and 15 ℃ at night and a maximum of 29 ℃ during the day, moderate irrigations and fertilizations during the growth period, followed by a short rest period, without watering, at the end of the vegetative development season . The substrate will be kept slightly moist to dry until the start of the next growing season.
- The species that do not fit into any of the previous groups in terms of environmental requirements, generally similar to Dendrobium linguiforme, tetragonum, gracillimum and cuthbertsonii (sophronitis) , are strongly dependent on the environmental conditions of the area of origin, as a general rule , a temperature in the range of 12-20 ℃ can be suggested at night, with a period of rest represented by the cessation of irrigation during the winter or when the cessation of active growth is observed.

For the culture of hybrids between taxa belonging to different groups, it is recommended to ensure average conditions, taking as benchmarks the environmental values for the sections of origin, but in this case the observation of the condition of the plants will represent the main decision factor. Accessories for the Dendrobium orchid such as substrate, plastic pots, treatments (insecticide, acaricide, fungicide), fertilizer, you can find them here.
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