Catasetum orchid - Characteristics and care guide

Orhidee Catasetum

Catasetum is the largest genus of the Catasetine subfamily and grows in a variety of conditions - either in the warm and humid shelter of trees, or at the base of old palm leaves; some species can be found on stones, on the ground, or even in the sand, on the central-Pacific coast of Mexico (toward Paraguay) and in Northern Argentina. This type likes a warm temperature, strong light and a well-ventilated space.

The Catasetine offer from Secret Garden is available here (link).

Common features with Cycnoches:

  • the new growths develop quickly - in a period of 5-6 months, they bloom, lose their leaves and hibernate between 1 and 5 months, depending on the species and the climatic conditions of the habitat;
  • separate flowers, male and female, occasionally hermaphrodite;
  • the female flowers are very similar in shape, therefore species recognition is almost impossible according to this variant;
  • the main pests are red spiders, spider mites and woolly lice, which appear and multiply quickly in the absence of humidity and proper ventilation.

The male flowers of the genus Catasetum vary greatly from species to species. There are at least 12-15 different basic shapes.

During the growth period, a constant high humidity is maintained. After flowering, watering can be reduced or stopped completely until the new growth evolves enough to develop roots and growths with dimensions of 8-15 cm.

Cutting leaves. When the new growth reaches maturity, the leaves can be cut (at this point they already start to turn yellow on their own anyway). Cutting them ensures easier transport, easier control of pests (catasetins are real magnets for the red spider and not only) and greater stability of the plant. Cutting the leaves can mean a hastening of flowering, for varieties that bloom after entering winter dormancy.

During the rest period , plants can still remain in areas with good natural or artificial light - in nature, this factor does not change. If a pronounced dehydration of the bulb is found, hydration by fine spraying is recommended - you can spray both the bulb, provided it is well cleaned, as well as the substrate.

Fertilization of catasetins. Fertilizer rich in nitrogen (N) is used during the growth period. As with the other genera of the Catasetinae subfamily, it is important that the plants are watered abundantly, that they are kept in strong light and that the air is well ventilated.

Repotting. For replanting, depending on growth habits, microclimate and the time allocated for care, there are several options:

Bark, cork wood or coconut chips, mixed with Sphagnum , for better water retention

Sphagnum with a layer of clay balls on the bottom of the pot . Sphagnum is ideal, because it has a high retention of water and nutrients. At the same time, it allows easy development of new roots. The clay balls ensure good drainage, but they also retain a certain amount of water that will be released later in the form of vapors. Sphagnum requires replacement every 1-3 years, as it compacts and water retention and air circulation are reduced.

Hydro culture . Catasetins can be grown successfully in hydro cultures (clay balls, coal, etc.), as long as very frequent irrigation and specific fertilization (with a special fertilizer for hydroponic cultures) are ensured . In practice, these cultivation methods are suitable for greenhouses with automatic watering systems, where excess water is not a problem and ventilation is very good. This culture method is not recommended for growing plants "at home".

Cathesetins can be successfully grown in clay pots, transparent plastic (the roots are visible and can be easily checked) or perforated baskets (caution - growing in baskets requires frequent watering). When the plants cannot be placed in warm areas or with very good light, it is recommended to drill the pots, for a drying of the substrate in a reasonable time interval.

It will be avoided to crowd the plants - the pots with catasetins can be dispersed or hung, because a good air circulation around them is necessary.

Replanting is generally done in the spring, when new growth appears.

The Catasetine offer from Secret Garden is available here (link).

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