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408 Products Found
Plante rare neobisnuitePhilodendron anisotomum
85,00 lei
Philodendron anisotomum - endemic botanical species from Mexico and Colombia, where it is used for medicinal purposes. The adult leaves are showy, trilobed. The plant is both terrestrial and epiphytic...
Alocasia Bisma Silver
85,00 lei
Alocasia Bisma - new cultivar that stands out for its impressive leaves. Alocasia Bisma is a tropical plant belonging to the Araceae family. It is known for its large, decorative...
Strobilanthes dyeriana 'Persian Shield' (2-3 plants/pot)
55,00 lei
Strobilanthes dyeriana 'Persian Shield'. Height with pots included 25 cm Pot diameter 12 cm
Monstera Thai Constellation (MTC#04)
329,00 lei
Monstera Thai Constellation is relatively easy to care for and is quite difficult to kill. Monstera grows in its natural environment in the tropical forests of southern Mexico and Panana,...
Philodendron gigas *babyplant
55,00 lei
Philodendron gigas - rare botanical species, endemic to Panama, discovered in 1997. The plant grows as a semi-epiphytic liana. Philodendron gigas impresses with its velvety, dark green, almost black leaves,...
Syngonium podophyllum 'Variegata' XL - 3 plants/pot
Syngonium podophyllum 'Variegat'. The level of variegation differs from one plant to another, but all specimens show consistent variegation. Plants will be chosen randomly. Height with pots included approx. 30...
Rhaphidophora hongkongensis (Pothos obliquus)
45,00 lei – 65,00 lei
Rhaphidophora Hongkongensis - climbing species from the genus Rhaphidophora (family Araceae) . The plant stands out for its oval, dark green, glossy leaves with the appearance and texture of leather....
Liparis viridiflora
55,00 lei
Liparis viridiflora is a medium-sized orchid that can be found as an epiphyte, terrestrial or lithophyte in Assam, Bangladesh, eastern Himalayas, Nepal, lower India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia,...
Episcia cupreta
Episcia is part of the Gesneriaceae family, being native to the tropical forests of Mexico, Brazil and Colombia. Being part of the Gesneriacea family with violet and gloxinia, Episica requires...
Alocasia sinuata (2-3 leaves)
65,00 lei
Alocasia sinuata. Location: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It is recommended to...
Philodendron gigas (Taiwan)
85,00 lei
Philodendron gigas - rare botanical species, endemic to Panama, discovered in 1997. The plant grows as a semi-epiphytic liana. Philodendron gigas impresses with its velvety, dark green, almost black leaves,...
Alocasia venusta
Alocasia venusta. Care instructions: Location: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It is...
Alocasia Melo (Rugosa)
Alocasia Melo (Rugosa) Care instructions: Placement: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It...
Monstera Thai Constellation (MTC#02)
355,00 lei
Monstera Thai Constellation is relatively easy to care for and is quite difficult to kill. Monstera grows in its natural environment in the tropical forests of southern Mexico and Panana,...
Pachira glabra 'Milky Way' (Pachira Variegata)
125,00 lei
Pachira glabra 'Milky Way' or Pachira Variegata - specimens with an extremely rare mutation, which induces strong variegation. The leaves show a spectacular alternation of white and green. Mutation/cultivator of...
Philodendron gigas
Philodendron gigas - rare botanical species, endemic to Panama, discovered in 1997. The plant grows as a semi-epiphytic liana. Philodendron gigas impresses with its velvety, dark green, almost black leaves,...
Monstera adansonii 'Mint' (Mottled variegation) MAM-01
195,00 lei
Monstera adansonii 'Mint', also known as "Monstera Mint", is a special variety of the Monstera adansonii plant, popular for its variegated leaves with light-green tones, almost minty, and white spots....
Monolena primuliflora XL
Monolena primuliflora is an absolutely stunning species. This species has amazing leaves that appear bright red and turn dark green as they mature. Pot diameter 17 cm Height with pots...
Alocasia longiloba 'Purple Princess'
95,00 lei
Alocasia longiloba 'Purple Princess'. Location: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It is...
Monstera dubia (H55)
Monstera dubia - rare botanical species, endemic to the tropical forests of Mexico and South America. It is a remarkable plant, due to its unique appearance, growth style, but also...
Maranta Leuconeura 'Gray' (Silverband) 3-4 plants/pot
Maranta Leuconeura 'Gray' - spectacular cultivar, recently discovered and propagated by Dutch producers. The mutation of this cultivar is remarkable - the venation of the leaves seems phosphorescent and you...
Syngonium podophyllum 'Aurea-Variegata'
95,00 lei
Syngonium podophyllum 'Aurea-Variegata' is a popular variety of Syngonium podophyllum, originally from Central and South America. This plant is part of the Araceae family and is also known as the...
Philodendron Verrucosum Incensi *babyplant
29,00 lei
Philodendron Verrucosum Incensi is a rare, spectacular plant, with heart-shaped leaves, like velvet, in intense green tones. Philodendron care instructions: Location: Philodendron prefers a bright area, protected from direct sunlight....
Alocasia Melo (Rugosa) - Taiwan
Alocasia Melo (Rugosa) Care instructions: Location: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It...
Syngonium 'Starlite'
55,00 lei
Syngonium 'Starlite' - compact, small variety (compared to other varieties), which stands out for its strongly variegated leaves in shades of creamy white and green. Juvenile leaves are long and...
Philodendron 'Pink Princess Marble' D9
Philodendron erubescens 'Pink Princess Marble' - cultivar obtained by selecting specimens of Philodendron 'Pink Princess'. These specimens show much more intense variegation that covers the entire leaf. In general, the...
Anthurium ellipticum Jungle King
Anthurium ellipticum Jungle King is an unusual, resistant plant, decorative through its leaves. It can also be placed in a less bright area. Originally from South Africa, Anthurium ellipticum Jungle...
Philodendron melanochrysum (Black Gold Philodendron) - Taiwan
Philodendron melanochrysum - epiphytic botanical species, considered rare, discovered in the jungles of Colombia and Costa Rica. Other known names: Black Gold Philodendron, Velor Philodendron, Philodendron andreanum (original scientific name)...
Syngonium Wendlandii D12 - full pots
Syngonium Wendlandii (Schott) - endemic botanical species from Costa Rica, which stands out for its velvety, dark green leaves, marked centrally by a silver stripe. Planea shows fast growth and...
Philodendron atabapoense D15
Philodendron atabapoense - endemic botanical species from Venezuela, the Amazonian jungle. The plant stands out for its impressive foliage - the leaves are narrow and long, with a unique silver-green...
Rhaphidophora tenuis
75,00 lei
Rhaphidophora tenuis - climbing botanical species from the Araceae family, endemic to Borneo. Rhaphidophora tenuis is a plant from the Araceae family, related to popular genera such as Monstera, Philodendron...
Alocasia baginda 'Pink Dragon'
35,00 lei
Alocasia Pink Dragon. Location: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It is recommended...
Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata' MDV-08
385,00 lei
Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata', also known as "Monstera Variegata" or "Variegated Swiss Cheese Plant", is a popular variety of Monstera deliciosa that is often grown for its attractive variegated leaves. This...
Philodendron McColley's Finale
69,00 lei
Philodendron McColley's Finale. Location: Philodendron prefers a bright area, away from direct sunlight. However, it will also tolerate a darker area. The foliage will become greener if it is placed...
Anoectochilus burmanicus (Jewel Orchid)
Orchid Anoectochilus burmanicus - terrestrial orchid that stands out for the fascinating appearance of the leaves. The leaves of jewel orchids are segmented, with prominent venation and show various patterns,...
Philodendron grazielae
Philodendron grazielae - endemic botanical species from northern Brazil, Colombia and Peru. The plant stands out for its small, heart-shaped, extremely glossy leaves, but also for its compact growth style...
Alocasia azlanii (Jewel Alocasia) - Taiwan
Alocasia azlanii - botanical species with spectacular foliage, endemic to Borneo (Brunei). The plant stands out for its spectacular foliage, in metallic shades of purple, black and pink, with prominent...
Saintpaulia Joy's Pink Halo
115,00 lei
Saintpaulia Joy's Pink Halo - violets with special leaves. African violets (Saintpaulia) are small and delicate houseplants, native to Tanzania and Kenya. They are known for their colorful and abundant...
Saintpaulia Variegata 01 - violets with double flowers, variegated leaves
125,00 lei
Saintpaulia - violets with special leaves. Height with pots included: 15 cm Pot diameter: 12 cm Note: The leaves of this plant are brittle and can be easily damaged during...
Rhaphidophora puberula 'Variegata'
Rhaphidophora puberula 'Variegata' is a rare tropical plant, attractive due to its strongly variegated leaves. Height with pots included: approx. 35 cm Pot diameter: 12 cm Note: The pictures are...
Anoectochilus sikkimensis (Jewel Orchid)
75,00 lei
Anoectochilus sikkimensis (Jewel Orchid) - terrestrial orchid that stands out for the fascinating appearance of the leaves. The leaves of jewel-orchids are segmented, with prominent venation and show various patterns,...
Alocasia 'Williams'
35,00 lei
Alocasia 'Williams' Alocasia care instructions Placement: bright but shaded place, airy but protected from drafts Moisture: water when the soil has dried on the surface Substrate: neutral Dutch peat or...
Monstera adansonii 'Variegata'
295,00 lei
Monstera adansonii 'Variegata', is a special variety of the Monstera adansonii plant, popular for its white/cream variegated leaves. This plant is a tropical liana that develops best in conditions of...
Philodendron pastazanum
Philodendron pastazanum - endemic terrestrial botanical species from Ecuador, from a locality called Pastaza, where it was discovered and collected for the first time in 1970. It is a remarkable...
Syngonium Pink Spot D10
55,00 lei
Syngonium Pink Spot. Popular for more than a hundred years, syngonium has stood the test of time, being both attractive and easy to care for. Care: - Place it in...
Alocasia heterophylla 'Silver'
95,00 lei
Alocasia heterophylla 'Silver' is distinguished by its broad leaves, with a bright silver tint, which bring an air of exoticism and sophistication to any space. Native to the tropical regions...
Philodendron 'Bette Waterbury' 69686
Philodendron 'Bette Waterbury' 69686 - variety that is supposed to be a natural hybrid that appeared in the Amazonian jungle. For the moment it is sold under the number 69686...
Rare or unusual plants, with special shapes, variegations or appearance. Hunted by collectors and appreciated by all plant breeders.