Rare plants - unusual

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10 Products Found
Plante suculente si cactusi
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. nichikii (Variegata)

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. nichikii (Variegata) mix

89,00 lei 79,00 lei
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. nichikii - variegated form. Specimens with variable variegation - each specimen is unique and impressive in its own way. There are red, pink, orange, green specimens with...
Senecio rowleyanus 'Variegata', specie planta suculenta, pret atractiv

Senecio rowleyanus 'Variegata'

85,00 lei
Senecio Rowleyanus (string of pearls, string of peas or string of beads) are succulent plants, native to South Africa, where in their natural habitats they grow directly on the ground,...
Plectranthus amboinicus (Cuban Oregano)

Plectranthus amboinicus (Cuban Oregano) - fragrant leaves

39,00 lei 30,00 lei
Plectranthus amboinicus, also known as "Cuban Oregano", is a perennial plant that is part of the Lamiaceae family. It is native to Africa, but is cultivated in many parts of...
Plectranthus ernstii ('Bonsai Mint')

Plectranthus ernstii ('Bonsai Mint') - fragrant leaves

65,00 lei
Plectranthus ernstii, also known as "Bonsai Mint" or "Elephant's Food", is a species of semi-succulent plant with slow growth, which is part of the Lamiaceae family. This plant is endemic...
Trichodiadema Bulbosum (African Bonsai)

Trichodiadema Bulbosum (African Bonsai)

195,00 lei
Trichodiadema Bulbosum (African Bonsai) - endemic caudiciform succulent from South Africa. The plant stands out for its fascinating growth style - although it reaches a relatively small height, the caudex...
Plectranthus ernstii (Mint Plant)

Plectranthus ernstii (Mint Plant) - fragrant leaves

55,00 lei
Plectranthus ernstii, also known as "Bonsai Mint", "Mint Plant" or "Elephant's Food", is a species of semi-succulent plant with slow growth, which is part of the Lamiaceae family. This plant...
Echeveria Rainbow

Echeveria Rainbow

65,00 lei
Echeveria Rainbow Most succulent plants are very easy to care for if you follow a few basic rules. First of all, never leave water on the leaves and in the...
Senecio rowleyanus 'Variegata', specie planta suculenta, pret atractiv

Senecio rowleyanus 'Variegata'

145,00 lei 69,00 lei
Senecio Rowleyanus (string of pearls, string of peas or string of beads) are succulent plants, native to South Africa, where in their natural habitats they grow directly on the ground,...
Plectranthus tomentosa (Viks Plant)

Plectranthus tomentosa (Viks Plant) - fragrant leaves

39,00 lei 30,00 lei
Plectranthus tomentosa is a perennial succulent plant from the Lamiaceae family, originally from South Africa. It is also known as "Vicks Plant" due to the strong menthol smell it emits...
Agave lophantha 'Quadricolor'

Agave lophantha 'Quadricolor'

59,00 lei
Agave belongs to the Agavaceae family, originally from Mexico, Arizona and Texas. Its name comes from the Greek "αγαυος" which means admirable. In India, agave was considered to be the...

Rare or unusual plants, with special shapes, variegations or appearance. Hunted by collectors and appreciated by all plant breeders.