Outdoor plants

Plants for your dream garden or terrace. Decorative with flowers or leaves, fragrant or variegated, edible or fruit-producing.
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Azalee de gradina - Rhododendron 'Azurika'

Garden azalea - Rhododendron impeditum 'Azurika'

45,00 lei
The garden azalea or Rhododendron, is a shrub, originally from the areas with mild winters of China, India, Europe. It withstands in the garden, up to temperatures of -21 degrees...
Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard'

Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' (garden)

65,00 lei 39,00 lei
Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' is a perennial plant that stands out for its long, pointed and variegated leaves, having a combination of green and yellow. It is a variety of...
Hibiscus syriacus 'Lavender Ciffon' ('Notwoodone')

Hibiscus syriacus 'Lavender Chiffon' ('Notwoodone') - garden, double flower

65,00 lei 45,00 lei
Hibiscus syriacus 'Lavender Chiffon' ('Notwoodone') is a variety of garden hibiscus with double flowers, in shades of lilac. Flowering period: July - October Placement: direct sun or semi-shade Pot diameter:...
Ghiocei de vara - Leucojum aestivum

Summer snowdrops - Leucojum aestivum 'Gravety Giant'

25,00 lei
Leucojum aestivum - also called "summer snowdrop" or marsh snowdrop. It is a bulbous plant from the Amaryllidaceae family, closer to lilies than to snowdrops. Unlike snowdrops, the plant is...
Chionodoxa rosea (Scilla rosea)

Chionodoxa rosea (Scilla rosea)

20,00 lei
Scilla rosea - hyacinth-like bulbous plant, native to Russia and the Caucasus, which produces multiple flower stems in early spring. Flowers in shades of pink, fragrant. It withstands temperatures up...
Lewisia Mountain Dreams - dark pink flowers

Lewisia Mountain Dreams - dark pink flowers

25,00 lei
Lewisia is a succulent, evergreen plant, very resistant to poor conditions. It blooms from spring to late autumn. Due to its resistance and brightly colored flowers, it is recommended for...
Magnolia stellata 'Rosea'

Magnolia stellata 'Rosea' H110 cm

125,00 lei
Magnolia stellata 'Rosea' is a decorative shrub distinguished by pink flowers in the shape of a star, which bloom in April, directly on the stem, before leafing. It reaches a...
Hibiscus syriacus 'Duc de Brabant'

Hibiscus syriacus 'Duke of Brabant' - double burgundy flower

79,00 lei
Hibiscus syriacus Duc de Brabant is a variety of garden hibiscus with double burgundy flowers. Flowering period: July - October Placement: direct sun or semi-shade Pot diameter: 19 cm Height...
Passiflora citrina - floarea pasiunii galbena

Passiflora citrina yellow - passion flower (passion fruit)

49,00 lei
Passiflora citrina is an exotic, climbing plant, originally from South America, also known as passion flower (or passion fruit plant). Height with pots included: 30-40 cm Pot diameter: 12 cm...
Lonicera japonica 'Hall's Prolific'

Lonicera japonica 'Hall's Prolific' - Mother's Hand, Honeysuckle (evergreen - green all year)

45,00 lei 39,00 lei
Lonicera, also known as Honeysuckle or Our Lady's Mana, is appreciated for its fragrant, tubular, bicolor flowers . Lonicera flowers attract butterflies and birds, contributing to pollination and increasing biodiversity....
Rhododendron 'Fireball'

Rhododendron 'Fireball'

85,00 lei
Rhododendron (Mollis Azalea Grp) 'Fireball' is a spectacular plant due to its brightly colored flowers and dense foliage. This azalea is part of the Mollis group, known for its hybrid...
Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum' (Broadleaf Stonecrop, Stonecrop)

Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum' (Broadleaf Stonecrop, Stonecrop)

19,00 lei
Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum' is a perennial plant that forms a carpet, up to 10 cm high, with fleshy purple-reddish leaves up to 2 cm wide. The flowers are yellow and...
Bougainvillea cu flori duble - Bougainvillea dobrada 'Light Pink'

Bougainvillea with double flowers - Bougainvillea dobrada 'Light Pink'

125,00 lei 115,00 lei
Bougainvillea, popularly called the paper flower, is a decorative plant with flowers originating from South America and can be an excellent choice for gardens or terraces. No one can think...
Zambile albastre - Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Star'

Hyacinths - Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Star'

10,00 lei
Blue hyacinth bulbs in pots - Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Star'. CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR hyacinths Watering: The hyacinth will be watered moderately, twice a week. Planted in the garden, hyacinths will...
Vitis vinifera 'Regent'

Vine - Vitis vinifera 'Regent'

65,00 lei
Vitis vinifera 'Regent' - special variety, which offers massive harvests of red grapes of superior quality, intended for wine production. It shows a good resistance to cold (does not require...
Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' *garden

Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' *garden

25,00 lei 35,00 lei
Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' (Harlequin plant) is an attractive shrub with heart-shaped leaves that form a carpet. Care instructions: Placement: direct sun or semi-shade. The leaves develop the most brilliant colors...
Pelargonium Grandiflorum Mona Lisa - muscate englezesti

Pelargonium Grandiflorum Don Blanco - English geraniums

25,00 lei
Grandiflora geraniums - also popularly called English geraniums. The original name refers to the size of the flowers, being a variety with large and brightly colored flowers, most of the...
Bulbi de crini batuti Lilium Sweet Rosy - 1 buc

Bicolor lily bulbs, with double flowers - Lilium Sweet Rosy (1 bulb)

19,00 lei
Lily bulbs with double flower - Lilium Sweet Rosy. Cultivation instructions: Lilies are very resistant and can be planted directly in the garden. They are planted at a distance of...
Lewisia cotyledon (coral pink)

Lewisia cotyledon (coral pink)

25,00 lei
Lewisia is a succulent, evergreen plant, very resistant to poor conditions. It blooms from spring to late autumn. Due to its resistance and brightly colored flowers, it is recommended for...
Magnolia 'Sunspire'

Magnolia 'Sunspire'

175,00 lei
Magnolia 'Sunspire' is a columnar variety of magnolia, appreciated for its tall and narrow habit, which offers an elegant solution for limited spaces in gardens or urban landscapes. This variety...
Lewisia cotyledon Elise - flori bicolore

Lewisia cotyledon Elise - bicolor orange flowers

25,00 lei
Lewisia is a succulent, evergreen plant, very resistant to poor conditions. It blooms from spring to late autumn. Due to its resistance and brightly colored flowers, it is recommended for...
Helleborus orientalis 'ViV Antonella' (Spanz)

Helleborus orientalis 'ViV Antonella' (Spanz)

65,00 lei
Helleborus is one of the easiest garden plants to care for, and its ability to bloom in the darkest months of the year, when everything is frozen. Helleborus or Spanzul,...
Decorated potted fir H40-50 cm

Decorated potted fir H40-50 cm

85,00 lei
Natural potted fir, gift-wrapped, decorated with cotton, cinnamon sticks/globules - can be given as a gift to employees, business partners or loved ones. See the care guide for Picea Glauca...
Camellia japonica 'Volunteer'

Camellia japonica 'Volunteer' - double bicolor flower (frost resistant)

75,00 lei
Camellia is a wonderful plant that delights us with its incredible flowers. The plant grows in the form of a shrub and is suitable both for the interior of homes...
Rosa ‘Lady of Shalott’

Rosa 'Lady of Shalott'® - English Rose, David Austin

155,00 lei
Rosa 'Lady of Shalott'® - red-orange buds turn into cup-shaped flowers. The outer petals are salmon-pink with a beautiful contrasting golden-yellow underside. It presents a pleasant, warm, tea scent, with...
Helleborus 'Pretty Ellen White Spotted' (Spanz)

Helleborus 'Pretty Ellen White Spotted' (Spanz)

45,00 lei
Helleborus is one of the easiest garden plants to care for, and its ability to bloom in the darkest months of the year, when everything is frozen. Helleborus or Spanzul,...
Rosa 'Pink Candy'® - floribunda, catarator, parfumat

Rosa 'Pink Candy'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant

75,00 lei 65,00 lei
Rosa 'Pink Candy'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. It shows good resistance...
Banana tree - Musa Tropicana D15

Banana tree - Musa Tropicana D15

59,00 lei
Musa Tropicana is a wonderful tropical plant. It is ideal for keeping indoors or on the terrace during the summer. The banana does best in full sun; it is important...
Skimmia japonica 'Fragrant Cloud'

Japanese Lilac - Skimmia japonica 'Fragrant Cloud' - fragrant flowers

55,00 lei
Skimmia japonica 'Fragrant Cloud' is an ornamental garden plant, valued for its evergreen leaves and fragrant flowers. It is a small to medium shrub, with a compact growth, reaching a...