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20 Products Found
Catasetum/Cycnodes (Catasetine)Fredclarkeara After Dark 'SVO Black Pearl' FCC/AOS - Fragrant black orchid
95,00 lei
Black orchid Fredclarkeara After Dark 'SVO Black Pearl' FCC/AOS is the result of crossing the species Mormodia Painted Desert and Catasetum Donna Wise. Flower diameter: 7-8 cm Can produce a...
Cycnoches Mass Confusion - 15 cm fragrant flowers!
105,00 lei
Orchid Cycnoches Mass Confusion (Cyc. chlorochilon × Cyc. warszewiczii). Flower size: approx. 15 cm !!! Care for it like a Catasetum orchid. Check out the care guide here. Fragrant flowers:...
Catasetum pileatum var. gold
125,00 lei
Catasetum pileatum var. aurea - botanical species found in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador, in low-altitude forests, at approximately 100-200 meters, in tropical conditions with a long rainy season and a...
Catasetum tenebrosum fragrant
95,00 lei
Catasetum tenebrosum is a species of epiphytic orchid native to the tropical regions of Central and South America, especially Ecuador and Peru. This orchid is prized for its spectacular flowers,...
Cycnodes Taiwan Gold 'Orange' - fragrant
125,00 lei
Orchid Cycnodes Taiwan Gold 'Orange' - a stunning hybrid obtained by crossing Cycnoches chlorochilon and Mormodes badia. The flowers of these plants shock with their intense colors, fragrance, but also...
Catamodes Jumbo Rubytex 'Jumbo Black Magic'
135,00 lei
Catamodes Jumbo Rubytex 'Jumbo Black Magic' - unique hybrid, of Taiwanese origin, obtained by crossing Mormodes Jumbo Bacia × Catasetum expansum. Registered by Jumbo Orchids in 2004. Flower size: approx....
Cycnodes Taiwan Orange 'Ruby' - fragrant
105,00 lei
Cycnodes Taiwan Orange 'Ruby' (Cycd. Taiwan Gold × Jumbo Jewel).
Fragrant flowers: Yes
Care for it like a Catasetum orchid. Check out the care guide here.
Cyc. Jumbo Puff Taiyoung No.1 SM/TOGA
135,00 lei
Cyc. Jumbo Puff Taiyoung No.1 - spectacular hybrid with large, strongly scented flowers. Flower size: approx. 7 cm Fragrant flowers: Yes It is cared for like a Catasetum orchid. See...
Clowesetum Jumbo Glory 'Jumbo Golden Elf'
125,00 lei
Clowesetum Jumbo Glory 'Jumbo Golden Elf' orchid - spectacular hybrid obtained by crossing Clowesia Rebecca Northen X Catasetum Bound for Glory. Strongly scented flowers, with a hint of mint and...
Catamodes Jumbo Riot 'Sunrise'
125,00 lei
Catamodes Jumbo Riot 'Sunrise' - spectacular hybrid obtained by crossing Mormodes badia × Catasetum Orchidglade. It was registered by the Taiwanese hybridizer Jumbo Orchids in 2003. Fragrant flowers: Yes It...
Monnierara Jumbo Delight 'Orange Diamond'
135,00 lei
Monnierara Jumbo Delight 'Orange Diamond' - hybrid of Taiwanese origin obtained by crossing Cycnodes Wine Delight × Catasetum Orchidglade. Registered by Jumbo Orchids in 2007. Flowers naturally show color variations....
Clowesetum Wyche's Bumble Bee 'Jumbo Orchids' BM/JOGA
125,00 lei
Clowesetum Wyche's Bumble Bee 'Jumbo Orchids' BM/JOGA - hybrid obtained by crossing Clowesia warczewitzii × Catasetum Susan Fuchs. It was recorded by L. Poole in 1989. Fragrant flowers: Yes Flower...
Catanoches Taiwan Red Diamond
125,00 lei
Ctnchs. Taiwan Red Diamond (Cycnodes Taiwan Gold × Catasetum Orchidglade) - spectacular hybrid registered by Orchis Flor. in 2017. Fragrant flowers: Yes Flower size: 8-10 cm It is cared for...
Monnierara Jumbo Delight 'Black Onyx'
135,00 lei
Monnierara Jumbo Delight 'Black Onyx' - hybrid of Taiwanese origin obtained by crossing Cycnodes Wine Delight × Catasetum Orchidglade. Registered by Jumbo Orchids in 2007. Flowers naturally show color variations....
Cycnodes Super Swan #4 - large fragrant flowers
135,00 lei
Orchid Cycd. Super Swan #2 (Cycnodes Taiwan Gold × Cycnoches warszewiczii) Large, fragrant flowers! Care for it like a Catasetum orchid. Check out the care guide here. Fragrant flowers: YES...
Catasetum wendlingeri 'Jumbo' - fragrant flowers
65,00 lei
Catasetum wendlingeri orchid - natural hybrid between Catasetum pileatum x Catasetum planicepsce, found in Guyana and Venezuela, in humid forests, at altitudes of 50 to 100 meters, as a medium-sized...
Catasetum Orchidglade 'Jack of Diamond'
125,00 lei
Catasetum Orchidglade is the result of crossing the species Catasetum Pileatum and Catasetum Expansum. The result was an extraordinary hybrid, with large, strongly scented flowers. Flower diameter: approx. 10-12 cm...
Catasetum gnomus 'Jumbo'
125,00 lei
Catasetum gnomus - medium-sized epiphytic botanical species that grows in variable temperature conditions, from warm to cool, and is found in the state of Amazonas in Brazil and Peru, on...
Catasetum Penang 'Jumbo Sweet Heart'
135,00 lei
Catasetum Penang 'Jumbo Sweet Heart' (Catasetum Susan Fuchs x Catasetum pileatum).
Fragrant flowers: YES, sweet scent
Flower size: 6-10 cm See the Catasetum orchid care guide here.
Catasetum expansum 'Yellow Star'
135,00 lei
Catasetum expansum - large, spectacular epiphytic botanical species, which grows in variable temperature conditions, from hot to cool, originating in northeastern Ecuador, in dry forests at altitudes of 20 to...
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