Outdoor plants

Plants for your dream garden or terrace. Decorative with flowers or leaves, fragrant or variegated, edible or fruit-producing.
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Sempervivum Blickfang - Planta Urechelnita

Sempervivum Blickfang - Eared plant

19,00 lei
Sempervivum is a succulent, medicinal garden plant. Among the main qualities of the plant are: anti-inflammatory, cicatrizing, antibiotic, sedative, diuretic, antispasmodic and vermifuge. Pot diameter: 9 cm Height with pots...
Rhododendron Shamrock - yellow garden azalea

Rhododendron Shamrock - yellow garden azalea

35,00 lei
The garden azalea or Rhododendron, is a shrub, originally from the areas with mild winters of China, India, Europe. It withstands in the garden, up to temperatures of -21 degrees...
Rhododendron Snipe - azalee de gradina roz

Rhododendron Snipe - pink garden azalea

45,00 lei
The garden azalea or Rhododendron, is a shrub, originally from the mild winter areas of China, India, Europe. It withstands in the garden, up to temperatures of -21 degrees C....
Pandorea jasminoides - fragrant flowers (2 plants/pot) - XL specimens

Pandorea jasminoides - fragrant flowers (2 plants/pot) - XL specimens

79,00 lei 69,00 lei
Pandorea jasminoides is a perfect plant for the terrace, originally from Australia. The beautiful, fragrant tubular flowers are attractive to hummingbirds and a variety of beneficial insects for your garden....
Coacaz negru - Ribes nigrum 'Silvergieters Schwarze'

Blackcurrant - Ribes nigrum 'Silvergieters Schwarze' D19

45,00 lei 25,00 lei
The blackcurrant Ribes nigrum 'Silvergieters Schwarze' is a variety appreciated for its large, aromatic and intensely dark black fruits. This variety stands out for its high productivity and the superior...
Dwarf roses Rosa Kordana® Classic Amica 3-4 plants/pot

Dwarf roses Rosa Kordana® Classic Amica 3-4 plants/pot

29,00 lei
Potted roses are scaled-down versions of regular roses, and although they vary in many ways, they all have small flowers. They originate in China, from the Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis...
Rosa 'Rouge Meilove'® (Rosa 'Mona Lisa') - Floribunda rose, intense red, fragrant

Rosa 'Rouge Meilove'® (Rosa 'Mona Lisa') - Floribunda rose, intense red, fragrant

95,00 lei
Rosa 'Rouge Meilove'® (var. Meilyxir), also known as Mona Lisa, was created by Michèle Meilland Richardier in France, before 2003. It is a rose from the Floribunda class, with intense...
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' (Japanese Red Maple)

Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' (Japanese Red Maple)

35,00 lei
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' (Japanese red maple) is a decorative shrub, with its leaves that change color with the season and have a unique shape. Location: in a sunny, sheltered or...
Spiranthes cernua var. odorata ‘Chadd’s Ford’

Garden orchids - Spiranthes cernua var. odorata 'Chadd's Ford'

65,00 lei
The genus Spiranthes is widely distributed, with over 300 species worldwide and includes many sections. The Spiranthes section includes the white Spiranthes species, familiar to many of us, the name...
Rubus fruticosus 'Merton Thornless'

Rubus fruticosus 'Merton Thornless'

25,00 lei
Rubus fruticosus 'Merton Thornless' is a thornless, self-fertile blackberry variety that produces black, exceptionally large fruits - up to 2.5 cm Rubus fruticosus 'Merton Thornless' is appreciated for its vigor...
Juniperus communis 'Meyer'

Juniperus communis 'Meyer' - biological culture

29,00 lei
Juniperus communis, is a shrub or small evergreen tree of the Cupressaceae family. It is found naturally in many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, North America and the...
Sempervivum 'Lone Star' (ear plant)

Sempervivum 'Lone Star' (ear plant)

12,00 lei
Sempervivum 'Lone Star' is a perennial succulent known for its attractive leaves and ease of care. This variety of Sempervivum is appreciated for its colorful leaves and for its ability...
Cumpara Bulbi in ghiveci de vanzare, florarie online, pret special!

Bulbs in pots - mixes of tulips, hyacinths, hyacinths

20,00 lei
Bulbs in pots - mixes of tulips, hyacinths, hyacinths, daffodils. Pot diameter 12 cm This product is available exclusively during February-March. Between March 1-8, this product is delivered exclusively in...
Bougainvillea 'Vera Dark Pink'- The pink paper flower

Bougainvillea 'Vera Dark Pink'- The pink paper flower

69,00 lei
Bougainvillea, popularly called the paper flower, is a decorative plant with flowers originating from South America and can be an excellent choice for gardens or terraces. No one can think...
Rosa ‘Royal Queen’

Rosa 'Royal Queen'® - Floribunda rose, climbing, fragrant

39,00 lei
Rosa 'Royal Queen'® - floribunda garden rose, climber, ideal for forming arches, pergolas and hedges. The flowering is abundant and permanent, from spring to late autumn. Flower details: 6-8 cm,...
Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique'

Shrub hydrangea - Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique'

75,00 lei 49,00 lei
Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique', also known as hydrangea paniculata, is a variety of hydrangea with a particularly attractive bloom. Originally from East Asia, this plant is part of the Hydrangeaceae family....
Corokia × virgata 'Maori Green'

Corokia × virgata 'Maori Green'

35,00 lei
Corokia × virgata 'Maori Green'. Height with pot included 35 cm Pot diameter 12 cm The decorative bowl is not included in the price.
Actinidia arguta 'Weiki'

Kiwi - Actinidia arguta 'Weiki' (male pollinator) (D15cm)

55,00 lei 45,00 lei
Kiwi - Actinidia Arguta 'Weiki' is a variety resistant to negative temperatures of -25 degrees Celsius. Actinidia arguta 'Weiki' should be planted together with Actinidia arguta 'Issai', for superior pollination....
Acer palmatum 'Green Globe'

Acer palmatum 'Green Globe'

35,00 lei
Acer palmatum 'Green Globe' is a decorative shrub, with its leaves that change color with the season and have a unique shape. Location: in a sunny, sheltered or partially shaded...
Spectacular garden peonies - Paeonia lactiflora 'Green Lotus'

Spectacular garden peonies - Paeonia lactiflora 'Green Lotus'

45,00 lei
Paeonia lactiflora 'Green Lotus' is an impressive variety of peony, known for its unique, semi-double flowers, which combine bicolor petals, in varying shades of pink-green-white, with yellow stamens. This perennial...
Astilbe Peach Blossom

Astilbe Peach Blossom

45,00 lei 35,00 lei
Astilbe is a genus of perennial plants, known for its delicate and charming flowers, which add texture and color to any shady space in the garden. These plants are prized...
Magnolia Michelia 'White Caviar' - flori parfumate

Magnolia Michelia 'White Caviar' - fragrant flowers

95,00 lei
Magnolia Michelia 'White Caviar' - Magnolia, section Michelia. This is a hybrid between two of the most popular, attractive and resistant varieties of Michelia - yunnansensis (syn. laevifolia) and figo....
Ivy - Hedera helix 'Green Ripple' (also suitable for the garden)

Ivy - Hedera helix 'Green Ripple' (also suitable for the garden)

12,00 lei
Ivy helix 'Green Ripple' (ivy) is a fast-growing climbing plant, very decorative with its evergreen leaves with prominent veins, ideal for gardens with hedges, arches or pergolas. Cold resistance: withstands...
Picea Glauca Conical H105 cm - potted Christmas tree

Picea Glauca Conical H105 cm - potted Christmas tree

165,00 lei
Picea Glauca 'Conica' is a spectacular conifer all year round, easily adaptable to any location. Specialists are increasingly using it in landscaping gardens and parks, and people who used to...