Rhododendron 'Glowing Embers'

85,00 lei
Full description and specifications

Rhododendron 'Glowing Embers' is a special variety of rhododendron that is distinguished by its impressive flowers and vibrant color. It is a popular ornamental plant, appreciated for its spectacular appearance and for its ability to add a vivid color accent to gardens of any size.

This azalea is part of the Mollis group, known for its hybrid azaleas that are resistant to low temperatures and have abundant flowering.

Rhododendron 'Glowing Embers' usually reaches heights of 1.2-1.8 meters and a similar spread. The foliage is persistent, dark green, with oval to lanceolate leaves, which can be up to 10-15 cm long. The leaves remain on the plant throughout the year, providing constant visual interest.

Rhododendron 'Glowing Embers' produces large, attractive flowers with shades of bright red to deep orange, which appear in generous bunches in late spring or early summer. The flowers are often fragrant. Typical flowering time is late spring to early summer, varying according to local climate conditions.
  • Light : It prefers partially shaded places, with protection from the direct midday sun, but it can also tolerate full sun if the necessary humidity is ensured.
  • Soil : The soil must be well drained, acidic (with a pH between 4.5 and 6), and rich in organic matter. Avoid alkaline and calcareous soils.
  • Watering : Rhododendron 'Glowing Embers' requires a constantly moist soil, but without stagnation of water. During periods of drought or excessive heat, additional watering may be necessary.
  • Fertilization : Apply special fertilizers for azaleas or rhododendrons during active growth, following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Pruning : Pruning is done after the plant has finished its flowering period, to stimulate branching and to maintain the desired shape. Remove wilted flowers and dry or damaged branches.
  • Winter protection : Although it is cold hardy, in areas with severe winters, 'Fireball' can benefit from additional protection, such as covering the base of the plant with a thick layer of mulch to protect the roots from frost.

Height with pots included approx. 45 cm