Angel's trumpet white - Brugmansia arborea * fragrant flowers
Brugmansia arborea produces flowers whose color can vary in shades of white-green-pink.
The trumpet-shaped flowers make this plant a delight for any garden. Grown either as a woody shrub or as a small tree, the angel's trumpet is a tropical plant, native to Central and South America. There are, in fact, several species of Brugmansia and they are often distinguished by their size and flower color.
Temperature: withstands up to -10 degrees Celsius - but only if it is placed in an area protected from blizzards/cold air currents. We do NOT recommend planting outside.
Growing temperature: minimum. 5-10 degrees Celsius
Placement: directly in the sun or partially shaded
Watering: the soil must be kept moist
Flowers: fragrant.
Average height at maturity: 3.5 m
Soil: grows well in any soil
Fertilization: Use a water-soluble fertilizer and avoid slow-release formulas, as they do not work fast enough for the plant. Fertilizers that stimulate flowering, such as 15-30-15 or 10-50-10 mixes, are best.
In the cold season, Brugmansia is sold without leaves or with immature leaves that can be damaged during transport.
Fragrant flowers: YES
Delivery specifications: in pots with a diameter of 9 cm.
Height with pots included: approx. 20-30 cm
In the case of deliveries by courier, it is possible that the cardboard packaging is not included in the package, the priority being fixing the plant properly in the box.
See delivery details