Gardenia Jasminoides 'Golden Crown' (variegated, resistant also in the garden)

79,00 lei
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Full description and specifications

Gardenia Jasminoides 'Golden Crown' (Rolaro), also known as Gardenia Variegata, Gardenia de Gardenia or Hardy Gardenia. It is a spectacular variety that can be grown both indoors and in the garden, provided it is planted in a space that offers protection from the cold winter winds.

The flowers are just as special - delicate, strongly scented, in shades of white-cream-yellow. The color of the flowers changes as they mature.

The leaves are glossy, lanceolate, narrow with variegated edges.

At maturity, the plant reaches a height of approximately 100 cm. It grows compactly, in the form of a bush.

It can withstand temperatures up to -10°C in the garden. It is planted in a place protected from blizzards and air currents.

Height with pots included: 20-25 cm

Pot diameter: 15 cm
The plant is sold without flowers.