Fuchsia Bella 'Hilda' (potted earrings)

15,00 lei
Let me know when it's back in stock!

Stage:: with flowers/stem/buds

with flowers/stem/buds
Full description and specifications

Fuchsia, popularly known as the earring, is a plant famous for the extraordinary beauty of its flowers.
Placement: its ideal place is in a pot or a planter. In winter it must be protected from frost
Humidity: it is watered according to the ambient temperature; when it is very hot, 25-30 degrees Celsius, it is watered twice a day, in the morning and in the evening
Propagation: It is propagated by cuttings that are left in water to root.
Height with pots included 15 cm
Pot diameter 10.5 cm

Careful! The flowers are heat sensitive and could arrive to you without flowers.