Aloinopsis Schoonesii

35,00 lei

Pot diameter: pot 8 cm

pot 8 cm
Full description and specifications

Aloinopsis Schoonesii is a small succulent plant, native to the semi-arid regions of South Africa. This plant forms compact formations, with thick, cylindrical leaves of green-blue color, with red or orange tips.

The small, starry, pink or yellow flowers appear in spring and summer, being located at the top of thin stems, which rise above the leaves. Aloinopsis Schoonesii can reach a height of approximately 5-10 cm and a width of 10-15 cm.

This plant is highly appreciated for the beauty and variability of the colors of the leaves and for its delicate flowers. It is an easy-to-care-for and resistant plant that prefers a well-drained soil with the addition of sand and gravel. In general, Aloinopsis Schoonesii needs direct sun exposure for at least 4-6 hours a day and moderate watering, avoiding excessive watering, which can lead to rotting of the roots.

During the winter, it is important to protect this plant from temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius. Aloinopsis Schoonesii can be propagated by seeds or by cutting lateral stems. If you take care of this plant carefully, you will be rewarded with a wonderful and durable succulent plant that will delight you with its colorful leaves and delicate flowers.
Height with pots included: approx. 10 cm

The decorative bowl is not included in the price. The plant is sold without flowers.