Offers of the week

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Saintpaulia Rococo Ballet - Violets of Parma

Saintpaulia Rococo Ballet - Violets of Parma

55,00 lei 45,00 lei
African violets (Saintpaulia) are small and delicate houseplants, native to Tanzania and Kenya. They are known for their colorful and abundant flowers, which can be single, double or semi-double, in...
Saintpaulia Rococo White - Parma violets with double white flowers

Saintpaulia Rococo White - Parma violets with double white flowers

55,00 lei 45,00 lei
Parma or Saint Paulia violets are plants of African origin, spread and appreciated over time all over the world. Caring for Parma violets Location: Bright but shaded place, without direct...
Saintpaulia Rococo Cyclam - Parma violets with double cyclam flowers

Saintpaulia Rococo Cyclam - Parma violets with double cyclam flowers

55,00 lei 45,00 lei
African violets (Saintpaulia) are small and delicate houseplants, native to Tanzania and Kenya. They are known for their colorful and abundant flowers, which can be single, double or semi-double, in...
Saintpaulia Rococo Violet - Parma violets with blue double flowers

Saintpaulia Rococo Violet - Parma violets with blue double flowers

55,00 lei 45,00 lei
African violets (Saintpaulia) are small and delicate houseplants, native to Tanzania and Kenya. They are known for their colorful and abundant flowers, which can be single, double or semi-double, in...
Saintpaulia Inova Spectra Carnaval - violete africane

Saintpaulia Inova Spectra Carnaval - African violets

25,00 lei 20,00 lei
African violets (Saintpaulia) are small and delicate houseplants, native to Tanzania and Kenya. They are known for their colorful and abundant flowers, which can be single, double or semi-double, in...
Saintpaulia Double Pink - violete speciale

Saintpaulia Double Pink - special violets with double pink flowers

65,00 lei
African violets (Saintpaulia) are small and delicate houseplants, native to Tanzania and Kenya. They are known for their colorful and abundant flowers, which can be single, double or semi-double, in...
Saintpaulia Micro Blue - special violets with double flowers

Saintpaulia Micro Blue - special violets with double flowers

49,00 lei 45,00 lei
Saintpaulia Mini Blue - special violets. African violets (Saintpaulia) are small and delicate houseplants, native to Tanzania and Kenya. They are known for their colorful and abundant flowers, which can...
Sometimes we have to make room in the greenhouse for new varieties :) Here you will find equally special plants, with applied discounts and promotions. Stocks are always limited.