Black Friday deals

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40 Products Found
Syngonium erythrophyllum 'Llano Carti Road' (Red Arrow)

Syngonium erythrophyllum 'Llano Carti Road' (Red Arrow)

55,00 lei 45,00 lei
Syngonium erythrophyllum 'Llano Carti Road' - gorgeous species, discovered by chance on the side of a road in Panama. It is one of the few plants with such dark colored...
Aglaonema Super White (White Joy)

Aglaonema Super White (White Joy)

95,00 lei 75,00 lei
Aglaonema 'White Joy' is a variety of Aglaonema, a very popular houseplant for its decorative leaves and its ability to tolerate a variety of growing conditions. Native to the Philippines,...
Philodendron 'Pink Princess Marble' (babyplant)

Philodendron 'Pink Princess Marble' (babyplant)

49,00 lei 45,00 lei
Philodendron erubescens 'Pink Princess Marble' - cultivar obtained by selecting specimens of Philodendron 'Pink Princess'. These specimens show much more intense variegation that covers the entire leaf. In general, the...
Syngonium podophyllum 'Batik'

Syngonium podophyllum 'Batik'

55,00 lei 45,00 lei
Syngonium podophyllum 'Batik' - a fairly new, very interesting cultivar. As it matures, the leaves become more segmented and the color changes. Popular for more than a hundred years, syngonium...
Heat Pack XL (72 hours)

Heat Pack XL (72 hours) - heat packs

15,00 lei 10,00 lei
Heat Pack XL - is a heat-generating package, mainly used for transporting animals and plants during the winter, but can also be used to keep many other temperature-sensitive goods safe...
Alocasia Melo (Rugosa)

Alocasia Melo (Rugosa)

79,00 lei 65,00 lei
Alocasia Melo (also known as Alocasia Rugosa) is a distinctive ornamental plant, appreciated for its thick, slightly textured leaves with a matte appearance. This species is part of the Araceae...
Alocasia scalprum

Alocasia scalprum

75,00 lei 55,00 lei
Alocasia scalprum is a tropical plant from the Araceae family, native to Southeast Asia. It is known for its small and narrow leaves, which are often dark green with prominent...
Rhaphidophora puberula 'Variegata' - babyplant

Rhaphidophora puberula 'Variegata' - babyplant

95,00 lei 59,00 lei
Rhaphidophora puberula 'Variegata' is a rare tropical plant, attractive due to its strongly variegated leaves. Note: The pictures are for informational purposes only and the level of variegation differs from...
Spathiphyllum 'Diamond Variegata'

Spathiphyllum 'Diamond Variegata'

79,00 lei 69,00 lei
Spathiphyllum 'Diamond Variegata' is a houseplant native to South America. The leaves are oval, up to 20 cm long. They are dark green with white and yellow spots. The flowers...
Epipremnum aureum 'Manjula' (Happy Leaf) 3-4 plants/pot

Epipremnum aureum 'Manjula' (Happy Leaf) 3-4 plants/pot

55,00 lei 49,00 lei
Epipremnum aureum 'Manjula' (Happy Leaf) is a flowing plant, which uses its roots to fix itself and grow in height. It is a spectacular plant, with variegated heart-shaped leaves, famous...
Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata'

Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata'

350,00 lei 295,00 lei
Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata', also known as "Monstera Variegata" or "Variegated Swiss Cheese Plant", is a popular variety of Monstera deliciosa that is often grown for its attractive variegated leaves. This...
Alocasia Micholitziana 'Frydek' D12

Alocasia Micholitziana 'Frydek' D12

75,00 lei 65,00 lei
Alocasia Micholitziana 'Frydek'. Placement: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It is recommended...
Aglaonema 'Jazzy Red'

Aglaonema 'Jazzy Red'

159,00 lei 139,00 lei
Aglaonema is a decorative indoor plant, easy to care for, being tolerant to low light conditions and rare watering. Native to the Philippines, Aglaonema has decorative, slow-growing leaves that beautify...
Philodendron 'Ring of Fire'

Philodendron 'Ring of Fire'

69,00 lei 59,00 lei
Philodendron 'Ring of Fire' - variegated form, considered extremely rare. The leaves show impressive variegation. The plant was originally named 'Henderson's Pride' after the hybridizer Keith Henderson (Asiatica nursery). Although...
Monstera Peru (Monstera Karstenianum)

Monstera Peru (Monstera Karstenianum)

65,00 lei 59,00 lei
Monstera Peru, also known as Monstera Karstenianum, is an impressive variety, with large, intense green leaves and an interesting texture. If you are looking for a spectacular plant, but you...
Homalomena rubescens 'Camouflage' (Queen of hearts)

Homalomena rubescens 'Camouflage' (Queen of hearts)

75,00 lei 69,00 lei
Homalomena rubescens, originally from SE Asia, comes from the same family as Philodendron. This plant is attractive with its red stems and heart-shaped leaves. Popular names: Queen of Hearts, Red...
Rhaphidophora hongkongensis 'Variegata' (mint variegation)

Rhaphidophora hongkongensis 'Variegata' (variegated mint)

155,00 lei 145,00 lei
Rhaphidophora hongkongensis 'Variegata' - climbing species from the genus Rhaphidophora (family Araceae) . The plant is notable for its oval, dark green, glossy, variegated leaves with a leathery appearance and...
Anthurium magnificum

Anthurium magnificum

95,00 lei 75,00 lei
Anthurium magnificum - a botanical species endemic to Colombia and South America. The plant is notable for its impressive foliage - large, velvety leaves with prominent veins. Note: Some specimens...
Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata' D17 - XL specimens

Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata' D17 - XL specimens

495,00 lei 275,00 lei
Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata', also known as "Monstera Variegata" or "Variegated Swiss Cheese Plant", is a popular variety of Monstera deliciosa that is often grown for its attractive variegated leaves. This...
Homalomena rubescens 'Maggy' (Queen of hearts)

Homalomena rubescens 'Maggy' (Queen of hearts)

45,00 lei 39,00 lei
Homalomena rubescens, originally from SE Asia, comes from the same family as Philodendron. This plant is attractive with its red stems and heart-shaped leaves. Popular names: Queen of Hearts, Red...
Alocasia Cucullata 'Flame'

Alocasia Cucullata 'Flame'

99,00 lei 79,00 lei
Alcoasia Cucullata Flame, popularly called elephant's ear. it is an exotic plant, relatively easy to care for, especially appreciated for its stems. Care instructions: Placement: bright area, protected from the...
Philodendron scandens 'Brasil' (3-5 plants/pot)

Philodendron scandens 'Brasil' (3-5 plants/pot)

45,00 lei 35,00 lei
Philodendron scandens 'Brasil', also known as Philodendron hederaceum 'Brasil', is a popular houseplant, appreciated for its decorative, variegated leaves. This plant is part of the Araceae family and is native...
Philodendron Mayoi

Philodendron Mayoi

85,00 lei 69,00 lei
Philodendron Mayoi originates from the Brazilian rainforests and is also known as Fern-like Philodendron, Palm-like Phodendron. It has the honorary nickname 'Simon Mayo' in recognition of the renowned botanist. Location:...
Philodendron joepii

Philodendron joepii

65,00 lei 45,00 lei
Philodendron joepii - a variety that impresses with its amazing foliage - the juvenile leaves are long and somewhat uniform, but as they mature, their appearance changes dramatically, becoming trilobed,...
Alocasia 'Golden Bone'

Alocasia 'Golden Bone'

95,00 lei 59,00 lei
Alocasia 'Golden Bone' Location: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It is recommended...
Zamioculcas H30-40 cm - Money plant

Zamioculcas H30-40 cm - Money plant

45,00 lei 39,00 lei
Zamioculcas is an ideal plant for living room or office. It does not require special care and is rarely watered. Known as ZZ, Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is an interesting plant...
Aglaonema Silver Blue

Aglaonema Silver Blue

69,00 lei 55,00 lei
Aglaonema is a decorative indoor plant, easy to care for, being tolerant to low light conditions and rare watering. Native to the Philippines, Aglaonema has decorative, slow-growing leaves that beautify...
Philodendron 'Snowdrift'

Philodendron 'Snowdrift'

125,00 lei 95,00 lei
Philodendron 'Snowdrift' This variety has nectar-producing glands on the back of the leaves. The nectar has the role of attracting ants in search of food - thus, the plant gains...
Dieffenbachia seguine 'Tropic Snow'

Dieffenbachia seguine 'Tropic Snow'

75,00 lei 69,00 lei
Dieffenbachia is a much-loved indoor plant due to the spectacular appearance of its leaves, being often found both in the decoration of homes and office spaces. Dieffenbachia is the 4th...
Philodendron White Wizard (babyplant)

Philodendron White Wizard (babyplant)

45,00 lei 39,00 lei
Philodendron White Wizard - extremely spectacular variety, with rounded leaves showing various variegation and splash patterns. The morphological differences between Philodendron White Wizard, White Knight and White Princess: Philodendron White...
Anthurium Balaoanum

Anthurium Balaoanum

85,00 lei 59,00 lei
Anthurium Balaoanum is a fascinating species of anthurium, prized for its long, thin and elegant leaves. It is a decorative tropical plant, ideal for lovers of exotic plants and rare...
Philodendron Rugosum Aberrant Form

Philodendron Rugosum Aberrant Form

145,00 lei 95,00 lei
Philodendron Rugosum Aberrant is a variety of philodendron characterized by large, heart-shaped leaves with a unique, jagged texture. The leaves are dark green with prominent lighter green veins. As the...
Aglaonema 'Romeo' - XL specimens (2 plants/pot)

Aglaonema 'Romeo' - XL specimens (2 plants/pot)

129,00 lei 95,00 lei
Aglaonema 'Romeo' is a decorative indoor plant, easy to care for, being tolerant to low light conditions and rare watering. Native to the Philippines, Aglaonema has decorative, slow-growing leaves that...
Homalomena rubescens 'Lemon Lime' (Queen of hearts) D14

Homalomena rubescens 'Lemon Lime' (Queen of hearts) D14

65,00 lei 55,00 lei
Homalomena rubescens 'Lemon Lime' is a special variety of the Homalomena rubescens species and is part of the Araceae family. This variety is known for its shiny light green or...
Aglaonema 'Jungle Shadows'

Aglaonema 'Jungle Shadows'

95,00 lei 79,00 lei
Aglaonema is a plant that not only impresses with its decorative appearance, but is also relatively easy to care for, adapting well to low light conditions, which makes it ideal...
Alocasia 'Lukiwan'

Alocasia 'Lukiwan'

85,00 lei 75,00 lei
Alocasia 'Lukiwan' - a spectacular hybrid obtained by crossing Alocasia alba and Alocasia sinuata. Location: bright area, protected from sunlight. It can also tolerate a less lit area quite well....
Monstera adansonii 'Frozen Freckles' (variegated) - 2 plants/pot

Monstera adansonii 'Frozen Freckles' (variegated) - 2 plants/pot

195,00 lei
Monstera adansonii 'Frozen Freckles', is a special variety of the Monstera adansonii plant, popular for its mutant and highly variegated leaves. This plant is a tropical vine that grows best...
Syngonium 'Grey Ghost'

Syngonium 'Grey Ghost'

95,00 lei 85,00 lei
Syngonium Gray Ghost. Height with pots included approx. 25-30 cm The displayed price is for 1 plant. A copy will be chosen randomly from the available stock. Each specimen is...
Monstera variegata 'Thai Constellation' (D12)

Monstera variegata 'Thai Constellation' (D12)

295,00 lei 265,00 lei
Monstera 'Thai Constellation' is a cultivar of the Monstera deliciosa species, belonging to the Araceae family. This cultivar shows a sectoral variegation, in variable shades of white-cream-yellow and green distributed...
Aglaonema 'Crimson Love'

Aglaonema 'Crimson Love'

75,00 lei 59,00 lei
Aglaonema 'Crimson Love' is a decorative indoor plant, easy to care for, being tolerant to low light conditions and rare watering. Native to the Philippines, Aglaonema has decorative, slow-growing leaves...
Take advantage of the exclusive Black Friday offers and discover our varied selection of indoor and outdoor plants at reduced prices! From orchids, monstera, hoya, to succulents and outdoor plants, we have plants for all tastes and spaces. Explore our collection and cheer up your home or garden with the most beautiful plants at a discount!