Dry Sphagnum Moss (New Zealand) - SpagMoss Classic 150g / 12L

75,00 lei
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Full description and specifications

Dry Sphagnum moss from New Zealand - SpagMoss 150g, the equivalent of 12L (after hydration).
Sphagnum Moss is a versatile, long-lasting product, renowned for its ability to maintain moisture. Sphagnum moss is recognized worldwide as a premium product in the orchid cultivation industry. Sphagnum Moss is naturally air dried to ensure a maximum water holding capacity (WHC) of 96%. This allows the muscles to retain water and nutrients to be released slowly, without accumulating unwanted salts.
Sphagnum Moss maintains its structure for many years, therefore costs associated with reuse are reduced. Due to its sterile nature, Spagmoss will also defend against plant pathogens from attacking the roots.

Note: original product, sealed.