Sedum morganianum

12,00 lei

Pot diameter: pot 5 cm

pot 5 cm
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Full description and specifications

Sedum morganianum, known as "monkey's tail" or "horsetail", is a popular succulent plant native to southern Mexico. It is appreciated for its fleshy, silver-green leaves, which grow in dense bunches and hang gracefully from the end of long and flexible stems. This plant is ideal for growing in hanging pots as the stems can reach impressive lengths of up to a meter or more when left to grow freely.


  1. Light: Sedum morganianum prefers strong and indirect light. It can tolerate a few hours of direct sun, but it is ideal to be protected during the afternoon, especially in areas with a warmer climate, to prevent sunburn.

  2. Watering: This succulent plant requires moderate watering. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings. During the winter, reduce the frequency of watering because the plant enters a state of rest.

  3. Humidity: Prefers low humidity conditions, typical for indoor environments. It is not necessary to spray the leaves.

  4. Temperature: The ideal temperatures are between 18-24 degrees Celsius. Avoid exposure to temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius, as it can be sensitive to cold.

  5. Fertilization: Fertilize the plant once a month during the period of active growth (spring-summer) using a diluted fertilizer specially for succulents.

  6. Repotting: Transplant Sedum morganianum every two years or when you notice that the pot has become too small. Use a well-drained soil mix, specific for succulents.

Note: variety sensitive to transport.
Height with pots included: 8 cm