Pyracantha 'Soleil dOr'
Pyracantha 'Soleil dOr'

Pyracantha 'Soleil dOr' (evergreen - green all year round)

49,00 lei
Full description and specifications

Pyracantha is an evergreen shrub, decorative with flowers, leaves and fruits, ideal for covering fences or green walls. The plant is resistant to cold, easy to care for. Pyracantha can be planted in the garden at almost any time of the year (except at negative temperatures).

Pyracantha 'Soleil d'Or' is a variety of Pyracantha, a genus of plants in the Rosaceae family, known as the burning fire or fire hawthorn. This variety is characterized by its dense branches and sharp thorns, as well as by its white flowers and orange fruits, which appear in autumn and winter.

Pyracantha 'Soleil d'Or' fruits are not traditionally considered edible for humans due to their bitter and astringent taste. However, they can be consumed in small quantities after being cooked and turned into jams, jellies or sauces. It is important to consume only the pulp of the fruit, because the seeds contain small amounts of cyanide and are not safe for human consumption. The fruits are more suitable for birds and other wild animals, which feed on them without problems.

Some sources claim that Pyracantha fruits have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties due to their content of vitamin C, flavonoids and tannins. It is important to mention that scientific research on the medicinal benefits of Pyracantha fruits is limited, and their use for medicinal purposes is not fully established or widely accepted.

Height with pots included: 50-70 cm
Pot diameter: 11-14 cm or 2 liters