Fallopia baldschuanica
Fallopia baldschuanica (aubertii)

Fallopia baldschuanica (aubertii) - liana with fast growth and abundant flowering

39,00 lei
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Full description and specifications

Fallopia baldschuanica (syn. Polygonum baldschuanicum) is a liana of Asian origin, with very fast growth and easy adaptation to any environment.

It is the ideal plant to quickly cover a transparent fence - and at the same time to decorate it. The incredible abundance of white flowers will attract both the eyes and the pollinators, until winter comes - practically it remains the last plant that offers nectar.

Annual cleaning and growth control is necessary - otherwise, the plant can become invasive.

In a single year, Fallopia baldschuanica is able to completely cover at least a 2x2m fence - but it must be taken into account that this evolution can be influenced by soil and irrigation.

Other known names: Russian Vine, Chinese Vine, Silver lace vine, Fleece Vine, Silvervine Fleeceflower

Cold resistance: -35°C
Height with pots included: approx. 30-50 cm
Pot diameter: 9-12 cm

The price is valid for 1 plant.

Plants for the garden or terrace are grown in unprotected spaces or with minimal protection (shading nets or anti-hail nets). For this reason, naturally, they cannot have perfect foliage - the leaves can show traces, defects or other damages.

In the autumn-winter season, the plants are sold without leaves.

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