Dracaena Yellow Coast

29,00 lei

Pot diameter: pot 12 cm

pot 12 cm
Full description and specifications

Dracaena is an exotic plant, particularly decorative through its leaves, originally from tropical Africa and the Canary Islands. It is a very popular plant both because of its appearance and because it requires minimal care.

Prefers indirect light, but can also tolerate partial shade. It is important not to expose it to direct sunlight, as this can cause the leaves to burn.

It is also important to water Dracaena Yellow Coast regularly, but avoid excessive watering. The soil must be moist, but not soaked with water. It is recommended to water the plant when the soil is dry on the surface.

Dracaena Yellow Coast prefers high humidity. You can increase the humidity around the plant by spraying the leaves with water or by placing the pot on a tray of wet gravel.

Fertilize Dracaena Yellow Coast during the period of active growth, spring and summer. Use a liquid fertilizer for indoor plants, diluted according to the instructions on the package.

Height with pots included 35-40 cm
Pot diameter: 11-12 cm

The decorative bowl is not included in the price.