Epiphyllum Beavertail (Coada Castorului)

Epiphyllum Beavertail

59,00 lei

Pot diameter: pot 12 cm

pot 12 cm
Full description and specifications

Epiphyllum Beavertail resembles an Epiphyllum anguliger. It owes its name "Beaver's Tail" to its large leaves, which look like a beaver's tail.
Light: bright area, without direct sun
Water: during the growth period (spring - autumn) keep the soil moist. During the winter, watering is rare until the new growths appear.
Humidity: moderate 40-50%
Temperature: average 18-24 ° C. To generate flower buds, the plant needs 8-10 weeks of cool days of 16-18 ° C during the day and 7-13 ° C at night.
Fertilization: every 2 weeks from the beginning of spring until autumn, using a fertilizer with a high phosphorus content.
The plant is sold without flowers. Specimens in stock may have defective leaves.
Height with pots included approx. 30 cm

The decorative bowl is not included in the price.