Saintpaulia Trendy Purple - two-tone violets

25,00 lei
Full description and specifications

Parma or Saint Paulia violets are plants of African origin, spread and appreciated over time all over the world.

Care tips:

Light: Prefers bright, indirect light. Avoid direct exposure to the sun, which can burn the leaves. An ideal position is next to an east or west facing window.

Temperature: The ideal temperature is between 18 and 24°C. Sudden temperature fluctuations can cause the flowers to drop.

Watering: Water the plant when the soil is dry on the surface. Water by bottom watering or with a dropper to avoid wetting the leaves.

Humidity: African violets prefer moderate humidity. Avoid spraying the leaves, as it can make them prone to fungal diseases.

Soil: Use a well-drained soil especially for African violets. The soil must be aerated and retain sufficient moisture.

Fertilization: Fertilize the plant once a month, during the growing period (spring-summer), with a diluted fertilizer for flowering plants. Use a fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium. Avoid fertilizing in winter.

Transplantation: Transplant the plant every 2-3 years, in a pot with a diameter 1-2 cm larger than the previous one. Choose a pot with drainage holes to avoid water stagnation. Transplantation is done in spring or summer.
Height with pots included: approx. 10-15 cm
Pot diameter: 9-12 cm

Note: The leaves of this plant are brittle and can be easily damaged during transport and handling. The price is valid for a plant with or without flowers.