Rare plants - unusual

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Apoballis acuminatissima 'Red Sword'

Apoballis acuminatissima 'Red Sword'

82,00 zł56,00 zł
Apoballis acuminatissima 'Red Sword' is a tropical ornamental plant, appreciated for its spectacular leaves. This variety stands out for its long, sharp, dark green leaves, with distinct reddish shades on...
Philodendron Splendid (Verrucosum X Melanochrysum)

Philodendron Splendid (Verrucosum X Melanochrysum)

56,00 zł
Philodendron Splendid - a superb hybrid, obtained by crossing Philodendron verrucosum and Philodendron Melanochrysum. Specimens from stock may have leaves with defects/scars. The decorative bowl is not included in the...
Maranta Leuconeura var. kerchoveana 'Variegata' (Maranta 'Beauty Kim', Fiesta) 2pp

Maranta Leuconeura var. kerchoveana 'Variegata' (Maranta 'Beauty Kim', Fiesta) 2pp

43,00 zł34,00 zł
Maranta Leuconeura var. kerchoveana 'Variegata', also called Maranta 'Beauty Kim'. Spectacular variety, with yellow splash and sometimes even red and white. Maranta is a plant with a very spectacular and...
Rhaphidophora cryptantha

Rhaphidophora cryptantha (Shingle Plant)

168,00 zł142,00 zł
Rhaphidophora cryptantha is a rare, extremely spectacular plant that climbs surfaces (a behavior called "shingling"). She is originally from Papua New Guinea. The plant is known for its heart-shaped green...
Anthurium crassinervium var. crassinervium (Jungle Bush) - XL specimens

Anthurium crassinervium var. crassinervium (Jungle Bush) - XL specimens

74,00 zł
Anthurium crassinervium var. crassinervium (Jungle Bush) is an unusual, resistant, decorative plant through its leaves. It can also be placed in a less bright area. Originally from South Africa, Anthurium...
Philodendron 'Pink Princess Marble' D9

Philodendron 'Pink Princess Marble' D9

74,00 zł60,00 zł
Philodendron erubescens 'Pink Princess Marble' - cultivar obtained by selecting specimens of Philodendron 'Pink Princess'. These specimens show much more intense variegation that covers the entire leaf. In general, the...
Philodendron erubescens 'White Princess' PWP01

Philodendron erubescens 'White Princess' PWP01

108,00 zł
Philodendron erubescens 'White Princess' - extremely rare natural mutation of Philodendron erubescens specimens. The leaves show white variegation, and in some cases pink variegation can also appear spontaneously. Philodendron erubescens...
Syngonium podophyllum Mottled 'Mojito' D12 2pp

Syngonium podophyllum Mottled 'Mojito' D12 2pp

56,00 zł
Syngonium podophyllum Mottled 'Mojito' is a popular variety of Syngonium podophyllum, native to Central and South America. This plant is part of the Araceae family and is also known as...
Philodendron Red Sun

Philodendron Red Sun

65,00 zł51,00 zł
Philodendron Red Sun. Location: Philodendron prefers a bright area, away from direct sunlight. However, it will also tolerate a darker area. The foliage will become greener if it is placed...
Syngonium podophyllum 'Variegata' - large specimens

Syngonium podophyllum 'Variegata' - large specimens

82,00 zł
Syngonium podophyllum 'Variegat'. The level of variegation differs from one plant to another, but all specimens show consistent variegation. Copies in stock may also have defective leaves. Note: The level...
Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'Lime Zinger'

Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'Lime Zinger'

74,00 zł
Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'Lime Zinger' is a new variety, with very large, slightly arched leaves and long stems, similar to Alocasia (Elephant Ear) Placement: avoid direct sunlight, as it can burn...
Alocasia 'Sarian' (A. zebrina x A. micholitziana)

Alocasia 'Sarian' (A. zebrina x A. micholitziana)

34,00 zł – 43,00 zł
Alocasia 'Sarian' is a spectacular hybrid obtained by crossing the species Alocasia zebrina and Alocasia micholitziana. The leaves are specular - pointed, have prominent veins, wavy edges and glossy-textured appearance...
Monstera adansonii 'Mint' (Mottled variegation)

Monstera adansonii 'Mint' (Mottled variegation) - babyplant

56,00 zł
Monstera adansonii 'Mint', also known as "Monstera Mint", is a special variety of the Monstera adansonii plant, popular for its variegated leaves with light-green tones, almost minty, and white spots....
Alocasia lowii 'Morocco'

Alocasia lowii 'Morocco'

56,00 zł
Alocasia lowii 'Morocco'. Location: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It is recommended...
Alocasia amazonica dwarf

Alocasia amazonica dwarf

25,00 zł
Alocasia Amazonica Dwarf, popularly called Elephant's Ear, is an exotic plant that is relatively easy to care for. A botanical beauty with special leaves, available only in limited stock! Care...
Philodendron Golden Dragon (Variegated)

Philodendron Golden Dragon (Variegated)

48,00 zł
Philodendron Golden Dragon - variety that stands out for its leaves. This variety has nectar-producing glands on the back of the leaves. The nectar has the role of attracting ants...
Alocasia Lauterbachiana

Alocasia Lauterbachiana

39,00 zł
Alocasia Lauterbachiana. Care instructions: Location: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It is...
Anthurium vittarifolium

Anthurium vittarifolium

65,00 zł
Anthurium vittarifolium - rare botanical species, endemic to South America. The plant stands out for its special foliage - long and narrow leaves that can reach a length of 1.5m,...
Monstera subpinnata

Monstera subpinnata

125,00 zł
Monstera subpinnata. If you are looking for a spectacular plant, but do not want a plant that requires a lot of attention and care, you will definitely fall in love...
Dieffenbachia - Dumb Cane 'White Etna'

Dieffenbachia - Dumb Cane 'White Etna'

171,00 zł
Dieffenbachia is a much-loved indoor plant due to the spectacular appearance of its leaves, being often found both in the decoration of homes and office spaces. Dieffenbachia is the 4th...
Philodendron Orange Princess (sp. 'Sunspot')

Philodendron Orange Princess (sp. 'Sunspot')

116,00 zł
Philodendron Orange Princess, also known as Philodendron sp. 'Sunspot' is an incredible looking variety. The color of the stems is usually dark red, while the leaves have a green base,...
Philodendron pittieri

Philodendron pittieri

74,00 zł56,00 zł
Philodendron pittieri is a rare Philodendron, originally from Central America. It is a perennial plant, with large, heart-shaped, dark green leaves, covered with bronze bristles. The leaves can reach a...
Syngonium wendlandii D12

Syngonium wendlandii D12

43,00 zł34,00 zł
Syngonium wendlandii (Schott) - a botanical species endemic to Costa Rica, distinguished by its velvety, dark green leaves, marked centrally by a silver stripe. The plane tree exhibits rapid growth...
Anthurium Jungle King

Anthurium ellipticum Jungle King

74,00 zł56,00 zł
Anthurium ellipticum Jungle King is an unusual, resistant plant, decorative through its leaves. It can also be placed in a less bright area. Originally from South Africa, Anthurium ellipticum Jungle...
Alocasia longiloba 'Purple Princess'

Alocasia longiloba 'Purple Princess'

82,00 zł
Alocasia longiloba 'Purple Princess'. Location: bright area, protected from the sun's rays. It can tolerate a less lit area quite well. Watering: water when the substrate is dry. It is...
Xanthosoma sagittifolium ‘Frozen Planet’

Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'Frozen Planet' - 3 plants/pot

56,00 zł
Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'Frozen Planet' is a new variety, with very large, slightly arched leaves and long stems, similar to Alocasia (Elephant Ear). Placement: avoid direct sunlight, as it can burn...
Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata' MDV-04 (XL specimen)

Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata' MDV-04 (XL specimen)

340,00 zł
Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata', also known as "Monstera Variegata" or "Variegated Swiss Cheese Plant", is a popular variety of Monstera deliciosa that is often grown for its attractive variegated leaves. This...
Philodendron mexicanum (Netherlands)

Philodendron mexicanum (Netherlands)

56,00 zł
Philodendron mexicanum - botanical species with large, intense green, glossy, narrow and long leaves, which become trilobed at maturity. The lower part of the leaves shows impressive colors whose intensity...
Syngonium 'Green Splash' D10

Syngonium 'Green Splash' D10

43,00 zł
Syngonium 'Green Splash'. Height with pots included: approx. 15-20 cm The displayed price is for 1 plant. A copy will be chosen randomly from the available stock. Each plant has...
Syngonium Strawberry Ice ICE02

Syngonium Strawberry Ice ICE02

82,00 zł
Syngonium 'Strawberry Ice' is a special ornamental plant, known for its unique leaves. The leaves are arrow-shaped or heart-shaped, with a mixture of pale pink, green and white colors. Light...
Rhaphidophora tenuis

Rhaphidophora tenuis

65,00 zł
Rhaphidophora tenuis - climbing botanical species from the Araceae family, endemic to Borneo. Rhaphidophora tenuis is a plant from the Araceae family, related to popular genera such as Monstera, Philodendron...
Anoectochilus roxburghii hayata 'Hong Sia' (Jewel Orchid)

Anoectochilus roxburghii hayata 'Hong Sia' (Jewel Orchid)

65,00 zł
Orchid Anoectochilus roxburghii hayata 'Hong Sia', formerly known as Anoectochilus 'Rose Gold' - terrestrial orchid that stands out for the fascinating appearance of its leaves. The leaves of jewel orchids...
Spathiphyllum Sensation variegated

Spathiphyllum Sensation variegated

56,00 zł
Spathiphyllum variegated. Location: bright but shaded, cool place Moisture: water moderately Substrate: neutral Dutch peat or a very loose mixture Propagation: spring, autumn by dividing the bush Characteristics: The plant...
Monstera 'Thai Constellation' MTC10

Monstera 'Thai Constellation' MTC10

220,00 zł
Monstera 'Thai Constellation' is a cultivar of the Monstera deliciosa species, belonging to the Araceae family. This cultivar shows a sectoral variegation, in variable shades of white-cream-yellow and green distributed...
Amorphophallus Atroviridis (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus Atroviridis (Voodoo Lily)

111,00 zł
Amorphophallus Atroviridis - botanical species from the Araceae family, endemic to Thailand. The plant stands out for its impressive foliage - velvety, dark green leaves with pinkish-reddish edges that offer...
Monstera Thai Constellation (MTC#07)

Monstera Thai Constellation (MTC#07)

305,00 zł
Monstera Thai Constellation is relatively easy to care for and is quite difficult to kill. Monstera grows in its natural environment in the tropical forests of southern Mexico and Panana,...
Alocasia sinuata (Quilted Dreams Alocasia)

Alocasia sinuata (Quilted Dreams Alocasia)

56,00 zł
Alocasia sinuata is a tropical plant with large, wavy, dark green leaves, which immediately attracts attention in any interior space. Originally from Southeast Asia, this plant is part of the...
Ludochilus Sea Turtle (Jewel Orchid)

Ludochilus Sea Turtle (Jewel Orchid)

74,00 zł56,00 zł
Ludochilus Sea Turtle (Jewel Orchid) is an orchid with velvety leaves, which gives the plant a special appearance. Height with pots included: approx. 25 cm Ludochilus Sea Turtle care like...
Alocasia odora (Night-Scented Lily)

Alocasia odora (Night-Scented Lily)

91,00 zł – 108,00 zł
Alocasia odora (Night-Scented Lily) is native to India, the Philippines and Taiwan. Note: Alocasia is a sensitive plant. Therefore, it is possible to receive these plants with some defects on...
Philodendron Majestic

Philodendron Majestic

82,00 zł
Philodendron majestic - spectacular hybrid obtained by crossing Philodendron verrucosum and Philodendron sodiroi. The leaves are impressive, heart-shaped, covered with silvery colors. They reach a length of approx. 60 cm,...
Anoectochilus siamensis x Macodes petiola

Anoectochilus siamensis x Macodes petiola (Jewel Orchid)

65,00 zł
Orchid Anoectochilus siamensis x Macodes petiola - terrestrial orchid that stands out for the fascinating appearance of the leaves. The leaves of jewel orchids are segmented, with prominent venation and...
Syngonium Milk Confetti (strong variegation)

Syngonium Milk Confetti (strong variegation)

65,00 zł43,00 zł
Syngonium 'Milk Confetti' is a popular variety of Syngonium, an indoor plant prized for its attractive leaves and easy care. This variety stands out for its variegated leaves, i.e. the...
Monstera Thai Constellation (MTC#31)

Monstera Thai Constellation (MTC#31)

280,00 zł
Monstera Thai Constellation is relatively easy to care for and is quite difficult to kill. Monstera grows in its natural environment in the tropical forests of southern Mexico and Panana,...
Anoectochillus siamensis 'White Center Green'

Anoectochillus siamensis 'White Center Green' (Jewel Orchid)

65,00 zł
Orchid Anoectochillus siamensis 'White Center Green' - terrestrial orchid that stands out for the fascinating appearance of the leaves. The leaves of jewel orchids are segmented, with prominent venation and...
Philodendron atabapoense

Philodendron atabapoense D15

56,00 zł43,00 zł
Philodendron atabapoense - endemic botanical species from Venezuela, the Amazonian jungle. The plant stands out for its impressive foliage - the leaves are narrow and long, with a unique silver-green...
Anthurium plowmanii

Anthurium plowmanii

65,00 zł
Anthurium plowmanii endemic species from Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay. Originally, the plant is epiphytic, but specimens that grow directly in the soil or on rocks have also been discovered....
Anoectochilus leyli 'Brown' (Jewel Orchid)

Anoectochilus leyli 'Brown' (Jewel Orchid)

65,00 zł
Anoectochilus leyli 'Brown' (Jewel Orchid) - terrestrial orchid that stands out for the fascinating appearance of the leaves. The leaves of jewel-orchids are segmented, with prominent venation and show various...
Syngonium podophyllum 'Aurea-Variegata'

Syngonium podophyllum 'Aurea-Variegata'

82,00 zł
Syngonium podophyllum 'Aurea-Variegata' is a popular variety of Syngonium podophyllum, originally from Central and South America. This plant is part of the Araceae family and is also known as the...

Rare or unusual plants, with special shapes, variegations or appearance. Hunted by collectors and appreciated by all plant breeders.