Bifrenaria harrisoniae *scented
Orchid Bifrenaria harrisoniae - Found in the coastal areas of Brazil, this medium-sized orchid grows in warm conditions, being an epiphyte or occasionally a lithophyte exposed to direct sunlight, at altitudes between 200 and 700 meters. The plant presents pseudobulbs ovoid-pyriform, angular, deeply furrowed, which support a single apical leaf, elliptic-oblong, suberect, subacute or obtuse, with a thin and folded texture. It blooms at the beginning of summer with a short, basal, racemose, semi-erect inflorescence, shorter than the leaves, bearing up to two fragrant flowers with a fruity aroma. The flowers appear on the most recent pseudobulb and often there are two inflorescences on each.
This orchid prefers warm conditions and requires a period of dry rest during the winter. After this period, it is recommended to resume watering and fertilizing with the appearance of new growth in the spring.
Note: It presents sunny and/or defective leaves and the bulbs are yellow - this aspect is due to the fact that they were grown in direct sun and is considered normal for this species.
Fragrant flowers: YES
Flower size: approx. 7.5 cm
The decorative bowl is not included in the price.