Hoya & Dischidia

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Hoya lacunosa 'Mint' D9 (Long Leaves) 2-3 plants/pot

Hoya lacunosa 'Mint' D9 (Long Leaves) 2-3 plants/pot

98,00 kr80,00 kr
Hoya lacunosa 'Mint' (Long Leaves) - cultivar of Hoya lacunosa that stands out for its incredible, narrow and long, completely silver/mint leaves. The flowers are creamy white, fluffy and strongly...
Hoya compacta (Hindu Rope)

Hoya compacta (Hindu Rope) - almond fragrance D9

87,00 kr80,00 kr
Hoya Compacta, also known as Hoya Hindu Rope or monstrous Hoya. It is a plant with pendulous, compact vines, covered with twisted dark green leaves, occasionally with a splash of...
Hoya sp. Sabah (EPC-691)

Hoya sp. Sabah (EPC-691) D6

116,00 kr98,00 kr
Hoya sp. Sabah (EPC-691) - new species, not yet described, endemic to Sabah, Malaysia. The plant stands out for its large, impressive, ovate and elongated leaves, decorated with dark, contrasting...
Hoya caudata 'big and green leaves'

Hoya caudata 'big and green leaves'

169,00 kr
Hoya caudata 'big and green leaves' - native species from Thailand and Malaysia. The plant stands out both for its large, spectacular leaves, covered with silver splash, and for its...
Hoya Mathilde

Hoya Mathilde - the archway

141,00 kr123,00 kr
Hoya Mathilde is the result of crossing the species Hoya carnosa and Hoya serpens. Placement: It should not be placed directly in the sun, but in a bright area. Watering:...
Hoya pubicalyx D12

Hoya pubicalyx D12

87,00 kr
Hoya pubicalyx is easy to care for, grows quickly and adapts easily. The colors of the flowers can vary greatly depending on how much sun they receive. Fragrant flowers: Yes...
Hoya sp. aff. burtoniae 'Variegata' D6 - 2 plants/pot

Hoya sp. aff. burtoniae 'Variegata' D6 - 2 plants/pot

70,00 kr
Hoya sp. aff. burtoniae (variegata) - endemic species from the Philippines. The plant is relatively compact, with hanging vines. The flowers are pomegranate-red, and have a strong honey scent. The...
Hoya subcalva

Hoya subcalva - developed specimens

151,00 kr
Hoya subcalva - rare botanical species, endemic to Papua New Guinea. The plant stands out for its spectacular flowers colored in varying shades of pale pink - intense pink -...
Hoya curtisii

Hoya curtisii - full pots - large specimens!

205,00 kr134,00 kr
Hoya curtisii - native species from Thailand to Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines. Compact plant, with small and spectacular leaves, covered with silver splash. The flowers are large if we refer...
Hoya brevialata - large specimens

Hoya brevialata - large specimens

347,00 kr311,00 kr
Hoya brevialata has round or oval, convex, slightly green leaves, 6 cm long, 3 cm wide. The flowers are 1.2 cm in size, 20-30 per umbel, yellow in color with...
Hoya imbricata

Nested Hoya - large specimens, full pots

293,00 kr
Hoya imbricata, popularly known as the wax flower, is native to Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Other known names: Hoya maxima Fragrant flowers: YES Pot diameter: 15 cm The length of...
Hoya sp. UT-248

Hoya sp. UT-248

151,00 kr
Hoya sp. UT-248 - recently discovered species in Thailand, which has not yet received a botanical name. The flowers are orange-burgundy, fragrant, with a lifespan of up to 7 days....

Hoya and Dischidia - mature plants, young plants or cuttings, grown in our greenhouse or imported from renowned suppliers from Thailand and Taiwan. Hoya is also popularly known as the porcelain flower, wax flower or Our Lady's Tear.