Nissorun 10 WP - Systemic acaricide
Nissorun is a systemic acaricide with particular effectiveness against the red spider and the red spider mites, the eriophys spiders, the common spider, the yellow spider. It presents a long-lasting residue in the leaves, offering the treated plants protection for at least 45 days. Recommended product in both agriculture and horticulture. Tested successfully for treating orchids and other exotic plants.
It has an ovicidal, larvicidal and nymphocidal effect and is not affected by irrigation or precipitation after the substance has dried on the plant.
It can be combined with a wide range of insecticides, in the case of complex treatment schemes.
If it is necessary to repeat the treatments, it will alternate with other acaricide products (Milbeknock, Envidor, Vertimec), to avoid the appearance of resistance.
Dilution: 5 g/10 L water
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